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Nested Vuedraggable w/ Vuex

I have this same design as an official nested vuedraggable example here. I am using vuex in my version and I am wondering if it is possible to update the items within the rows with a getter/setter ...
supremesector's user avatar
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Vue Draggable Recursive / Nested Dragging Weird Behavior

This question will be bountied as soon as I can, so a big rep reward coming to someone! EDIT: One more layer to this issue I noticed, The lowest level children when I try to drag it somewhere else it ...
Lulceltech's user avatar
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getters not reactive in vuex

I have following store defined: state: () => ({ infoPackCreationData: null, infoPackCreationTab: null, }), getters: { infoPackImage(state: any) { return state.infoPackCreationTab ...
behnoush s's user avatar
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How to use vuedraggable for nested components that handle data for nested arrays of data in Vuex?

I have a list of objects that can each have their own list of children down to any level, and they can be dragged anywhere within the list of object trees. The data is stored in Vuex and I have the ...
Lynne Rang's user avatar
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Updating Vuex following Drag and Drop using vuedraggable

I have created a Vue application that uses Vuetify, Vuex and vuedraggable. The component functions as expected with drag and drop of v-card containing the associated information but I have not been ...
Des Albert's user avatar
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Vue.js recursive and editable components

I am working on a HTML builder GUI in vue.js, and I'm stuck with recursive component's update. I have two drag&drops in my main file Home.vue, one listing available components (title, question, ...
Amandine Dt's user avatar
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How to store Vue.js component data in Vuex?

I'm building a link builder that lets people share multiple links from one link. At the moment I have several "cards" that users can put into their link template. For example, this allows them to have ...
Isaac Joy's user avatar
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Mutating Vuex store by v-model inside v-for loop

I'm using vuedraggable with Vuex store, the documentation suggests each component should have v-model attribute pointing directly at the array, so Vuex store can be mutated via setter. The problem ...
Mihgol's user avatar
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VueJS + Vue.Draggable + Vuex Store + Computed Variables

Is there a way to use Vue.Draggable lists with computed variables in a Vuex Store? I'm fairly new to VueJS and this is my current component setup: // Template <draggable class="list-group" :list="...
user2307798's user avatar