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SVG Icons don't show after compiling / bundling with Webpack

This is my first time building a web-application, and I'm in my final steps. I'm trying to bundle the whole project with webpack, and everything seems to work, except for my SVG-Icons. I think the ...
Bromanius's user avatar
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Rendering webpack bundled is code on html

I have compiled react component into a js bundle using webpack. Importing this into other react projects works just fine. Is there any way to render this js file on a normal html file, without using ...
Chethan B N's user avatar
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Webpack complied with 1 error when i try to npm run dev [closed]

I am doing a course on javaScript in udemy. It is first time i am using things like webpack and babel , in my final step of project setting when i try to do npm run dev . I get this error C:\Users\...
Rehm Ali Baloch's user avatar
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Audio key "stretchAudio" missing from cache in phaser 3

I tried adding audio in my game but when I call that audio using this.sound.add('') it encountered an error 'missing from cache' //preload scene preload () {'stretchAudio', './...
Newboy11's user avatar
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How to build from webpack 4 to without breaking Content-Security-Policy of not using 'unsafe-eval'?

I'm trying to build through webpack 4 & npm . i facing issue of "EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the ...
gaurav's user avatar
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lodash-es vs lodash bundle size comparison

There's a project I'm currently working on which uses regular lodash library. For now we use 3 util functions cloneDeep, isEmpty, and get. Currently import statements are like so import util from '...
michachen's user avatar
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(Firebase App hosting) Error: Only the Angular application builder is supported

I'm working on an Angular project where I need to use environment variables managed by dotenv. For this, I've been using the custom webpack builder provided by @angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser....
Yordan Mansarliyski's user avatar
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using CSS-Loader, Style-Loader with ngtools is generating TypeError: at ShadowCss.shimCssText (compiler.mjs)

`I am creating Angular V-18 project without CLI and but i cannot find the solution for this one my package.json my tsconfig.json webpack.config.mjs const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); ...
KS7's user avatar
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Webpack Duplicate Image File Issue and 404 Error with React App

I am working on a React project with Webpack to bundle my assets. My issue is that Webpack is creating duplicate image files in the dist/images directory, and my application is also encountering a 404 ...
Mag's user avatar
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Confusion about javascript modules and webpack: The requested module ... does not provide an export named 'default'

I am trying to set up webpack in our javascript project and we want to write new javascript es6 classes, bundle them via webpack and then reuse the packages. I set up a simple example where i define a ...
flixe's user avatar
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How do I trace errors in Next.js?

Error tracing is quite difficult in Next since it shows the path of the file in the build folder, how can I trace back to where the error originally occurred in my project folder structure? I have ...
OmarAbouzeid95's user avatar
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Dynamic import of package in my NPM library

Hej. I have dynamic import of animation library lottie in my component like: const { default: lottie } = await import( /* webpackChunkName: "lottie-web" */ "...
Sheppard25's user avatar
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Webpack raw-loader/style-loader importing CSS file as JavaScript string instead of CSS content

I am using Webpack to build my chrome extension and I am trying to import a CSS file as a string so that I can inject it into a shadow DOM. However, when I import the CSS file, it is imported as ...
Joel Benjamin's user avatar
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How to attach url params to webpack dev server host?

I use webpack dev-server with npm and having simple config file all works perfectly except that I would like to have dev-server runnning the browser with additional url params attached to 'host' url. ...
northmantif's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove (0,...) expression from Webpack generated code?

Webpack will generate this code import { useState } from 'react'; useState(0); into this code (0,react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.useState)(0); // which can be later minified into this code // (0,...
Ivan Adanenko's user avatar

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