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Best Practice for Broadcasting Dynamic (updating) Product Prices in Laravel 11 with Vue 3 Frontend

I am developing an e-commerce platform using Laravel 11 for the backend and Vue 3 for the frontend, which requires near real-time updates of product prices and stock levels in response to currency ...
Skeletor's user avatar
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laravel broadcast.php pusher option not working

I am working on a realtime chatting application and I am using websocket with laravel I am using library beyoundcode/laravel-websocket I have change broadcast driver to pusher and have configured ...
etranz's user avatar
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Laravel Pusher Websocket Not Working on HTTPS port 443

"message": "Pusher error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to Network is unreachable (see for https://api-eu.pusher....
Мадияр Маселбек's user avatar
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Laravel 10, Soketi pusher failed to broadcast event

I have been working with a project where I need the socket connection for realtime connection. I am using soketi for the socket provider with Laravel. My socket connection is working fine, but in my ...
Saiful Alam's user avatar
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How to achieve EventBroadcast by using presence channel in laravel 8?

I am very new to the laravel Event Broadcasting Concept ,i have some requirement without refreshing page i need to update the data in Angular site.i made a presence channel by using pusher.i called my ...
Test Test's user avatar
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POST 419 (unknown status) laravel

I have some issues about to connect to broadcasting from React I sure don't have any error on my code, this is my code on my broadcast.php on config folder 'pusher' => [ 'driver' =&...
Osamah's user avatar
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Laravel Echo.js not receiving notification from pusher no log message

I followed up some tutorials about echo and pusher. I configured all the project as necessary but object notifications not appear at browser. I uncoment the line <?php namespace App\Notifications; ...
Hussien-m's user avatar
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Laravel webscoket with Docker, Dispatch not working

I created containers with Docker app, nginx and websocket The connection work perfect but when I dispatch nothing happen. Client side = io; window.Echo = new Echo({ ...
Ion's user avatar
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Broadcast::channel method is not being called

I am using laravel-websockets package by beyondcode and it is working great for public channels. However when i switch to a private channel, the event is fired but my client cannot listen. I have ...
Noble Eugene's user avatar
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Handshake problem on websocket connection when using Laravel Echo Server as Pusher replacement

I want to use Laravel Echo Server as Pusher replacement I am seeking the Laracast tutorial series for Laravel broadcasting: I have succesfully ...
danilocgsilva's user avatar
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Foreach and sleep function to broadcast

The main objective of this question is to have a system running permanently on the server to broadcast music. I would like to create an artisan console function that will automatically launch a track ...
mchev's user avatar
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Laravel Broadcasting / WebSockets: How to run only for authenticated / logged in users?

So I want the broadcast functionality only to be available for users who are logged in, because I use Laravel WebSockets (so I am hosting the broadcast service myself) and I want it to be scalable. ...
Hillcow's user avatar
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How local ubuntu device can listen events of Laravel application deployed at remote server

Remote Application (the App) is stored at a remote web server with static IP address and available via http/https protocol. The App uses Laravel framework. Clients are stored at different local ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Laravel's `broadcast` function doing nothing

Running Laravel 5.5, PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu with Apache2. I have this line of code: broadcast(new \App\Events\Event("test")); And I have the broadcaster set to "log" in /config/broadcasting.php: '...
Skeets's user avatar
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Broadcast different data for different users

I'm running a platform with a comment module. User can comment articels there and the server decides whether a user can edit or delete a comment he doesn't own based on a role system. These flags are ...
lenny.myr's user avatar
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