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Preventing double serialization in Laravel 11's event broadcasting

I am dispatching the SeatUpdatedEvent through a websocket with Laravel Reverb. The "data" key of the JSON response is serialized twice. What am I missing? <?php namespace App\Events; ...
ssada's user avatar
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In Laravel 9, how can I dispatch a websocket event instantly in production?

I am using Laravel 9. I have an auction-style system. When a user bids, I dispatch an AuctionBidPlaced event: class AuctionBidPlaced implements ShouldBroadcast { use Dispatchable; use ...
James Stewart's user avatar
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Laravel Echo.js not receiving notification from pusher no log message

I followed up some tutorials about echo and pusher. I configured all the project as necessary but object notifications not appear at browser. I uncoment the line <?php namespace App\Notifications; ...
Hussien-m's user avatar
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Laravel Broadcast in not working with Pusher (not showing alert) in existing project

bootstrap.js file in this file i am usgin the laravel echo with npm to show the alert in the blade file , that should be show the alert after hitgn the event but it is not showing be the alert neither ...
Ajmal's user avatar
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How can I find the information sent from the laravel websocket web server?

I use the websocket server to send the information of an event as a broadcast. But I can not get information through laravel echo . this is my config for laravel and websocket server. broadcasting ...
Max Brown's user avatar
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Laravel Not Broadcasting to Socket.IO Client

I have created a laravel event: <?php namespace App\Events; use Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel; use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets; use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PresenceChannel; use ...
Mostafa Safarian's user avatar
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Having troubles with pusher-js v7.0.1

Am having troubles with using Pusher-js in Laravel and having it show on Debug console. Pusher is connecting successfully but no event is seen on the debug console. My credentials are correct, it ...
Atuoha Anthony's user avatar
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Pusher and Laravel 5.3 Event Broadcasting

Trying to use Laravel 5.3 with pusher, but it seems its not working correct in my code. My .env is correct PUSHER_APP_ID= myappid PUSHER_KEY= mykey PUSHER_SECRET= mysecret This is my 'pusher' ...
Elcin Hasanov's user avatar