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laravel-echo and are unable to connect with laravel-echo-server

i am new to web sockets, i am using laravel echo, redis, with laravel-echo-server. But when i console.log(window.Echo.connector.socket.connected), it prints false in console. My terminal ...
mahan singh's user avatar
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Could not load content for http://localhost:8000/js/

console error : "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for http://localhost:8000/js/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE" i ...
hel1993's user avatar
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PHP socket_read waits for data to read

I'm new to socket stuff, here is my piece of code: while (true) { $status = $this->client->read(); echo $status; $this->eventQueue->hasEventToSend() ? $this->client->...
Martin's user avatar
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Laravel websocket is getting error when i send a message from my JS client

Im building a websocket service in my Laravel app versión 6.2, and using the laravel-websockets package version 1.3 ( So, it works fine, but im ...
Simón Farias's user avatar
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How to listener on realtime firebase database for get data dynamically by backend laravel and websocket ,without use javascript

I need to get data from firebase realtime database dynamic with out refresh page so, how to do listener on realtime firebase database for get data dynamically by backend laravel and websocket, not ...
Fedaa Elmasri's user avatar
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Laravel Websockets - error:failed: Error in connection establishment:net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH

I´ve been losing days on this one, read a lot of other questions but i can´t simply put this to work and don´t know where is my problem, so i was hopping someone could point me in the right direction. ...
Japa's user avatar
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Send php array to a socket

How to send a php array to a socket server? I have a webservice and i want to send a php array to a socket webservices. How i can do it? I have tried this: $host = ""; $port = ...
josedaian's user avatar
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Bidirectional WebSockets in laravel?

Anyone here familiar with bi-directional WebSockets in laravel? Please note I am not talking about pusher+echo. pusher+echo cannot make a request to the server. I have experience in express.js in ...
Rameez Rami's user avatar
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laravel websocket in homestead not working

I've tried all the ways to implement this package Laravel Websockets with homestead, locally it works but using nginx Homestead doesn't. 1 -> configuration for /etc/nginx/sites-available/example.test ...
K.33s's user avatar
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how to send event to the client after specified time in web socket(pusher) Laravel?

I am beginner in Web Socket. i am building an online exam system. i already have timer coundown while any student taking an exam, JavaScript sends an ajax request every second to the server, ...
Black Mask's user avatar
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Laravel session data over websocket

Recently I have being playing with a project I found on github called Laravel Websocket Poker ( I have it all running and working well. When you open the ...
RMK147's user avatar
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