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Authenticating websockets - adding credentials to Stomp.js client

According to spring doc authentication for websocket falls back to authentication of HTTP request ( handshake ) and when spring-security is set up, no more configuration is needed. I have set up the ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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WebSocket is not receiving messages

I have simple STOMP websockets: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { @Override public void ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Java and React WebSocket - Error Connection

Código do WebSocket no Java: package com.fatec.dsm.tharseo.config; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.MessageBrokerRegistry;...
Richard Guedes's user avatar
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Spring WebSocket and React SockJS Connection Issues

I'm working on creating a user-to-user chat application using Spring and React, and I want to prevent anonymous users from connecting to the WebSocket. Additionally, I'm using OAuth2 Resource Server ...
Mészáros Benedek's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener') Getting error while connecting to sockjs

I'm getting the above error when trying to run the application. I'm using spring boot on the backend and websocket. And using js and sockjs library. This is the error I'm getting: ChatRoom.js:45 ...
abhishek yadav's user avatar
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Websocket connection with spring boot and react.js

I am trying to connect my react.js socks client to my spring boot backend web socket but I can not connect them it gives me some errors on chrome console like that : chrome-console-error I do not have ...
Erdem Öden's user avatar
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Multipeer connection onicecandidate event won't fire

I'm having problems with the logic to build behind the webRTC multi peer connections handling. Basically I'm trying to make a Room full of people in a videoconference call. I'm using the basic ...
L_Cleo's user avatar
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Some cookies are misusing the recommended “sameSite“ attribute

I'm building a react application that uses atmosphere library to listen to a SpringBoot websocket, when the client tries to connect to the server, it throws an error in the console saying Some cookies ...
Arar's user avatar
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SSL rules when client and server are hosted separately

I'm hosting a web game on github pages. It's a react app that connects to a websocket server (via wss) running off of a linux box in my living room. I've generated a self-signed certificate for the ...
amrictor's user avatar
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WebSocket between react native and java

I have an app in react native and my server is in java (java spring). Im trying to have real time data with webSocket but can connect between them. I was working with react-native-websocket for react ...
Tal Shani's user avatar
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WebSocket with Spring Boot and JavaScript

This is my simple attempt to create a WebSocket channel between a JavaScript client and a Java server. // java websocket server configuration with spring boot // server port: 8080 set in the "...
Edv Beq's user avatar
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Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 302

While connecting to REACT based WebSocket client to Java Jetty based Web Socket server, I am getting the error below - WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:2319/ws' failed: Error during WebSocket ...
vivek agarwal's user avatar