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How to use batch script to launch an Ubuntu terminal with commands for WSL Windows (cd & nvim)

I'm trying to use a batch script to run code files in Neovim inside the Ubuntu terminal, whenever I open a code file using the batch script as the app for Windows. I can successfully run set "...
Ian Teves's user avatar
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Starting GUI application from Windows Service [closed]

I want to open an application and start the printing process from Windows Service. How to do this in java? I tried using Scheduled tasks. But sometimes the tasks are not getting deleted after task ...
asum's user avatar
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How to parse accented file names in a batch file to open a file in a relative position?

I got a lot of use out of this answer, thank you so much. It works just fine, but what if I have accented characters in the target file name? This works fine: Target E:\GD\A\'Modernist Villa' (Malaga)...
Digital Management's user avatar
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Problem with batch file showing Select was not expected

I have the following Windows batch file: @echo On setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set SERVER_NAME=MSI\BTFSERVERMAIN set "DATABASE_NAME=TESTDB" set "TABLE_NAME=Employee" set "...
S Nash's user avatar
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.Bat file not working on shared storage on my server [closed]

I used Task Scheduler on Windows Server 2019 to launch batch files on drive D:, every two hours. However, I have almost no more space on my two disks, so I ordered and installed a shared storage in ...
Sofiane Koska's user avatar
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Why isn't ERRORLEVEL giving the correct value in my batch file

I am trying to write a batch file that will test all local groups and report if a user belongs to the group. Here is my code: echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "tokens=*" %%G ...
DazedAndConfused's user avatar
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Retrieve only the drive letter, (without the colon)

I spent a few hours trying to figure this out. Please kindly provide a little help:) I'm using this to capture the drive letter: FOR /F "tokens=2 usebackq delims==" %i IN (`wmic volume where ...
kxo's user avatar
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.bat script can't find javaw when called from Python os.command

The Basic Problem I have a batch script that opens a Java .jar file. When I double click the .bat file, it opens the .jar fine. The .bat code: start javaw -Djava.library.path="%~dp0bin" -jar ...
Bryany's user avatar
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Delete USBSTOR, VOLUME using Batch file

I would like to delete the history of using USB through BAT file. I found that you can find your USB through regedit and check USBSTOR or VOLUME files. So I would like to delete them and replace with ...
TSB's user avatar
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Get Windows startup folder from CMD with different system language

I'm trying to get Windows (10/11) startup folder location in a system whose language is French. Normally, I use this command to get the folder location: set "startupFolder=%APPDATA%\Microsoft\...
Jishad's user avatar
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Unable to create and rename a directory according to file version result from WMIC [closed]

I am trying to: Create a new directory. Rename that directory with the version of a downloaded file. Move the downloaded file to that directory, (e.g. 125.0.6422.142). Here is the pertinent code: @...
Mohd Nor Amin Bin Kasmuri's user avatar
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Start MariaDb on Windows without opening a new window

I am trying to run mysqld from a batch script to run mariadb without launching a new window. I'm running this when Windows launches. Here is my script: @echo off set mariadb_home=C:\wamp64\bin\...
RainMan's user avatar
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When running in CMD, some environment variables are cleared, but the new program can still see them

Problems Please check the following commands and their outputs! D:\tmp>@echo off REM command 1 for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %f in ('set') do set %f= REM command 2 set REM command 3 for ...
Vic Zhang's user avatar
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Windows batch: write output of exe and all its subprocesses to a file

I have a Makefile that I want to run. I want to write the output to a file so I can post the error message on StackOverflow. I run the following command from a windows terminal mingw32-make > ...
user172501's user avatar
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How to pass a numeric variable, from inside a FOR loop, to a subroutine and retaining its value

I'm having a problem passing numeric variable, from inside a FOR loop, to a subroutine, and accessing its value. I'm trying to pass some numeric values to a subroutine, but I'm getting strange results....
Drakul's user avatar
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