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andreszs's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
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Ionic App blocked by iOS 'Specific Website Only' restriction

0 votes

Cordova App Creating a directory

0 votes

Phonegap Developer App and Phonegap Build have different behavior

0 votes

Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 6.2.3, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0 in oracle MAF2.5

0 votes

phonegap permission for bluetooth without bluetooth

0 votes

Cordova Crosswalk Blurry Content

0 votes

Cordova does not vibrate as expected on iOS

0 votes

Ionic 3 Cordova android build not showing up in platform folder, permission error

0 votes

Has anybody ever got the emulator working with a webcam?

0 votes

Android Studio Emulator Screen is "Scratched" and distored

0 votes

Can't run Visual Studio Emulator

0 votes

How to wipe data of AVD that is not booted

0 votes

Execution failed for task ‘:app:processDebugGoogleServices’ looking for google-services.json and unsuccessfully finding it

0 votes

Changing initial zoom of InAppBrowser for iOS

0 votes

RemoteBuild giving deploy 404 when building from VS2017 and xcode 7.3.1

0 votes

visual studio 2017 cordova install android build tools

0 votes

how to deploy an apache cordova app on iOS?

0 votes

Visual Studio 2017 Cordova & Android

0 votes

Visual Studio 2017 with Apache Cordova (install android emulator)

0 votes

Could not find

0 votes

Failed to install phonegap-plugin-push in ios cordova 8.0

0 votes

Visual Studio(2017) Tools for Apache Cordova has an error after upgrading to XCode 9

0 votes

Visual Studio Tools for Cordova, Xcode 10 & emulators

0 votes

Showing "waiting for emulator to start..." while running cordova-android App

0 votes

Emulator on Android SDK failed to start on Windows 10 Pro

0 votes

Where to write some of Android Codings in Cordova

0 votes

Unable to Upload picture that has been taken by camera. using apache cordova and visual studio

0 votes

Phonegap camera.getPicture imageURI only temp in Cache folder, how can I get permanent imageSRC

0 votes

Cordova App in Visual Studio

0 votes

Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzau

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