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  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
54 votes

Resize image proportionally with CSS?

10 votes

Cordova gradle version

7 votes

How to get video RTSP link with Youtube API V3?

6 votes

ReCaptcha V2 response error 12008 in Android

5 votes

Stagefright - Exploit? - recurring requests for same files

5 votes

Disable the firing of touchcancel in Android Browser

5 votes

PhoneGap: Detect if running on desktop browser

4 votes

How to use a more up to date Cordova plugin in Visual Studio 2017

4 votes

Setting push notification icon for various Android OS versions

3 votes

Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio, or on your system to install the gradle wrapper

3 votes

Web firebase.messaging().onMessage not fired, but background notification perfectly fired

3 votes

Update Tools For Apache Cordova in Visual Studio

3 votes

Prevent scrolling out of CordovaView in Cordova for Windows Phone 8

3 votes

How can Yahoo Mail be accessed by IMAP using OAuth or OAuth2 authentication

3 votes

Extending the cordova gradle file to include google services

3 votes

push.on('registration') doesn't work on android

3 votes

How to open Google Android Emulator in Visual Studio 2017

2 votes

emulator doesn't accept ANDROID_SDK_ROOT

2 votes

Android Emulator Error missing WinHvPlatform.dll

2 votes

Push Plugin register failed

2 votes

Getting error while build the VisualStudio Cordova application in release mode

2 votes

React Native. Why android emulator is so slow?

2 votes

Cordova plugin dialog confirm does not send the response to the function called in android but it does on web

2 votes

Build succeeded but a gradle error gets thrown

2 votes

How to filter JSON table with Select

2 votes

CSS 3.0 rotate(90deg) is not a valid value for 'transform' property

2 votes

Animating a button for all screen sizes swift

2 votes

Cordova app has stopped issue in android emulator

2 votes

Prevent touchCancel on scrollStart event

2 votes

Is there any way to change input type="date" format?

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