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Abdullah Esmail's user avatar
Abdullah Esmail's user avatar
Abdullah Esmail
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Elixir's anonymous function written in external .ex file can't run with interactive shell

2 votes

Phoenix - submitting a form from the client-side and preventing the page from reloading

2 votes

How to clean data in every test case in Phoenix

2 votes

Does Elixir actually need two sets of equality operators (normal and strict)?

1 vote

How to restart a crashed supervised process after a certain amount of time?

1 vote

Upgrade to Elixir 1.7 in Ubuntu

1 vote

Phoenix Ecto can't find table created in other schema

1 vote

Why does a Highcharts chart disappear after mounting the LiveView a second time?

1 vote

Unique Validation on one column and conditional on second column based on row value

1 vote

Rails Accessing data in XML - Undefined Method

0 votes

Use interpolation in constraint function inside Ecto migrations.

0 votes

How to use fragment identifiers in path helpers in phoenix webframework?

0 votes

Elixir version error when running Mix docs