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Bhavya Sanchaniya's user avatar
Bhavya Sanchaniya's user avatar
Bhavya Sanchaniya
Student at Gujarat Technological University
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
4 votes

How to handle "Cannot match any routes" error?

2 votes

Keep a User name when refreshing the page

2 votes

How do I rewrite this .htaccess file to remove index.php from CodeIgniter and force HTTPS?

2 votes

Remove an item stored in an array based on a select

1 vote

php, Showing the first row only of mysqli query results

1 vote

how to replace var {$key} in array php key => aulue

1 vote

How to remove overflow in print preview?

1 vote

How to test app on Oreo version if no virtualization available

1 vote

AJAX function call on submit button not working in PHP CodeIgniter

1 vote

session not working after page redirect to dashboard

1 vote

PHP echo all data from database based on input

1 vote

To restrict the empty fields while dynamically adding the form fields

1 vote

How to wait for user to press enter key in J-Query Text field?

0 votes

unable to upload image to api endpoint with angular 6 reactive form