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Page history last edited by Richard D. Worth 13 years, 2 months ago




Weekly Call 2011-Apr-20 Wed 1:00pm ET (30min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, Boris Moore, Kin Blas, Chris Bannon, John Ayers, Jonny Bradley


  • Grid-SPF update to new spec still needs to be completed
  • Everyone should review Stage 3 items before next week's meeting and decide the areas of focus in which they're interested


Weekly Call 2011-Apr-06 Wed 1:00pm ET (45min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Victor Mitnick, Chris Bannon, John Ayers


  • Reviewed draft datasource API spec on http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Grid-SPF adding a couple open issues
  • Deferred discussion of more work Brad readied as it relates to editing which is part of Stage 3
  • Set goal to have draft datasource API implemented in prototypes over next 1-2 weeks to close out Stage 2
  • No call next Wed.
  • jQuery Conference between now and next call, Richard to present on progress so far with Stages 1 and 2
  • Next call scheduled for Wed. April 20 to kick off Stage 3


Weekly Call 2011-Mar-29 Tue 1:00pm ET (30min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Scott González, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Chris Bannon, John Ayers, Amjad Masad



Weekly Call 2011-Mar-16 Wed 1:00pm ET (40min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, John Resig, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Kin Blas, Mark Cavins



Weekly Call 2011-Mar-09 Wed 1:00pm ET (30min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, John Resig, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Kin Blas, John Ayers, Alex Frenkel


  • Reviewed Brad's and Jörn's data model work


Weekly Call 2011-Mar-02 Wed 1:00pm ET (1hr)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, John Resig, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Kin Blas, Chris Bannon, John Ayers


  • Jörn shared progress and open issues on Menu
  • Richard shared Sorting Paging and Filtering use cases wiki page http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Grid-UseCases inviting people to contribute details and use them as tests for these features in data model prototypes going forward during Stage 2
  • Brad walked through https://github.com/brado23/jquery-ui/tree/borisGrid/grid-datamodel2
  • Boris committed to March 16 early preview of beta2s for DataLink (yes), tmpl (maybe), data model (maybe)
    • March 16 early preview will be in GitHub, code should start landing in GitHub about a week before that


Weekly Call 2011-Feb-16 Wed 1:00pm ET (30min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, Boris Moore, Kin Blas, John Ayers, Amjad Masad, Jonny Bradley, Robert Plummer


  • Stage 1 completed on Feb 7
  • Stage 2 kicked off this week, focus on 4 main components: Sorting, Paging, Filtering and Menu
  • Menu is mostly getting the existing jQuery UI Menu widget in master finished and making sure it has all that grid needs from it
  • Joern has started touching up Menu wiki page and will continue focusing on it
  • Richard will create wiki pages for Sorting, Paging, and Filtering
  • Stage 2 (like Stage 3) will focus on generic plugin dependencies, building reusable components that any data-bound or data-aware control can re-use, not only grid
    • Focus will actually be kept mostly off grid during this stage to ensure grid-specific needs don't too heavily influence the core functionality of these plugins
    • The plugins will each be developed either in two parts or with the parts to them:
      • back-end: something they add to or depend on data model for
      • front-end: ui widgets, templates, patterns, etc
  • Boris confirmed he is working on an alternative data model in the "closer to 2 weeks than to 2 months" time frame
    • Grid team would like to be able to review this before end of Stage 2
    • In the meantime, grid team will continue working with existing data model prototype in parallel to work out what needs each of sorting, paging, and filtering have of the data model and how they might interface
  • Planned to come up with 5-10 non-grid use cases that each use one or more of sorting, paging, and filtering
    • These will be used to test and verify the components and their integration with the data model through this and future stages
    • These will also serve as a showcase for the modularity and reusability of each of these components
  • Reminder that next week is Grid sprint Feb 21-26
    • Richard, Joern, and Scott will be sprinting together in person in Vienna, Austria
    • Everyone else is invited to join virtually
    • Because of the sprint, no weekly call next Wed. February 23. The next weekly call will be Wed. March 2
  • Target date for completion of Stage 2 will be announced at the next weekly call


Weekly Call 2011-Feb-09 Wed 1:00pm ET (2hr)

Location: Skype

Topic: Data Model, Templating

Attendees: Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, Dan Heberden, Boris Moore, Brad Olenick, Kin Blas, Chris Bannon, John Ayers, Amjad Masad, Marcus Ekwall



  • Data Model Component
    • Consideration of building the grid only on an observable array, which is just a plain array, but with some communication set up around it, e.g. via datalink 
    • Have a basic "view" widget that accepts such an observable array, e.g. a detail view 
    • Have grid be such a view widget that renders tables
    • Have data sources and stores be infrastructure that provides the raw array to grid or other views
    • Boris will continue working on datalinking(2) and improve his data model prototype accordingly (details below)
    • With raw arrays, how does paging, sorting and filtering fit into the picture? Something Boris will also explore in his prototype
    • The question of using non-DOM widgets will be less important if we model everything around observable arrays 
  • Templating Component
    • How can we package templates with widgets? How should template customization look like? Must be possible to decide that in the context of an application. Plenty of options: Inline script tags, load via ajax, bundle compiled templates with other JS code, use scriptloader.
    • In general, future widgets using templates will have a default,  built-in template (could be part of the widget's js file), with the option to replace that. 
    • Do we want to use nested templates? Okay to expose template composition, but not worth it for saving just three lines of code. In general, an {{each}} is a good opportunity to replace with a template call.
    • TODO research options for bundling default templates so that its easy to make a copy of that and customize it
    • TODO use .html files (or other extension as there aren't necessarily well formed) in source, and provide compiled templates as part of our build (e.g. download builder) while someone minifying on their own can use the original templates 
    • TODO try out composition on the datepicker example to see if that works 
  • Types Component
    • Can we move features from date.js wrapper to jquery-global? 
    • TODO review which features make sense, discuss with Dave Reed, in general no concerns over adding things to jquery-global 
  • General discussion on role of unit testing for grid and plugin developments (in regards to concerns over jquery-tmpl/global/datalink lacking unit tests). 


For Boris' work on his prototype, the proposal was to follow this sequence:  

  1. Add support for collection change events in my current version of datalink (datalink2.js)
  2. Add a DataView implementation that does local sorting and paging etc.
  3. Hook DataView up to a DataStore or DataContext
  4. Prototype example of end-to-end where the DataStore talks to the server


Additional notes from Marcus Ekwall: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ASdvd7jAdEQTFvIxJi-8PqyQcdTDcZz94XZ3sMuRTaE/edit?hl=en&authkey=CIi7sLwD#


Weekly Call 2011-Feb-02 Wed 1:00pm ET (1hr)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, Adam Sontag, John Resig, Boris Moore, John Ayers, Chris Bannon, Kin Blas, Amjad Masad


  • 6 calendar days remaining in Stage 1
  • As of 31-Jan at 213.75 hours so far of 250 estimated for Stage 1
  • Templating Component
    • Not much happening at the moment. Some items for discussion on the Grid-Templating page.
    • Using jquery-tmpl b1 for Stage 1
  • Type Component
    • jquery-global is meeting most needs at the moment. Jörn has created some great demo/test pages. Links on the Grid-Types page.
    • Using jquery-global b1 for Stage 1
  • Data Model Component
  • Zero Feature Grid (markup) Component
    • Richard to complete markup analysis on Grid-Markup page
    • Richard has started markup prototype for discussion and review in GitHub. Link on Grid-Markup page.
    • TODO: test number of stylesheet limit
    • TODO: test rules plugin for performant sizing of columns using dynamic css rules


Weekly Call 2011-Jan-26



Weekly Call 2011-Jan-19 Wed 11:30am ET (30min)

Location: Skype

Attendees: Richard D. Worth, Jörn Zaefferer, Scott González, John Resig


  • Set Stage 1 target completion date to Feb 7
  • As of 18-Jan at 109 hours so far of 250 estimated for Stage 1
  • Templating Component
    • beta2 of tmpl and datalink may not be completed by the end of Stage 1. For the time being, data model will build on existing beta1 APIs, recognizing there may be some API changes in beta2, but at least for now there are no known missing features in tmpl needed for grid
  • Type Component
  • Data Model Component
  • Zero Feature Grid Component
  • Estimated availability for next 1-2 weeks:
    • Jörn: 10-20 hours
    • Scott G: 5-15 hours
    • Richard: 25-40 hours 



Initial Planning 2010-Mar

Location: Boston (Bocoup Loft and Filament Group)

Attendees: Richard Worth, Jörn, Scott González, John Resig, Stephen Walther, Eilon Lipton, Todd Parker, Scott Jehl



Grid usecases

 - Enhance a table with local sorting (ala wiki.jqueryui.com  Overview table) - applicable for Progressive Enhancement * (+10 hours)

 - Build a CRUD interface to a  single table (page, sort, filter, create) aka Spreadsheet * (+20 hours)

 - Reporting views (page,  sort and filter rows, reorder and filter columns)

 - Email client (select rows  for archiving, click to open thread - GridTree!) - applicable for  Progressive Enhancement * (+30 hours)

 - Netflix queue (maybe)

 - Checkbox selection

 - Dynamic columns -  Teacher/Student grades * (+10 hours)

 - Calculate values based upon selected columns

 - User list - multi-select -  show multiple user information (master/details with multiple) * (+25  hours)

 - A  chart that renders from a data store - with cell editing * (+30 hours)

   (example http://dwpe.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/charting/vanilla.html)

 - Box selector range of  cells (highlight on a chart)

 - grid with empty row at bottom for new item creation by  entering data into any (already editable) cell. New empty row is created  as soon as editing starts in cell. Allows for super-fast item creation  with down-arrow and typing in one column

Other usecases

   - Live search * (+15  hours)

   -  Data-bound list

   - Autocomplete * (+15 hours)

   - Paging (for search  results)

   -  Spreadsheet with arbitrary cells and spreadsheet formulas

   - Combobox

   - Tree

   - Chained Selects

   - Image grid, Floated  images grid with infite scroll and width resizing

   - Coverflow (images)

   - Carousel (images)

   - iTunes

   - Hotel / Travel UI (like  kayak.com)


Goals for the Grid

 - Modular/Extensible

 - Scalable (# of rows -  1,000,000, # of columns - 256)

 - Build off of existing markup

 - Themable (ThemeRoller  ready)

 -  jQuery UI Widget

 - Reuses jQuery UI interactions and jQuery UI widgets

 - Accessible (keyboard,  ARIA, focus management)


markup/css statics: http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/branches/labs/grid/tests/static/grid/default.html


<div id="test" data-ui-dataType="currency"></div>


$("#test").sortable({  dataType: "currency" });


<input type="submit"  data-ui-icons.primary="ui-wrench" />

Same as? $(":submit").button({  icons: { primary: "ui-wrench" } });





  <th data-ui-sort="desc"  data-ui-dataType="currency" data-ui-hidden="false">Name</th>




     { title: "Name", sort: "desc", dataType: "currency", hidden: false,  sortable: true, sorted: "desc", sortedIndex: 1 }



columns: [


       id: String

       label: String,   

       dataType: String,

       sortable: Boolean

       sorted "(asc|desc)",

       sortedIndex: Integer,

       visible: Boolean




 - Data Model (100 hours)

   - Dataset, Column, Item,  Field

   -  Data Model is an object that's instantiated and holds the datastore and  element list

    - Ability to specify the name of the ID on the table -  data-ui-id="MyID"

   - Ability to specify the ID on a row data-ui-id="1234"

   - Provide _default type

   - We need to support  multiple elements representing a single "row"

   - Initialization

     - Init the data

       - An array of data

       - A string pointing  to a URL

        - A function with a callback - callback gets passed an array

       - DOMElement or  jQuery Set - run the extractor functionality

     - Need a data model  ready event

    - Data Extractor

     - .datastoreAttributes .columnAttributes (both arrays)

     - Snap in new  extractors: jQuery.dataStore.extractor.table = function( elem,  dataStoreObject ) { // Init columns // Init metadata // Extract row data  };

        Builtin: _default

     - Extractors populate .columns, .data?, and misc metadata  properties

      - Tables

        - Extract table metadata

       - Extract header names (IF thead, get columns, IF NO  thead, get ths from first, IF NO ths use indices).

       - Extract row data -  completely up to the extractor

     - Lists (or anything else)

       - Extract element  metadata

        - No headers to extract

     - Load Table From XML

     - Remember that data loaded from server  could have null fields

     - Figure out a syntax for XML and JSON loaded from the  server


   dom element -->  $(domElement).data("data-row-id") // uuid?


   null == do it all

   id == do it to single row

   array<id> == do it  to each id

    dom element -> id

   array<dom elements> -> array<id>

   jquery set ->  array<dom elements> -> array<id>

   number = row at offset #

   number, number = row  range from offset to offset

   array<number> = selection of items at row numbers




   if (  domElement.data("data-row-id") ) { // Must be of type string not number!

      $(this).closest(":datastore").dataStore("hide",  domElement.data("data-row-id"));





   delete (?) sort (?) - should be implemented by other plugins




   - Elem store should be  populated when data is loaded/refreshed.


   Need a way to hook in to  the render to post-process


   // Example of how .dataStore will store the actual data on  an element


        "elemStore", [ .... ],

        "dataStore":  refToDataStore,

        "viewTemplate": "...."



    // Attaching a Data Store  to a couple data store views

    $("ul, #display").dataStore( myDataStore );


    // Watching for when a  few users are selected in one data store view

    $("ul").bind("selected",  function(e){

         // And updating another data store view with the results

         $("#display").dataStore("show", $("ul li:selected"));



    // When nothing is  selected, hide the details data store view

     $("ul").bind("unselected", function(e){




   - A way to invalidate the entire data store



   - A way to load chunks of  the data store (either from local or from remote) needs URL mapping


   Row number is the position  in the data set / position in the set on the server

   Row ID is a unique  identifier (used for editing, saving, etc.)



   // Internally, updates  individual rows (merges the two objects for each row)

   // Then calls refresh on  all the rows (e.g. "refresh", 0, 9)

   .dataStore("update", 0, 9, object, {

      success / error /  timeout


      //call refresh on other data store view

    }) // needs to support  array<object>

    // or .dataStore("refresh") on other data store view


   // Publish some events:  updating, updated, update-error 


   - A way to update existing records

     - Communicate changes to  a server


   - A way to update the  rendered view of a record


      $("table").dataStore("refresh") // refresh elemstore


 - URL Mapping

   - Use a template (?)


   function urlMapper( options ) {

    // options.offset

    // options.pagesize

    // options.columns = [

    //    { id: "name",  label: "Name", sorted: "asc", sortedIndex: 2, filter: "John" },

    //    ...

    // ];

   return "http://example.com/?offset={{offset}}&pagesize={{pagesize}}&sort={{column?}}&dir={{dir}}";



 - Type (i18n/l10n) (30-40 hours)

   - Any plugin that uses these should have a 'refresh' to  reload the UI controls with the right values.

   - View (Number ->  String, e.g. 5000 - "5,000")

   - Read ("5,000" -> 5000)

   - Detect ("5,000" ->  "Number")

    - Edit (Produce Markup?)

     - Trigger an event when the change is complete

   - Filter (if it's a date -  datepicker)

    - Validation

   - Types

     - Currency

     - Number

     - Date

     - Time

     - Combobox (autocomplete - pass in values or  pre-population from existing values)

   - http://wiki.jqueryui.com/i18n

   - http://forum.jquery.com/topic/locale-information-should-be-separated-from-plugins


jQuery.types.aftertoday = {

  type: "date",

  options: { }



 - Zero Feature (50-60 hours)

   - Creating/populating the  titlebar from caption

   - Loading data from the table

   - Set column width  (defaults to auto, have an 'equal' option, and specify width)

   - Div around both tables,  can support horizontal scrolling

   - Set table height (data-ui-height?) can be a  pixel or 'auto' (auto expands to full contents)

     - If this is not  specified, then we should expand height/width (needs investigation)

   - Trimming table cell  contents to keep them from wrapping

   - A way to highlight a column explicitly

   - A way to refresh the  table or an individual row

   - Alignment of columns

   - Ability to Show Row # in a column (dynamic  column)

   -  Theming

      - Hover Row / Hover Column / Hover Cell

     - Striping

     - If height is  specified, and row body height could have scrollbar




 - Selection (80-100 hours)

   - UI styling needs more  detail (focus / active / selected)

   - Merge with existing Selectable  functionality into new Selection plugin

   - Event for when selection  occurs and a data method for accessing all selected items

   - Mouse Options:

     - Drag and select  multiple

      - At most one can be selected

     - Making a new selection clears any  previous selection

     - Clicking to select an already selected does not toggle

     - Should  checkboxes/radios be injected/used for the user to interact with

    - Modifier keys

      - Shift: Expands  continuous selection range

      - Meta (Mac-Cmd/Win-Ctrl): Toggles single item without  affected other selection(s) where the click without the modifier would

   - Keyboard navigation

     - Up/Down or Left/Right


 - Sorting (20-30 hours)

   - Top-level  data-ui-sortable="true" on table

   - Specify the column types (way to specify  types)

     -  Specified as an array of values

     - PE: data-ui-format="currency" vs.  data-ui-l10n-format="currency"

   - Specify the starting sort direction (desc,  asc)

     -  data-ui-sortdir="desc"

   - Enable/Disable Sorting on a particular column

     -  data-ui-sortable="false"

   - Depends upon Type(i18n/l10n) plugin


 - Paging (60-80 hours)

   - For Ajax-loading

   - # of items per page (specified and/or user  customizable)

     - data-ui-pagesize

   - 1 2 3 ... 1234 (links) OR [ 1 ] of 1234 OR  select [ 1, 2, 3 ] OR button to load more

     - Need to know the total  # of records

     - data-ui-totalrecords

     - Implement with templates

   - First / Last Links

   - Next / Prev Links

     - Need URL mappers -  given a page # and a # of records - give us a URL (!)

   - Scrolling

     - Hit (near-)bottom,  load more (alternative to button - just auto-load)

     - Show full scrollbar  (as if everything was loaded) and dynamically load more

       - Clean up old  results

        - Completely removes need for links or button

       - How does expandable  rows affect this?

   - Publish 'pagination' event (can be return false to stop  the user)

      - How do you rebuild the UI later on if changes were made?

   - Keyboard Navigation

     - Page Up / Page Down


 - Editing (120 hours)

   - Can make column  editable="false"


    .dataStore("edit"[, ID[, column]]) // How do we specify true or "date"?

   .dataStore("cancelEdit"[,  ID]) // remove dom nodes from editing, call refresh

    // All of these are  stored on the data store view

   editing = {

     "ID1": true,

     "ID2": "date"


   editing = true;

   editing = "date";

   // Wipe out state on  refresh

    editing: {}


   Check editing state on  pagination


   .dataStore("update", ID,  dataObj?)

    Need to specify how frequently to update



       - Row-level blur event  (focusenter, focusleave)

     - Enter says done with row editing, moves to next row -  go to first column

     - Tab says done with cell editing, moves to next cell

     - Click on cell - turns  on editing for whole row (or just cell, if only that cell is on)

     - Make sure not to  conflate selection with triggering editing - use checkboxes for  selection when doing editing as well


   - Inline Edit Row

     - Generate 


   - Click to Edit Cell

   - Entire Table Editing

   - Column Editing



   - Add New Item POST

     - Dialog for adding in  an item?

      - Will return data item in format we're using (must contain ID)

     - Update the items with  the new IDs

    - Delete Row POST

     - Works like update (success / error / timeout)

     - On success, remove  and refresh

    - Reorder Row // Useful, will not work on at first

     - Communicate an  insertBefore event?


   - Event for when column  is changed, event for when entire row is done being edited

   - Ways of triggering  those events (columnchange and rowdone?)

   - Do we have a submit  button - if not handle enter key


   - Inputs, selects can be used in the page to trigger PE  editing

   -  Depends upon l10n plugin

    - Theming

      - Active Row / Active Cell / Editing Row/Cell / Error  Row/Cell


Default: <tr>{{each  columns}}<td>{{field this}}</td>{{/each}}</tr>



  <legend>${firstname}  ${lastname}</legend>

  <label>First name: </label>{{field "firstname"}}  {{editing "firstname"}}Uppercase!{{/editing}}

  <label>Last name:  </label>{{field "lastname"}}


// Note: Names must be exact  matches from header names




name -> StringFilter -> "John"

city -> StringFilter ->  "Boston"

date  -> StringFilterEdit -> <input type="text" ....>


Need template methods:

  - field

  - editing

  - editable


 -  Filtering/Searching (40-60 hours)

   -  data-ui-filter="string|boolean|number|..."

   - Would be good to have a  way to have an external set of controls which you can use to filter

   - Have an extra row with  the filter controls

   - Need main function to filter, will AND multiple filters  whether on single column or multiple columns by default (can be  overidden)

    - Per column template and filter function definition

   - Filter Types:

       - text (exact- or  like-match), with optional Autocomplete support, based on column content

       - boolean  (true/false, checkbox or radio button)

       - numbers (exact  match, greater-then, less-then, range)

           - if min or max,  or both, are known, offer a slider

       - date (exact match, greater-then,  less-then, range)

       - select (checkboxes for distinct column values - none  checked, show everything, otherwise display all checked matches)

       - mulit-select,  populated with values from the column


[ Select =, <, >, <=>? ]


 -  Hide/Show Columns for Grid (20 hours)

   -  data-ui-visibility="hidden" on the  column header (Implements aria  hidden)

   -  Gear/button  above scrollbar for menu to hide/show columns


 - Column Reordering for Grid (20-30 hours)

   - Drag and Drop

   - Separate data structure  for header order


 - Column Resizing  (30-40 hours)

     - Some vertical indicator denoting the edge being dragged

     - Only change width on  the end of the drag

     - Try to use colgroup styling.

       #mygrid  td.ui-column-name { width: 160px; background-color: #F5F5F5; text-align:  right; }     

       <tr><td class="ui-column-name">My  Name</td>


 - Column Totals (15 hours)

   - Ask server for details?

   - Show on selection


 - Formulas (15 hours)

   - Compute row on update

   - Can only be done on  static tables when sorting


 - Row Grouping (30  hours)

    - Need template for the grouping plugin

   - A way to specify the  label to associate with the value

   - Hook to a specific column  data-ui-grouping="true"

   - Requires the existance of multi-column sorting (sort on  group, column)

   - Collapsing? Number totals?


 - Grid Tree (60-80 hours)

   - data-ui-parentid="pid"

   - Based upon the filter  plugin, select based upon parentid

   - Styling a particular column (should  probably be specified)

   - Requires the existance of multi-column sorting (sort on  pid, column)

    - Should not use paging with this

   - Dynamically insert elements into the right  part of the tree when dynamically loaded


ARIA Spec for tree grid http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#treegrid

from Mozilla site: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Accessibility/TreeGrid





Why not use another grid?

 - Is not modularized or extensible

 - Is not written in the UI  style


Comparison with other grids


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