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The big win that we've seen through the implementation of Confluence Cloud is definitely collaboration. More teams can work together and collaborate. It's a very open way of working.

Damien Davis
Lead Atlassian Administrator

About Dropbox

Dropbox is one place to keep life organized and keep work moving. With more than 700 million registered users across 180 countries, they’re on a mission to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, and has offices around the world.


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How Dropbox collaborates and saves time with Confluence Cloud Enterprise

Challenge: Dropbox wanted to complement their internal ecosystem with an enterprise-grade collaboration tool that would enable employees to continue working the way they want to.

Solution: With help from Modus Create, Dropbox added Confluence Cloud as a connected workspace.

Impact: Dropbox employees now have more options to pick the tools that work best for them. Confluence Cloud users and admins are enjoying easier collaboration and time savings.

“Be worthy of trust”: a core value Dropbox lives inside and out

Dropbox is on a mission to “design a more enlightened way of working” for their customers and employees. 

The company has developed strategic partnerships with best-of-breed tools, giving customers an open ecosystem to use the tools they prefer at work. This philosophy extends to employees too. By partnering with Modus Create to extend their Atlassian toolset with Confluence Cloud, Dropbox is empowering employees to collaborate, save time, and adopt the tools they need to get their work done.

Complementing an existing tool with a robust, secure connected workspace

Previously, Dropbox used an existing tool to collaborate and document internal information. In the spirit of designing enlightened ways of working, they wanted to complement that tool and offer employees more options. “We wanted a tool that would enable our teams to easily collaborate, share information, implement security where necessary, and make sure documentation is up to date,” says Damien Davis, Lead Atlassian Administrator at Dropbox.

As a values-based business, Dropbox’s ways of working influence how they approach everything they do. One value in particular – “Be worthy of trust” – was a key consideration when deciding to add Confluence Cloud to their Atlassian toolset for secure documentation and collaboration.

Atlassian Analytics in Confluence Cloud Enterprise has been so valuable because it helps us see how engaged our Confluence users are, which spaces have the most traffic and the greatest amount of engagement, which teams have templates set up, and more.

damien davis
Lead Atlassian Administrator

“Confluence meets our strict security requirements and standards, and allows people to reach out, collaborate, make updates, and communicate the way they want to,” Damien explains. 

Dropbox’s Solution Partner, Modus Create, also recommended Confluence Cloud as the right fit for the team’s immediate and long-term needs. “Atlassian cloud really takes away the friction of scaling. So as Dropbox continues to grow, the tool will grow with them – without having additional spend on infrastructure, maintenance, and potential outages. It's all taken care of in the cloud,” says Josh Kochelek, Director of the Atlassian Practice at Modus Create. 

An Enterprise plan opens the door to more features and support

As Dropbox evaluated which Confluence Cloud plan to choose, Enterprise made the most sense due to the plan’s additional support and features like Atlassian Analytics. Damien says, “Atlassian Analytics in Confluence Cloud Enterprise has been so valuable because it helps us see how engaged our Confluence users are, which spaces have the most traffic and the greatest amount of engagement, which teams have templates set up, and more.” 

Atlassian Administrator Pinky Kohsuwan adds, “One positive thing about being on Enterprise is the support that the Atlassian team has provided us. When dealing with complex use cases like updating our permissions, we are able to reach out to Support for assistance right away. There is support and feature sets in Enterprise that you just can’t get anywhere else.”

Collaborating, consolidating, and crafting solutions with Modus Create

Throughout implementation, Modus Create provided both strategic and technical support.  Damien says, “Modus Create has been instrumental in making sure that we have sized our rollout appropriately, addressed any technical hurdles before and during the pilot phase, provided premium support, got us access to licenses, made sure our license count was accurate, and contacted application vendors to help move through the third-party resource approval process.”

Pinky adds, “We love working with Modus Create because they help us understand the whole landscape of the various solutions that Atlassian can provide us. They help us think out of the box and develop solutions to complex issues.”

Atlassian cloud really takes away the friction of scaling. So as Dropbox continues to grow, the tool will grow with them – without having additional spend on infrastructure, maintenance, and potential outages. It's all taken care of in the cloud.

Josh Kochelek
Director of the Atlassian Practice at Modus Create

Seamless integration saves time and supercharges productivity

Dropbox has also integrated Confluence with Jira Software and several of the team’s other productivity solutions so they can work even faster and view data without having to switch tools. “Confluence out of the box is a fantastic product, and integrations help take it to another level,” Damien says. “We can embed videos, media, and all sorts of files and make them accessible to people across the enterprise.” 

Pinky has heard positive feedback from users about these new features and being able to get more context for their tasks and issues without having to switch tools. Damien, Pinky, and their administrator team are just as excited as users about their new toolset. “My favorite Confluence Enterprise Cloud feature is Automation. We're able to send emails to space owners when content is no longer up to date or irrelevant,” Pinky says. 

Dropbox is working with Modus Create to consolidate their instances and optimize their processes and tools even further. “Understanding what's going on in other parts of the organization is really difficult,” Josh explains. “Confluence Cloud makes it easier to collaborate, to find the information, and to get things done.”

Open way of working

Now, Dropbox employees have even more options to work and collaborate the way they want to.

“The big win that we've seen through the implementation of Confluence Cloud is definitely collaboration,” Damien says. “More teams can work together and collaborate within Confluence. It's a very open way of working at Dropbox.” 

The biggest difference Pinky has noticed is time savings. “ I can now focus on solving customer problems and building content that will help our end users utilize Confluence and other Atlassian tools.” 

With more time to serve customers and more ways to collaborate, Dropbox is living their mission and creating more enlightened ways of working – from the inside out.

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