Sep 1, 20173rd - I went to the terminal / console and navigated to my folder where my project was and typed the following command: php artisan serves. And�...
Aug 5, 2013An "unexpected T_VARIABLE " means that there's a literal $variable name, which doesn't fit into the current expression/statement structure.
Sep 6, 2021I have some syntax errors from symfony vendor when i'm trying to composer install my project. ... With several search, I saw the problem is from�...
Feb 17, 20221 Answer 1 � remove comma - function select_db($link_id, $database**,**) � first parameter should be connection and second should be database�...
Jul 26, 2013The error suggests there are mismatched quotes somewhere. If you're using Emacs, use M-x find-unbalanced-parentheses . And if you have syntax�...
Nov 16, 2016Try: $cipher->initialize( array( 'driver'=>'openssl', 'key' => $key ) ); instead (since you are using PHP 5.3). – Poiz. Commented Nov 16, 2016�...
Dec 27, 2021There are two (( and one ). Thus the check failed because the numbers are trivially different. Try again. I recommend starting over with a�...
Jun 8, 2019The error represents an issue with PHP scripts written for PHP 7.X and above that use an older version of PHP. The feature which is used�...
Jul 5, 2013I'd choose the first method to output larger chunks of HTML anytime, because of smarter syntax highlighting by most editors, and not having to�...
Apr 30, 2010unexpected ';' indicates more that it was not expecting the end of a command. In your code, you have a shorthand open tag. You're basically�...