The Web Design Group

Link Valet

Site Valet

We are pleased to offer Site Valet, a deluxe website monitoring service that integrates automated reporting with online tools. An essential service for anyone with a website!

Link Valet is a WWW Link checker. When you enter the URL of an HTML page on the Web, it will fetch the page, and print a report on it. Link Valet will also spider your site. When a link references another HTML page at the same site and hierarchy as the URL, Link Valet will recursively follow the link and prepare a similar report on the page referenced.

Each page report includes a summary of all links from the page. These include a brief description of the link. Links are highlighted if there is any condition that you might wish to investigate:

In addition, it includes further options for detailed reports. For each page, you can:

For further information, see:


Link Valet spiders depth-first, so it will present your reports in an unexpected order with the actual URL you requested last.

Due to a minor bug in the Perl library used (LWP), links within an <APPLET> may be incorrectly inferred.

Browser Note

Link Valet benefits greatly from a Browser that enables stylesheets (CSS-1). The Link Valet stylesheet serves to highlight different link types and statuses, as outlined above. and in the Key to Link Valet Reports.

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