Two Addenda now available for Public Review

Greensburg, PA – Coleman Brumley, Chair SSPC 135, announced that two addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135 have been released for Publication Public Review. These addenda are available for review at

  • Addendum 135-2020cm has entered its first Publication Public Review on March 29, 2024, and will conclude May 13, 2024. This addendum adds a new normative annex that introduces the BACnet Energy Services Interface (BACnet ESI) for the access of complex building data via BACnet web services (Annex W).  The accompanying datatype definitions are available at
  • Addendum 135-2020cp has entered its second Publication Public Review on March 29, 2024, and will conclude May 13, 2024. This addendum adds Authentication and Authorization; BACnet/SC Options to Support Authentication and Authorization; Device Object Properties to support Authentication and Authorization; Data Structures to support Authentication and Authorization; Error Codes to support Authentication and Authorization; PICS statements to support Authentication and Authorization capabilities; New definitions for Authentication and Authorization; New BIBBs and Profiles for Authentication and Authorization.