A Roadmap for Angular

Jules Kremer
Angular Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2020

At the beginning of 2020 at ng-conf Hardwired, I talked about how we were evolving the team, improving our processes, and working to build stronger connections with the Angular community. One of the most important steps we are taking towards these goals is sharing more about what we’re working on, and some of the projects we’re considering for the future.

Today we’re adding a page on angular.io with our roadmap, which we’ll maintain at least quarterly ongoing.

A Maui Rainbow

Our Process

This is the first time we’ve published a formal roadmap, so please bear with us as we calibrate and work to share more over time.

Angular receives a huge number of feature requests, both from inside Google and from the broader open-source community. At the same time, our list of projects also contains maintenance tasks, code refactorings, potential performance improvements, and so on. Throughout this, we work to bring together representatives from developer relations, product management, and engineering in order to prioritize this list. As new projects come into the queue, we regularly position them based on relative priority to other projects. As work gets done, projects will move up in the queue.

The Roadmap

We see immense value in publishing our roadmap. In the current state of the roadmap, you can find all the projects from our backlog that are already in-progress, or that we’ll be working on soon. There’s much more we’re planning to do, but we want to start small with the work that is high in our priority list. For transparency, we include work that affects Angular’s own development and projects that apply only to internal development within Google.

We’ve divided the document into two sections representing the in-progress projects as well as the future roadmap. You can expect the work to land in future releases depending on when they are completed and their impact on the public API of Angular. Since we’re following semantic versioning, new features will land in minor or major releases and backward-incompatible changes in major versions.

What’s Next?

Keep an eye on the roadmap! Based on our continuous prioritization process, you’ll see it evolving — some projects may shift, and new ones will be popping up.

We see the roadmap release as a footprint for increasing the visibility of our engineering processes. This is the foundation for improving our collaboration with the community to grow Angular and move the Web forward together.

