jQuery UI 1.14.0-beta.2 released

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Following up on our blog post on Plans for jQuery UI 1.14, it is our pleasure to announce the second beta for jQuery UI 1.14.0.

Compared to the first beta, there are two main changes:

  • Support for aria-modal attribute in dialogs have been added (PR #2257).
  • The release is now fully supported in the jQuery UI Download Builder; zip files are also available.

We’ve also finalized the migration from the TestSwarm test runner to our custom one integrated into GitHub Actions.

See the jQuery UI 1.14.0-beta.1 blog post for information about changes already available in the first beta.

Please remember jQuery UI is in a maintenance state. We’ll make sure the library is compatible with new jQuery releases and that security issues are fixed but no new significant feature work is planned. We’ll also try to fix important regressions from jQuery UI 1.12.1; older long-standing bugs may not get fixed. Note that this does not affect jQuery Core, which is still actively maintained.


File Downloads

Git (contains source files, with @VERSION replaced with 1.14.0-beta.2, base theme only)

Install via npm

  • npm install jquery-ui@1.14.0-beta.2

Install via bower

  • bower install jquery/jquery-ui#1.14.0-beta.2

jQuery CDN


For full details on what’s included in this release see the 1.14.0-beta.2 Changelog. The 1.14 Upgrade Guide will be available later.


Thanks to all who helped with this release, specifically: Ralf Koller, Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek, Timmy Willison.


Note: Please report bugs to the jQuery UI Bug Tracker. Support questions should be posted on Stack Overflow with the jquery-ui tag.