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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
While we might have once hoped to return to in person events this year, alas it was not meant to be.  So once again SAP TechEd will be a global, virtual, and free event. And also back this year will be Devtoberfest - bigger and better than ever! If you missed out on Devtoberfest last year; here is what we wrote about the inaugural instance of the developer celebration event:

Devtoberfest is an attempt to capture the experience of the pre-conference events, like SAP InnoJam of years’ past. It's an event which kicks off the SAP TechEd season. Devtoberfest takes some of the best aspects of the traditional hackathon type event, such as learning by building something, but opens up the experience to the entire community and spreads across multiple weeks to better accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. It’s an event that is also designed for you to be able to participate asynchronous and on your own time schedule. As the idea formed we’ve seen an opportunity here to really build something that is truly a festival for developers.

Devtoberfest from SAP – An open celebration of what makes us developers – Coding and Collaboration!

And this year is no different in that basic regard; our goal again is to provide an opportunity for the SAP Developer community to come together, get excited for SAP TechEd, learn, and have some fun. Yet there are lots of details that are different about this year's event as we expand and consider all the great feedback from last years' event.

But maybe you are already sold on the idea without even needing to see the details of everything new that we have planed.  In that case head directly over to Eventbrite and sign up for Devtoberfest! and bookmark the Devtoberfest GitHub repo to keep up to date on all the latest details.


Again this year, Devtoberfest will be a multi-week celebration by developers, for developers. But we wanted to align it even closer to TechEd. Therefore the event starts slightly later, on October 1st, and runs for 6 full weeks until Friday, November 12th.  That means Devtoberfest ends just as TechEd begins (TechEd runs from November 16th - 18th).

Like last year each week will have a focus topic for the educational and enablement content.  But unlike last year the topics won't be purely SAP product or technology centric.  Each week will instead focus on a general IT industry topic; and while we will include some SAP product information the goal is take a broader and thought expanding approach to the content.

Here is the breakdown of the weeks/topics:

We will have a external and SAP speakers, but even when we do have SAP speakers these won't be your typical SAP product presentations. We will release the full schedule, abstracts and speaker info for session as each week gets closer; but to give some samples here are a few examples.

From Week 2 Architectural and Coding Best Practices

Speaker: david.kunz2
David Kunz is a core development specialist for the Node.js runtime of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. After finishing his PhD in theoretical particle physics, David followed his vocation for programming. He is always striving to gain comprehensive knowledge of emerging technologies and advocates for superior paradigms and tools for efficient development.

Presentation: Best Practices for CAP Node.js Apps
Hear directly from one of the CAP team members about best practices as they apply to designing and building CAP applications with Node.js.

From Week 3 Cloud Native

Speaker: Jens Keller
During his career, Jens has worked in several product units of different maturity (new projects, growing projects, legacy projects) and size (from ~10 to several 1000), using different technologies (ABAP, HANA, Java, JavaScript, UI5, Node.js). And throughout he has seen many teams struggling in their “cloud transformation”. Being a full-stack engineer who also worked as Scrum Master and Product Owner, Jens is now working as a trainer and coach for various technical and non-technical topics such as Cloud-Native Development, Continuous Delivery, DevOps and Agile Software Engineering; with the mission to help teams and organizations getting ready for the cloud.

Presentation: Microservices are Probably Not What You Think They Are
Every company that claims to be a cloud company, claims to be developing Microservices. Yet it is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the software industry, and the misunderstandings already start with the name. If those misunderstandings can be sorted out, organizations see tremendous benefits to their structure and processes. Unfortunately, there’s a catch - there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. In this talk we will explore the details.

From Week 4 Security

Speaker: cedric.hebert
Currently leading Active Defense research, Cédric is a French guy convinced that we can change people's opinion of cyber-security from 'boring' to 'exciting'.

As a certified expert of the Security Research team, he spends his time influencing SAP's security practices and products with innovating yet practical solutions. After kickstarting SAP's Threat Modeling approach and giving birth to the SAP Enterprise Threat Detection product, he thinks it’s time to tap into the potential of cyber-deception - and he will keep using his and his team's energy to make this happen.

Cédric’s drives are sharing knowledge, learning new things every day and supporting people in getting more secure (instead of blaming them for clicking on the wrong link !)

Presentation: Hackers Want Passwords
75% of cloud intrusions are done through the usage of valid credentials. Can we do anything besides more stringent password rules? What about… poisoning the well?

In this presentation we will show you via three demos how cloud applications could actively fight against leaked credentials, password spreading and even phishing, by adopting honey passwords.

You don’t think this can work? I’d love to hear your reservations. Loving it? Then spread the word and help make the Internet a more secure place!


And this is a just a small sample of the content we have planned!

More Fun!

But the changes and expansion don't stop there.  We wanted to have more fun activities this year as well.  Every Friday we are planning for special events that totally break from the SAP world and just focus on having fun.

For example on October 15th, Devtoberfest will become Dogtoberfest for the day.  As our furry friends take over Devtoberfest, we encourage you to post pictures of your dogs (or any companion animal) with you in a work, coding or general office setting.  We will ask that every post these with #dogtoberfest so the community can easily find all the content.

We will also take one Friday to do a gaming night.  We will have a Discord server to help organize groups of SAP community members looking to game together on Xbox, PlayStation or PC.  The Developer Advocates team will all join in as well on our favorite games in various time zones.  So plan to join in and game with us.

The Contest Returns

We will once again have a contest aspect to Devtoberfest. Last year we focused the contest on making contributions to open source projects.  While a very admirable task, it was perhaps more daunting than many community members were ready to undertake.  We wanted the contest this year to be accessible to a much greater number of community members.  Therefore this year's Devtoberfest contest will include many different and smaller types of activities.

It will be a points based contest.  Points are awarded for things like attending one of the educational sessions, completing certain developer tutorials tied to the topic weeks, or other activities that contribute to the SAP Developer Community (such as contributions to the CoDoc project). Prizes are awarded based upon SAP Community badges which you earn and your must have a public Community profile to participate.

For the listing of activities, points and other contest details, please see this page

But the fun doesn't end there.  We have an animated Contest Gameboard to help you track your progress through the contest.  Just add your SAP Community Profile ID to the end of the following URL:

And if you are curious how we built the animated gameboard, we have also released the whole thing as a Sample Code repository here

Sample Devtoberfest Gameboard Results

We also have prizes that you can win this year. We have T-Shirts, stickers, Vouchers to the SAP merchandise store, and even a very small number of premium prizes. You will need to earn points to qualify for a prize tier and then to be as fair as possible we will perform a random drawing amongst everyone that qualified for that level. For complete contest and prize details, see here.  And as always be sure to review the legal terms and conditions for the contest as well


Hopefully we have everyone excited and ready to get involved in Devtoberfest.  We have so much planned for this year and what is described here is just the tip of the iceberg.

We encourage anyone interested in any aspect of Devtoberfest to please register via Eventbrite. We can use this registration to inform you of any important information about Devtoberfest. If you want to participate in the contest aspects, then you must register as an individual with Eventbrite.

Git is the open tool that developers most use to share code and therefore it will be the foundation of this event as well. The central “home” of the event will even be a GitHub repository.  Code, collaboration, planning, submission, support and answers from SAP, etc – it will all be done via a GitHub repository:

From this page you find the topic descriptions, detailed content, links to exercises, the schedule of the live events, and links to recordings. This is an initial list and we will be adding more sessions and details as the event progresses. Each topic page will also list the detailed dates, times and URLs. Once you register for the event, we will also notify you via e-mail of the major events in the schedule.

Questions, Comments, or Feedback

Questions about the event? Or the judging? Need some help getting your open source project? Or maybe you have a follow up question after participating in one of the educational enablement sessions? For any question or comment related to Devtoberfest we ask that you please create an issue in this repository.

Legal Stuff

It wouldn’t be any kind of event or contest without some legal content that I’m sure everyone will read in full detail. The legal terms and conditions of for this event are detailed in the TOC.