Do curso: Aprenda Inglês: As Aventuras de Lola Badiola

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Capítulo 53: a pressa

Capítulo 53: a pressa

Hello and welcome back to The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Before we start, let me just point out there was an error in last week's class in the fizzbuzz counting exercise when we were practicing the pronunciation of the voiced S, I should have said 17 instead of buzz. I apologize if this caused any confusion, and I would like to thank the very attentive listeners for drawing my attention to this error. Much appreciated. Let's continue with today's session. In the last chapter, Lola and Park were at last united, and it appears that Lola has a plan to address some of the problems in her life. In this chapter, we're going to follow the first steps of this plan. Listen carefully. The Adventures of Lola Badiola. Chapter 53 - Rush Lola was now a force of nature, a tornado sweeping any obstacle aside. She hurried into the living room where Concha and Eugenio were having a heated argument. I'm going to borrow your guest. I'll bring him back this evening. Neither of her friends paid any…
