
Following BTS innovation, inspiration, and announcements all over the world.


BTS Group rafforza il team dei consulenti | Quotidiano Nazionale

La società di consulenza BTS Group avvia un piano di assunzioni per figure strategiche in Assessment & Development in Italia e all'estero, con focus su cultural transformation e leadership. BTS Group, leader globale con sede a Stoccolma, offre soluzioni personalizzate a oltre 1.200 aziende nel mondo.


Sólo tres de cada diez empleados conocen y comprenden la estrategia de su empresa | Capital

La mitad de los trabajadores no sabe cómo contribuir de forma efectiva a la estrategia de su compañía, según un estudio de BTS.


The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2024 | The Consulting Report

BTS, a world-leading strategy implementation firm, was recently named top 50 Consulting Firm of 2024 by The Consulting Report. From advising on digital transformation and operational efficiency, to navigating regulatory complexities and fostering sustainable practices, these leading firms were selected for their consistent performance in providing clients with exceptional consulting services.


Acquires Wonderway to AI-power its Sales Performance Solutions

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – BTS GROUP (publ.), a leading global strategy implementation firm, has agreed to acquire the business, operations, and assets, notably the intellectual property and technologies, of Wonderway GmbH. Wonderway is a pioneering early-stage startup specializing in AI-powered sales performance SaaS products headquartered in Berlin, Germany.


Get Loud: Creating Space for Open Dialogue Can Ready Your Team for Innovation and Positive Change

As the rate of change continues to accelerate, one key attribute makes organizations more change-ready: a culture of being loud. Organizations that combine strong views with rigorous debate across all levels can change faster and more effectively than those that embody a “culture of nice.”


Cuatro claves para identificar y retener los roles cr��ticos que necesita tu empresa para lograr el éxito | Dirigentes Digital

Los roles críticos no siempre son los mejor pagados ni los de mayor rango, pero sí tienen un impacto muy alto en la capacidad de la empresa