Closed Bug 1475831 Opened 6 years ago Closed 2 months ago

WebExtension: content scripts should be injected in data URL pages


(WebExtensions :: General, defect, P2)

61 Branch


(firefox-esr102 wontfix, firefox-esr115 wontfix, firefox108 wontfix, firefox109 wontfix, firefox110 wontfix, firefox126 wontfix, firefox127 wontfix, firefox128 fixed)

128 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr102 --- wontfix
firefox-esr115 --- wontfix
firefox108 --- wontfix
firefox109 --- wontfix
firefox110 --- wontfix
firefox126 --- wontfix
firefox127 --- wontfix
firefox128 --- fixed


(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: robwu)




(Keywords: dev-doc-complete, regression, Whiteboard: [addons-jira])


(7 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Build ID: 20180705213349

Steps to reproduce:

When a webExtension has content scripts with should be injected in "<all_urls>" they should also be injected in data URL pages (data:text/html;...) that come from a web page (e.g. over an iFrame).

The same issue is known to Chrome:
And the implications for privacy addons (e.g. fingerprinting protection) are the same. A page can easily circumvent such addons by using an iFrame with a data-URL.

Reproduction scenario.
- Install the example webExtension
- go to;base64,PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLm9yZyI+Y2xpY2s8L2E+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=
- accept the disclaimer
- click on "click"

Actual results:

The page loads without a notification

Expected results:

The webExtension should display a notification
Component: Untriaged → General
Product: Firefox → WebExtensions
We only match data: URLs if match_about_blank is true and the content script matches the URL of the document's actual origin. This is intentional.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
If you modify the example webExtension to have match_about_blank to be true (I also added all_frames to be sure) it still does not work.

  "content_scripts": [
      "match_about_blank": true,
      "all_frames": true,
      "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
      "js": ["content-script.js"]

And adding the content script via just prompts that the host permission is missing.

Also you can see in the two screenshots I added that the content script is injected in about:blank but not in the data-URL.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Where is this behaviour of match_about_blank on data-URLs documented?
Here is the real world issue with this bug:
This is a regression from bug 1324406.

In bug 1324406, data:-URIs started having unique origins, hence the match_about_blank does not apply any more.

If we want to support data:-URIs in content scripts, there are multiple directions:
- Match data:-URIs when match_about_blank is set.
- Introduce match_data_url ( ).
- Support "data:" as a match pattern. Our MatchPattern class currently already supports "data:" [1], and <all_urls> includes data:-URIs by default. However, content scripts do not accept "data:" as an explicit match pattern [3], and the WebExtensionContentScript::Matches logic does not account for data:-URIs with a unique principal [4].

Depends on: 1324406
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression
See Also: → 1417975
Attached file
Steps to reproduce:
1. Load attached extension via about:debugging (or unzip it and do: web-ext run).
   (The extension opens, loads a data:-URI)
3. Look at the bottom of the frame and the bottom of the page.

Expected result:
- "This is injected by a content script at a data:-URL" in the frame.
- "This is injected by a content script at a https:-URL" in top-level document.

Actual result:
- (frame not modified)
- "This is injected by a content script at a https:-URL" in top-level document.

- Visit about:config and set security.data_uri.unique_opaque_origin to false, and then you will see the expected behavior.
Priority: -- → P2
bug 1417975 notes that data: URIs work from iframe src, but not from location bar, object tag, or frameset frame tags
In my tests it also does not work in iframes. I think something was changed there in the meantime.
See Also: → 1411641

Any news here?

I may take a look at this bug when I strart working on a related issue with sandboxed documents (bug 1411641).

@Rob Wu: What issue about sandboxed documents did you want to link? You linked this bug and not the other one.

(In reply to kkapsner from comment #13)

@Rob Wu: What issue about sandboxed documents did you want to link? You linked this bug and not the other one.

I edited my comment. I meant to link to bug 1411641.

Chrome is going to support data:-URLs with the match_data_urls field, with similar semantics as match_about_blank.

match_data_urls is not going to be implemented after all; instead we have designed a new property with more sane semantics, called match_origin_as_fallback. This allows extensions to run content scripts in data:, blob:, about:, solely based on the origin of the document (and in case of opaque origins, the "precursor" origin that created the document).

The discussion of the design of this new property starts at and is summarized in .

Assignee: nobody → rob

I hope this will also be available in browser.contentScripts.register.

Any updates?

This is on my list, but I need to finish other tasks before I can get to this.

Any updates?

Severity: normal → S3

The severity field for this bug is relatively low, S3. However, the bug has 13 votes.
:robwu, could you consider increasing the bug severity?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(rob)

The last needinfo from me was triggered in error by recent activity on the bug. I'm clearing the needinfo since this is a very old bug and I don't know if it's still relevant.

Flags: needinfo?(rob)
No longer depends on: 1324406
Regressed by: 1324406

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1324406

Flags: needinfo?(lgreco)

Any progress on this topic?

This is likely going to be resolved when bug 1411641 gets addressed, as part of the "matchOriginAsFallback" / match_origin_as_fallback flag.

Depends on: 1411641
Whiteboard: [addons-jira]

Add missing test cases for existing match_about_blank behavior:

  • javascript:-URLs resolve to about:blank and code should inject there.

The following cases are not documented, but this patch adds test
coverage before we change the implementation:

  • blob:-URLs are currently matched because they inherit the principal.

  • data:-URLs. They are special because they have an opaque origin now,
    but for a very long time they did not. Additionally, there is an
    undocumented case where data:-URLs can execute.

URLInfo::InheritsPrincipal() is used to support the match_about_blank
feature. When that flag is used, a content script should execute in
about:blank and about:srcdoc.

When the logic was introduced in Firefox 55 (bug 1368102), data:-URLs
could inherit the principal like about:blank / about:srcdoc, thanks to
this URI_INHERITS_SECURITY_CONTEXT check in URLInfo::InheritsPrincipal.
In Firefox 57 (bug 1324406), data:-URLs got an opaque origin by default.
In Firefox 83 (bug 1552168), this became the only supported behavior
with the removal of the security.data_uri.unique_opaque_origin pref.

Because the URI_INHERITS_SECURITY_CONTEXT check is not doing anything,
this patch removes it.

The patch does not add data: support to match_about_blank; the intent is
to add that later as part of match_origin_as_fallback.

Adds match_origin_as_fallback support to content_scripts declared
statically in manifest.json.

Support for this option in dynamic registration and execution will be
handled in the next patches.

Add support for dynamic insertion of content scripts and styles in
sandboxed documents / frame with an opaque origin, via the scripting API
(executeScript / insertCSS / removeCSS).

Previously, we used the matchAboutBlank flag internally, which matches
less than the matchOriginAsFallback option that was just introduced.
Specifically, sandboxed about:blank/about:srcdoc and data:-URLs were
not scriptable before, but now they are.

To encourage the use of the scripting API, the MV2-only versions in the
tabs API did not get this feature.

Pushed by
Add test coverage for match_about_blank (blob, javascript, data schemes) r=rpl
Drop redundant check in URLInfo::InheritsPrincipal r=rpl
Add match_origin_as_fallback support r=rpl
Support opaque origins in scripting.executeScript etc. r=willdurand
See Also: → 1896591
Regressions: 1896669
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
Blocks: 1897113

Should we call this out in the Fx128 relnotes? Please nominate if yes.

Flags: needinfo?(rob)

No need for it to be part of the relnotes. It should be mentioned in the Firefox 128 for Developers article on MDN, which is covered by the dev-doc-needed keyword.

Flags: needinfo?(rob)
Regressions: 1897759
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