Wed Jul 17 2024 18:09:53 PDT
  • Component: AutoConfig (Mission Control Desktop)
  • Resolution: ---
  • Product: Core

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1858224 AutoConfig not possible with Fedora Silverblue immutable OS (/var/lib readonly) Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla UNCO --- 2024-06-23
1632281 autoadmin.global_config_url should only be settable via a default pref Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla NEW --- 2023-02-13
1632285 Remote autoconfig URL should always be evaluated in the sandbox Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla NEW --- 2022-07-06
1457215 Remote autoconfig (contained in nsAutoConfig.cpp) is not tested. Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla NEW --- 2022-06-14
1468702 Remote Autoconfig with "autoadmin.failover_to_cached" set to False is not marking the browser offline Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla NEW --- 2022-10-11
1476648 The user can enter online mode without access to the remote config file Core AutoConfig (Mission mozilla NEW --- 2022-10-11
1193801 Problem with reload of config with autoadmin.global_config_url Core AutoConfig (Mission nobody NEW --- 2023-10-31
7 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product