Wed Jul 17 2024 16:46:41 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Product: Core
  • Component: DOM: Notifications

50 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1874511 Clicking push notification opens nothing when service worker stopped running Core DOM: Notifications krosylight UNCO --- 2024-04-03
1362769 Private window shows notifications from the site in normal window Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-07
1466499 Inline replies to web notifications should be supported Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-03
1563951 Web Push Notifications Event: notificationclose event is triggered when clicked the notification Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-17
1580008 Support service worker's showNotification/Notification `image` option Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-04
1834005 Notifications API should default "silent" to platform convention Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-17
1095073 Web Notifications API persisting notifications in local notificationstore.json Core DOM: Notifications krosylight UNCO --- 2024-06-04
1854589 Notification Click event is not fired when Notification is created in a Shared Worker Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-17
1887481 Youtube web push notifications on mac clicking doesn't work Core DOM: Notifications nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-17
1839621 Remove raw pointers for Notification codes. Core DOM: Notifications echuang NEW --- 2024-05-07
1451769 notification API triggers assertions when tested with checkForEventListenerLeaks() Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1889930 Remove source code and clean any persistent artifacts corresponding to new notification store. Core DOM: Notifications hsingh NEW --- 2024-04-05
1652063 NotificationOptions "data" attribute throws when using Blob data Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-05-03
1878383 onnotificationclose is unstable on Android Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-17
1883296 `new Notification()` from a cross origin iframe is disallowed Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-17
1891705 showNotification resolves too early Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-30
1229061 Implement the correct window focusing behaviour when the user clicks a notification Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1290950 intercept notification icon loads when opened from a service worker Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1505044 Ship Notification.silent on release Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1816427 Notification.onshow/close etc. are broken on Android, decide whether to support or remove Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1890560 Replacing notification with tag fires events with different order on Windows; show happens before close Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-10
1898859 Notification vibration doesn't work on Android Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1895977 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 46188 - [Notifications] Tests for notifications from 3P service workers Core DOM: Notifications wptsync NEW --- 2024-05-09
1816569 Intermittent /notifications/getnotifications-across-processes.https.window.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- Sun 23:35
1896753 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /notifications/instance.https.window.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- Sun 23:49
1227397 Stop doing sync mainthread calls in NotificationFeature::Notify Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1904771 Intermittent dom/notifications/test/mochitest/test_notification_openWindow.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1880300 Investigate whether we still need NotificationRef::Initialized Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-17
1881043 Closing Firefox removes persistent notifications from DB when the corresponding service worker is alive Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-06-04
1888453 Do not store/show images on PBM Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-05
1889956 Add WPT test to check whether icon fetch happens Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-05
1891809 Split Notification::CreateAndShow Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-04-17
1893983 Remove mozbehavior Core DOM: Notifications krosylight NEW --- 2024-05-04
1225110 Support notification actions Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1249808 Use larger site icons for web notifications, if available Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1273641 Support vibrate attribute on notifications Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1770154 Reconcile old/ and new/ NotificationDB.sys.mjs Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1770227 NotificationDB.sys.mjs does not perform origin checks on received messages Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1792790 Open a new window to run notification API mochitests tests Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1834722 NotificationDB could use an explicit initialisation point rather than implict Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1842454 Remove dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction pref Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1842455 Remove dom.webnotifications.allowcrossoriginiframe pref Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1844584 [meta] Support more Notification features Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1881044 [meta] Persistent notification lifecycle issues Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1891807 Consider using IPC instead of runnables Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-06-20
1894240 Reduce string conversion for notification events? Core DOM: Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-05-04
1901083 Intermittent dom/notification/test/mochitest/test_notification_serviceworker_openWindow_nested.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Notifications echuang ASSI --- Sun 23:10
1884045 Throttle old notification storage mechanism in NotificationDB.sys.mjs Core DOM: Notifications hsingh ASSI --- 2024-04-17
1892083 Make MemoryNotificationDB a parent class of NotificationDB Core DOM: Notifications hsingh ASSI --- 2024-04-17
1892255 Investigate Notification.icon using document charset Core DOM: Notifications krosylight ASSI --- 2024-06-04
50 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product