Wed Jul 17 2024 16:37:23 PDT
  • Product: Core
  • Resolution: ---
  • Component: DOM: Workers

202 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1575164 memory leak while Web worker continuously post data through ajax Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-18
1469282 Implement DedicatedWorker.requestAnimationFrame Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-01
1514723 high memory usage when importing a large amount of files on Google Photos Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1543318 Denial of service - web workers and postMessage() Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-26
1587752 Optimize same-process MessageChannel / MessagePort usage - MessagePort.postMessage transferList has no performance benefit Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1610438 SharedWorker.onerror gives Event instead of ErrorEvent on syntax error Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-21
1693143 Zoom WebRTC conference crashes tab after ten minutes Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-28
1768052 Flaky Security Error: Content at https://domain may not load data from blob:https//domain Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-13
1817152 `Worker()` fails after `self.close()` Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-23
1836528 DOM Worker segfault, error 6 in, likely on CPU Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-27
757913 worker with timeout modal box Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
758042 Worker messages received drifted from the order being sent Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-07
982184 HTTP request for Webworker script omits referer header Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1431708 setTimeout loop in web worker causing memory leak Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1900485 service worker verification Core DOM: Workers nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-03
1350337 create public interface for WorkerPrivate to hide implementation details, possibly using nsIGlobalObject for on-worker-thread use-cases Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2022-12-01
1802102 Support download requests in worker through PFetch Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2022-11-23
1812042 Resolve the race caused by ObjectURL/BlobURL revoke Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2024-05-21
1894234 Get rid of WorkerPrivate HybridEventTarget Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2024-04-30
1253580 Shared workers need to show the full url in about:debugging#workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1434966 Need to report worker load failures usefully Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1451381 Worker event listeners can leak owning window Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1539508 [meta] Simplify WorkerPrivate's end-of-life flow Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1564436 Web backgroundsync syncing on a different network after user close the page. Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1569401 [meta] [Workers] Firefox only web platform test failures Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-10-09
1613912 Implement Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) for shared/service workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-05-31
1818569 Hit MOZ_CRASH(E10SUtils.getRemoteTypeForWorkerPrincipal did throw: workerType=shared, principal=ftp, preferredRemoteType=webIsolated, processRemoteType=webIsolated, errorName=NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, errorLocation=resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.sys.mjs:157) Core DOM: Workers aiunusov NEW --- 2023-10-10
1752377 src/objdir-ff-ubsan/dist/include/mozilla/dom/quota/CheckedUnsafePtr.h:350:43: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'mozilla::dom::WorkerPrivate' Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2022-09-06
468104 Worker is not subject to CAPS checks Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
850185 [Workers] postMessage is sometimes slower than JSON.stringify Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
988872 DOMWorker threads are frequently not ended by the end of xpcom-shutdown-threads Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1177935 Fix devtools ServiceWorker testing flag on SharedWorker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1254125 Don't propagate errors to SharedWorker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1254240 [meta] Reduce the amount of overhead (improve performance for small messages) in postMessage to/from workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1263215 refactor WorkerRunnable::Dispatch() scheme so runnable object always releases on target worker thread Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1270594 consider exposing a chrome-only worker interface for performing tests Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1271441 Need to fix console reporting and whatnot in the worker error reporter Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1280174 Get rid of MainThreadWorkerRunnable Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1320717 Add a way to get Worker GC/CC logs while Firefox is running Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1330432 Add prefs to control worker GC timer intervals Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1338782 verify CSP set on Worker script is not propagated backward to the document that created the Worker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1350370 make worker dedicated/shared ScriptLoader paths use cached js bytecode in http cache Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1359745 Set [[CanBlock]] for shared workers to true Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-01-23
1380320 migrate code using "GetCurrentThread" methods on worker to nsIGlobalObject::EventTargetFor() Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1382999 use HTTP OMT data delivery while loading worker resource Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1401628 consider throttling or pausing workers for background tabs Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1432184 clean up worker LoadGroup handling Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-05-31
1432325 Intermittent dom/test/serviceworkers/test_third_party_iframes.html | Test timed out. Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1441543 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 9690 - Add back data-url-shared.html test that was flaky in Firefox Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1444713 intermittent dom/workers/test/crashtests/1228456.html | load failed: timed out after waiting for 'load' event for dom/workers/test/crashtests/1228456.html Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1505409 WorkerPrivate::mParentFrozen accessed from two different threads without synchronization Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1517126 FinishedRunnable not dispatched when worker creation fails Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1518298 Intermittent leak in /fetch/api/basic/ WPT Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1543704 Add browser test for unexpected process termination involving SharedWorkers / Remote Workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1544659 WPT on Geckoview frequently crashes in a few workers tests Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1544662 WPT on Geckoview frequently crashes in a few worklets tests Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1547145 Pass JSContext explicitly when opening XHRs in worker threads Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1586642 Workers do not collect JS engine telemetry Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1590855 Finish converting worker script loader (dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp's ScriptLoaderRunnable, ScriptResponseHeaderProcessor) to WorkerRef and ThreadsafeWorkerRef Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1597527 Give each worker type its own thread name Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1604732 Runtime service loads wrong intl.accept_language when custom langpack in use Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1609775 AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageLink.cpp:151:5 in mozilla::ipc::ProcessLink::SendMessage(IPC::Message*) Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-04-06
1610826 [meta] Fuzzing: Workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1614242 [SharedWorker] Check script type and credentials mode values before connecting to the matched SharedWorkerGlobalScope Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619728 SharedWorkers close themselves on all errors Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1621668 Write a test that verifies the behaviour of cross-origin scripts in worklets Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1627940 SharedWorker should not propagate runtime errors Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-11
1632837 data URL dedicated workers should create their own agent cluster Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-13
1632840 Support CSP sandbox in workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-01-05
1644767 DoS using shared workers and on-connect firefox Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-03-03
1659454 ChromeWorker construction / creation of a Worker from a system principal should take/require an async shutdown blocker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-06-24
1673024 WorkerDebugger#window can refer to the wrong window Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1674693 Crash / Assert in mozilla::detail::WeakReference::detach() with ASAN builds Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-11-19
1732159 Remove dom_serviceWorkers_testing_enabled pref hack from SandboxPrivate::GetStorageAccess() Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-02
1739389 Adding `message` event listener on a unloaded worker throws `NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED` Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2021-11-05
1751939 Hit MOZ_CRASH(Promise not thread-safe) at /xpcom/base/nsISupportsImpl.cpp:43 Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1757513 Audit RuntimeService singleton lifecycle Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-02-28
1758125 WorkerPrivate's LoadInfo member isn't initialized consistently Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-07-17
1774542 Timers don't seem to be throttled in workers of background tabs Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-01-27
1797413 OOM due to unconstrained memory usage Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-11-01
1805400 Executing DOM worker scripts is delayed by main thread availability Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-05-13
1808685 GetCurrentSerialEventTarget should return the nested event target when a sync loop is running Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-09-13
1816657 WorkerNavigator::GetUserAgent does a sync-loop call to the main thread Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-05-09
1837283 Overhaul Worker GetCurrentSerialEventTarget() behavior to only allow same-thread dispatch unless a ThreadSafeWorkerRef is held which provides a self-perpetuating nsISerialEventTarget Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-06-07
1837880 Please add documentation for ChromeWorker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-06-11
1841363 WPT failures for workers/modules/[dedicated|shared]-worker-import-csp.html Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-09-26
1851141 Handle failure asynchronously when a worker loads an unsupported URL Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-09-07
1861778 Remove waitForMultiple test helper in dom/workers/test/dom_worker_helper.js in favor of Promise.all or sequential awaits Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-10-27
1862346 Crash in [@ mozilla::Maybe<T>::isSome | mozilla::dom::workerinternals::loader::ScriptLoaderRunnable::IsCancelled] Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-11-05
1872483 Web Worker ES Module Import Error is not displayed Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1874800 hanging at shutdown: Content process hangs on ShutdownPhase::XPCOMShutdownThreads and is killed by ChildLaxReaper timeout Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-01-16
1878552 Busy main thread blocks Worker thread execution Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-02-19
1885198 NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR "invalid state error" in complex worker / Blob / createImageBitmap / GC interaction Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-03-14
1892272 Worker postMessage ThrottledEventQueue backpressure should be aware of outstanding structured serialization memory use in order to throttle the worker based on memory usage and not just runnable count Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1866790 Create mach try presets for dom-workers and dom-storage Core DOM: Workers mvanstraten NEW --- 2023-11-27
1488610 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 12836 - Remove ExtendedTextMetrics flag to launch canvas TextMetrics. Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2022-10-11
1489926 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 12923 - Worker: Implement ES modules for ServiceWorker scripts Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2024-05-02
1617018 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 21911 - WPT: Fix bogus use of assert_object_equals() Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2022-10-11
1634211 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 23330 - Worker: Add "timout long" to shared-worker-import-csp.html Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2020-04-29
1660451 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 25179 - [WPT] Check worker.onerror message Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2020-09-07
1749654 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 32336 - Terminate worker during nested Worker onerror Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2022-01-11
1789532 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 35806 - [WPT] Fire Worker error events using ErrorEvent Core DOM: Workers wptsync NEW --- 2022-09-06
1902098 Intermittent TV /tests/dom/workers/test/test_notification_child.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers krosylight NEW --- 2024-06-16
751457 Slow script dialog from a worker event handler behavior could use improvement Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
767875 xpcshell does not allow to create a worker from scripts loaded from a local URL without the protocol scheme. Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
812714 Fix race conditions in Web Worker error propagation tests and reactivate them Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
872526 webworkers don't terminate on closing firefox (ghost windows) Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
904306 Worker code is under commented Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
911763 Use JSSettings enum values instead of hardcoding the integers in LoadJSGCMemoryOptions Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
926803 Kill workers of pages in the bfcache when we hit the per-domain worker limit Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
926804 Investigate performance drop when using workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Tue 04:39
933424 ChromeWorker "Failed to load script file://" Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
941807 Add regression testing for new JS options that aren't set for DOM workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
949515 Constant crash in /tests/dom/workers/test/test_jsversion.html @mozilla::net::HttpChannelChild::Release() Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
957448 dom/workers/test/test_multi_sharedWorker_lifetimes.html fails locally on OSX10.9 Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
960986 Chrome Worker startup is very slow on second run. Disabling nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache removes slowdown Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
966642 Avoid reentering the cycle collector on worker shutdown Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1024566 Provide an API to decode image data synchronously Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1024674 copyRect for ImageData or PixelArray Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1031943 XHR in a sharedworker block on send: WARNING: child tried to open http IPDL channel w/o security info Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1037565 Add prefs to control nursery size Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1049079 Main JS thread needs to yield back to browser for an indeterminate time in order for a web worker to launch. Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1113060 ChromeWorker timeout is not stopped when addon is disabled or removed Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1156830 Message sent from service worker sometimes is not received by the client Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1162229 Old version of test_request_context.html leaks when run with e10s Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-08-01
1163753 See if we can remove the special case for resource:// workers needing the system principal Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-06-11
1177407 Refactor/rename MainThreadSyncWorkerRunnable to make it clear you can use it for non-sync stuff Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1200036 Figure out error reporting for failing GetLoadInfo in WorkerPrivate::Constructor Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1235643 WorkerFeature::Notify() isn't called when a worker is frozen Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1238702 [e10s] Frequent dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_xslt.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::ContentProcessManager::GetTabContextByContentProcess(mozilla::dom::IdType<mozilla::dom::ContentParent> const &)] Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1251722 WorkerPrivate::Freeze/Thaw are called with null windows from sharedworker code but comments say that can't happen Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1274100 Provide a mechanism to trigger CC/GC in Worker JS for writing tests Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1284420 Assertion failure: !mParentSuspended when opening web console at:WorkerPrivate.cpp with sharedworker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1331803 Two levels of ThrottledEventQueue for workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1469571 Worker shutdown blocked by GC Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1532825 Give warning on web console when fetching a web worker script fails Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1893980 Intermittent /workers/Worker-postMessage-happens-in-parallel.https.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Sun 23:56
1904058 Intermittent Assertion failure: !mActor, at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/workers/remoteworkers/RemoteWorkerController.cpp:114 Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Sun 23:05
1904298 Intermittent /workers/worker-performance.worker.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1904605 Intermittent dom/workers/test/browser_worker_use_counters.js (finished) | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-30
1904953 Intermittent [tier 2] dom/workers/test/test_blobConstructor.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-30
1907749 Intermittent dom/workers/test/test_worker_in_background.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Mon 00:11
1818463 Implement Workers throttling Core DOM: Workers aiunusov NEW --- 2024-07-08
1835988 Removing unnecessary raw-pointer of WorkerPrivate Core DOM: Workers echuang NEW --- 2023-12-15
1877547 Intermittent MOZ_ASSERT(!mOwningThread) (destroying a still-owned lock!) [@ mozilla::OffTheBooksMutex::~OffTheBooksMutex] | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers jmarshall NEW --- 2024-05-27
1674342 Don't clone console API messages from worker to main thread Core DOM: Workers nchevobbe NEW --- 2024-06-24
1226946 UA docshell overrides should affect workers Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-03-13
1639592 Make worker launching testable Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2020-05-26
1678230 DOM workers seem to GC often Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-09-27
1686438 Consider an alternative non-synchronized implementation for EventSource objects constructed on the main thread Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2021-01-13
1740313 Switch WorkerPrivate::GetPrincipalHashValue to use threadsafe principals Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-03
1743443 Mark WorkerErrorReport::ReportError as MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2021-12-08
1746591 RuntimeService::Cleanup could better be replaced with an async shutdown blocker Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-03-03
1748881 Extremely high memory usage on (duplicate worker blobs) Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-01-14
1750062 Intermittent LeakSanitizer | leak at NS_NewRunnableFunction, mozilla::dom::RemoteWorkerChild::ShutdownOnWorker, operator, std::_Function_handler Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-06-16
1764266 Check if WorkerPrivate::NotifyWorkerRefs really needs the aStatus parameter Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-04-12
1768994 Gathering memory info in WorkerDebugger.cpp looks weird Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2022-05-12
1779301 Intermittent Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::RemoteWorkerChild::TransitionStateToRunning] Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1801884 Crash in [@ RefPtr<T>::get | RefPtr<T>::operator nsIGlobalObject* | mozilla::dom::Promise::MaybeSomething<T>] Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-01-16
1808189 [Fetch] Determine referrer when the global is not a Window object Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-01-05
1818459 Design the timer throttling for Dedicated Workers throttling case Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-02-23
1823742 Intermittent dom/workers/test/browser_worker_use_counters.js | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Sun 23:04
1849183 The secFlags of the Classic worker's main script seems wrong Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-08-17
1849542 Remove the legacy secFlag SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL when a worker loads a data URI Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-08-21
1857885 WorkletGlobalScope::Dispatch dispatches to the main thread, confusingly Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-10-09
1858919 Intermittent LeakSanitizer leak at Alloc, nsTSubstring, nsTSubstring, mozilla::net::nsStandardURL::BuildNormalizedSpec | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-07-08
1861696 Improve the messages of ThrowSecurityError in SharedWorker::Constructor Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2023-10-27
1880789 Remove dom.workers.modules.enabled pref Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-02-19
1888109 SharedArrayBuffer users that block the main thread (reasonably) assuming Worker creation can happen without the main thread being available can cause deadlock Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-05-15
1891051 Remove dom.workers.pFetch.enabled pref Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- 2024-05-29
1908240 Assertion failure: false (MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE: WorkerGlobalScope alive after worker shutdown), at /dom/workers/RuntimeService.cpp:2222 Core DOM: Workers nobody NEW --- Tue 21:55
1633392 ARCH::worker-event-queues-cleanup - Worker event queue cleanup Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2020-10-08
1837186 Intermittent Assertion failure: aCx == mWorkerPrivate->GetJSContext(), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/workers/RuntimeService.cpp:612 [dom/promise/tests/test_webassembly_compile.html] Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2024-03-11
1672491 Eliminate Top-Level worker invariant that the parent of top-level workers be the main thread. (For RemoteWorkerService) Core DOM: Workers echuang ASSI --- 2024-05-29
1805613 Intermittent Main app process exited normally application crashed [@ __pthread_cond_wait] after [Parent 1500, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: Process X hanging at shutdown; attempting crash report (fatal error) Core DOM: Workers echuang ASSI --- Sun 23:00
1899503 Making WorkerDebugger communication through IPC instead of runnable dispatching between threads. Core DOM: Workers echuang ASSI --- 2024-06-11
1899507 Off-main-thread Worker ScriptLoader Core DOM: Workers echuang ASSI --- 2024-06-02
1899509 Off-main-thread RemoteWorker initialization Core DOM: Workers echuang ASSI --- 2024-05-29
1113522 Expose ServiceWorker in Workers (aka ServiceWorkerRegistration returns null for all of installing, waiting, active in Workers/ServiceWorkers) Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2024-06-13
1646548 Add comment explaining GetInProcessParentDocument's Fission behavior in WorkerPrivate::GetLoadInfo Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2023-04-04
1683595 Refactor remote worker process selection, spawning, and "does this process need to stay alive" to the main thread and ContentParent and exposed to ChildProcInfoDictionary Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2023-08-31
1435343 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging]. Shutdown problem in workers. Core DOM: Workers jstutte ASSI --- 2024-06-30
1861785 Intermittent dom/workers/test/test_WorkerDebugger.xhtml | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- Sun 23:07
1817199 Replace use of SchedulerGroup::Dispatch from workers (including remote workers) with more straightforward main-thread dispatch. Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2023-02-16
1828084 Intermittent dom/workers/test/test_WorkerDebugger_frozen.xhtml | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2024-06-30
1836707 Add helper `nsIServiceWorkerManager::CreateBrowsingContextFilter` to create a filter to help devtools determine what console messages and/or network channels related to ServiceWorkers are relevant to devtools Core DOM: Workers bugmail ASSI --- 2024-06-02
1899963 Investigate why Workers do not properly inherit CSP's `upgrade-insecure-requests` Core DOM: Workers fbraun ASSI --- 2024-05-31
1764819 Migrate IDB/Workers prefs to StaticPrefs Core DOM: Workers krosylight ASSI --- 2022-04-14
1819507 Investigate systemic service worker test failures with the string "This test left a service worker registered without cleaning it up" likely due to a race in the SpecialPowers logic for detecting leftover service workers. Core DOM: Workers nobody ASSI --- 2023-02-28
1776962 Intermittent dom/workers/test/test_sharedworker_event_listener_leaks.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers bugmail REOP --- Sun 23:35
1244409 Intermittent test_WorkerDebuggerManager.xhtml,test_WorkerDebuggerManager.xhtml| Test timed out Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Sun 23:16
1313822 Crash in nsTimerImpl::Fire Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2022-12-12
1785447 Intermittent /workers/interfaces/WorkerUtils/importScripts/catch.sub.any.js | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2024-07-07
1810321 Intermitent TEST-UNEXPECTED-CRASH | /workers/SharedWorker-detach-frame-in-error-event.html | expected OK Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2023-03-14
1727327 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /workers/Worker-base64.any.serviceworker.html | expected OK Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2024-05-05
1805781 Intermittent /workers/baseurl/alpha/sharedworker-in-worker.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Sun 23:50
1813353 Intermittent Assertion failure: false (Try to init HttpHandler after shutdown), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHandler.cpp:333 Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Sun 23:48
1860796 Intermittent dom/workers/test/marionette/ | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Mon 11:42
1864529 Intermittent dom/workers/test/test_worker_interfaces_secureContext.html | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Mon 00:11
1872665 Intermittent Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread. [@ MOZ_Crash] | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- Sun 23:53
1880823 Intermittent Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdown. Something is blocking the main-thread. [@ MOZ_Crash] | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2024-07-07
1887206 Intermittent leakcheck | tab 440 bytes leaked (LoadedScript, ModuleScript, ScriptFetchOptions, nsAuthURLParser, nsStandardURL, ...) | single tracking bug Core DOM: Workers nobody REOP --- 2024-06-24
202 bugs found.

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