Wed Jul 17 2024 16:55:47 PDT
  • Component: Layout: Scrolling and Overflow
  • Product: Core
  • Resolution: ---

271 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1389779 scrollIntoView() does not work on option elements Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1595791 overscroll-behavior: contain not honored on first interaction in some cases Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-05
1672274 Firefox does not scroll to url fragments when linked to from external pages Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-30
1747792 scrollbar with fullscreen youtube when changing fullzoom Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-28
1748177 Scrolling in Popup viewport is not available in certain situations Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- Sat 13:45
1758218 Console should track when and why pages inflict smooth scrolling animation Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-07-11
1786016 Cannot detect overlay/hiding scrollbars [regression] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-10
1790747 Overlay scrollbar is too wide on Windows 11 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-25
1792174 Scrolling breaks when scroll-padding is more than half the container size with snapping Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-04
1802695 "Middle-click to scroll" interacts badly with Linux "Middle-click to paste" Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-23
1806774 element.animate() which leads to lose scroll anchoring Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-29
1816003 scroll-margin is ignored if target element has transition-duration > 0s Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-27
1819791 The scrollbar of list does not display Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-26
1822052 flickering when synchronize position programmatically on scroll event fired by scrollbar thum dragging scroll Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-21
1826158 Element.scrollIntoView() discrepancy with ( block: "center" ) only Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-18
1837436 CSS overscroll-behavior does not work when scroll container has no overflow Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- Sun 02:14
1837497 overflow hidden with overlapping contents make all contents shift (on reload?) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-28
1841379 Resize handle background-color incorrect Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- Sat 16:42
1857898 scroll-snap-align: start - scrolls back from end on click Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-09
1865782 general.smoothScroll from global preferences Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-18
1869669 With non-overlay scrollbars, border-radius does not correctly work on element with overflow: scroll Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-05
1878571 Difficult to use mandatory snap areas which are larger than the scrollport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-19
1896245 When Firefox window maximize, bottom bar display incorrect Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-07
1524899 Popups offset when using the autoscroll Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1636055 Firefox developer edition, when using dark mode, if overflow-x is disabled the scrollbars go back to light theme Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-06-06
1643217 CSS Scroll Snap conflicts with JS scroll behavior smooth Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-19
1643665 intersectionObserver: wrong `rootBounds.height` if the omnibox is hidden. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2020-06-30
1693964 Scrollbar is shown when an element is positioned off the right side of an RTL document Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2021-02-23
1720680 overflowing block-end/bottom margin of row-oriented flex item children is considered as scrollable overflow (unlike in Chrome) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-24
1726841 Scroll jumps and rendering glitches when switching between tabs using Ctrl+PageDown and PageUp Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-11
1744930 scrollTop is broken with CSS Scroll Snap Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2021-12-27
1746820 mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount breaks menus on YouTube in fullscreen Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-28
1815198 [meta] Interop 2023 Scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-12-21
1895994 - Unable to scroll horizontally due to meta viewport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-02
1896571 - The user can't scroll in page Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 11:14:27
1851749 autoscrolling doesn't work on scrollable flex container with `flex-direction:column-reverse` Core Layout: Scrolling an dholbert NEW --- Sat 16:54
1831222 [css-overflow-3] `clip` property should not clip scrollable overflow Core Layout: Scrolling an dshin NEW --- Sat 16:28
1615965 Reflow roots prevent scroll anchoring in some cases. Core Layout: Scrolling an emilio NEW --- 2022-10-11
1824254 Simplify scrollbar button setup. Core Layout: Scrolling an emilio NEW --- 2023-03-27
1855830 Restore overflow state on reframe. Core Layout: Scrolling an emilio NEW --- 2023-09-29
764076 intrinsic width of "overflow:auto" element doesn't grow to accomodate its scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-12
1294843 SVG Text Search Does Not Scroll to Text Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-08
1302700 unexpected discrepancy in scrollbar thumb size depending on writing-mode Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-08-05
1419142 Scrollbars being created when not required Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-03-01
1482673 A ghosty scrollbar appears in addon option page when u trying to increase DIVs height Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1499443 [css-align] Implement CSS Alignment "Overflow and Scroll Positions" section (justify-content/align-content should influence initial scroll pos) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-07-18
1502769 Scrolling is janky when partial menu is sticked to the top of the viewport. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1511200 outer scrollport's initial scroll position doesn't respect writing-mode from <body> Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1517287 Scrollable overflow rect is computed incorrectly for negative relative positioning Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-24
1518636 Precisely calculate anchor suppression triggers for absolute position changes Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1518637 Suppress overlay scrollbar transitions when applying anchor adjustments Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1519644 [meta] Scroll anchoring Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Fri 06:25
1519924 Navigation bar judder when scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1519938 Scroll Restoration does not work on TechCrunch Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-26
1519976 Scroll anchor highlight is displayed incorrectly for transforms Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1519983 is cycling during scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1520036 Scroll anchoring doesn't work well with table based layouts Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1520121 Confusion between logical and absolute scroll position for session history? Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1524064 ###!!! ASSERTION: overflow rect must include border rect, and the clamping logic here depends on that: 'overflowRect.Contains(borderRect)', file layout/generic/ScrollAnchorContainer.cpp, line 118 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1524527 [Gmail] Duplicated horizontal scrollbar in compose window for long strings Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1525437 Telegram Web & Whatsapp Web take annoyingly long to mark messages as read Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1526776 Scroll position back to previous position, or sometimes, flicker page. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1527899 above-the-fold animations in scrollport (of e.g. 'height') can cause visible elements to jitter when the scroll position is clamped Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1529702 Consider not applying scroll anchor adjustments during layout flushes Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1531106 Ensure ScrollFrameHelper::ReloadChildFrames() does not cause the layout and visual scroll offsets to get stuck at different values Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1531589 Snap to snap positions on visible elements prior to positions on invisible element even if the positions on invisible element is closer to Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1540890 Scroll anchoring fails on, when resizing window Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1543361 [Gmail] Cursor is overlapped by the drag and dropped picture inside the New Message panel Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1545972 [scroll anchoring] right sidebar sometimes jiggles indefinitely after scrolling, on Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1553770 Consider using the given range in ScrollByCSSPixels (or such) for scroll snapping Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1554604 GetLayoutScrollRange() returns rects that are out of the range of the range in CSS pixels for particular layout.css.devPixelsPerPx values Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1556685 layer-pixel alignment causes undesired scroll position via some kind of CSSOM-View APIs such as scrollTop Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-01-16
1557608 Scroll snap doesn't happen at all on Android by mouse wheeling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1561107 nsLayoutUtils::GetNearestScrollableFrame might return an unexpected frame Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1561754 Restrict scrollIntoView in the same origin document Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1561823 Scroll anchoring makes Twitter's "N more replies" link throw all of the new tweets the top of the viewport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1562100 Scroll bar is going out of the main window Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1563842 Firefox resizes the root fixedpos containing block in response to animations, while Chrome does not Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1571330 Fixed element inside sticky container inside element with overflow-y: auto is being partially hidden Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-03-21
1573030 Add special case to ScrollFrameHelper::GetLineScrollAmount() for font-size:0 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1576822 [css-overflow] Should a visibility:hidden overflow:scroll be scrollable? Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1580329 Scrolling Not working properly on Jetlag Site. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1586438 page jumps up and down while scrolling in Fenix Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1593840 [RTL] In-content HTML page scrollbars are on the incorrect side Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1594059 Main scrollbar is hidden in RTL on Mac when set to show when scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1597769 scroll-margin is not respected when typing into an offscreen textarea Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1600379 user-select:none inside overflow:auto prevents scrolling with arrow keys Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1606358 unable to drag scroll bar thumb for div with height 68px and many rows of content Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-12
1608995 Scroll anchoring: Toggling block display on child of inline element can set a bad anchor node Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1613877 scrollbar height isn't accounted for, when computing intrinsic width of wrapper around a percent-height element with an aspect ratio Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1615870 Containers Cause Scrolling Issue with Slack Thread Right Sidebar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1618777 Scroll bar scope change not properly detected in SPA Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619532 Office forms - sluggish scrolling in the levels dropdown Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-26
1619551 scroll-snap-proximity Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1628985 Jumpy scroll on at top of the page Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1629280 Can end up with broken anchor chain when fragmentation is involved. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-05-17
1632636 Cannot scroll to the end of a web page (on a specific site) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-05-11
1634553 In Facebook "Hide Ad" UI for sponsored posts, the "why did I see this ad" dialog has unnecessary scrollbars Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-05-03
1640863 Scroll anchoring is not working when table has sticky header Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-05-26
1654225 [scroll-anchoring] Page is shaking while loading on CNN Travel Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-10-08
1670271 Horizontal scrolling by mouse is slower than other Windows apps Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-11-03
1673367 `text-overflow: ellipsis` doesn't work on elements with `unicode-bidi: plaintext` when the characters are in the opposed directionality of the element Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-02-23
1677583 Firefox does not reverse scroll direction for user input when y-axis is CSS-transformed, WebKit and Blink do. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-22
1705871 In some cases, the last letter of the bookmark name isn't visible in the bookmark doorhanger Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-05-20
1714720 Cannot keyboard-scroll when focused element and scrollable element are separated by a process boundary Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-05-26
1738126 weird scrolling issue for firefox Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-12-20
1741730 multi select with size of 1 arrows are expanded on windows (arrow buttons don't shrink) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-12-03
1756039 Web page jump links don't work in Firefox, but they work in Chrome. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 13:43
1762569 The thumb on the scrollbar inside the Media tab from the Page info panel does not reach the bottom of the scroll track, if you select multiple entries (e.g. select-all) before scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:20
1765624 [Android] On 404 page, the "Log In" & "Sign Up" links shift to the left when you scroll (i.e. when dynamic toolbar disappears) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 13:45
1770231 New wpt failures in /css/css-overflow/parsing/ [overflow-clip-margin-computed.html, overflow-clip-margin.html] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:53
1772272 Support re-snap on CSS transform value changes Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-09
1776624 Consider using mDestination as |aStartPos| argument for GetSnapPointForDestination in ScrollFrameHelper::ScrollSnap Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-06-26
1777619 Firefox and Chrome differ on scroll (anchor?) position when content shrinks and then grows such that scrollable height changes Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-01-13
1781297 Content moves down in the scrollport, when a reflow occurs, with "float:left;position:sticky" element followed by some cleared tall content Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 14:44
1782712 inserting iframe and then making it position fixed makes web page scroll Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:23
1787421 Scroll behaviour is not respected when scrolling to invalid form element on form submission Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 13:49
1788852 When scrolling the timetable, the name of programs in the timetable moves up/down Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-09-02
1789036 Scrollbar thumb disappears when hovered, in documents with dark background-color on `html` vs. light background-color on `body` Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 13:50
1789049 Viewport-unit-based CSS layout technique not working in Firefox as it does on Chrome Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1789464 Incorrect horizontal alignment via scrollIntoView for RTL direction Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:27
1789732 All scrollbars in a page are displayed when page is loaded on Firefox Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-01-22
1791342 [Bug]: Browser width/height are not updated when orientation changes Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1798240 Handle split-ed nsIFrame cases properly in scroll-snap Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-31
1799494 Find correct last baseline for `line-clamp` containers Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:19
1803631 Scrollbar in webextension popup does not display correctly Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:22
1813458 Pressing Backspace when typing a reply on forums causes page to scroll up Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-06-20
1818614 Transformed background-attachment:fixed images are broken on mobile environments Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-02-23
1818898 Page scrolls up and down unexpectedly due to scroll anchoring Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-26
1819563 overflow-y: clip css property on html element is ignored Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1820266 Firefox disagrees with other browsers on whether relative positioned descendants contribute scrollable overflow for their "normal" position Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:39
1825470 Consider stop firing scroll events if the scroll position is unchanged during the scroll frame is reconstructed Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-03-30
1832888 Virgin Pulse's "My Actions" carousel has janky scrolling animation in Firefox Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:26
1834078 PageDown sometimes scrolls more than PageUp Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:41
1834307 Smooth scrolls are disabled if the user prefers-reduced-motion regardless of fingerprint resistance Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-01-08
1835423 Overlay scrollbar is impossible to see over medium-gray color (#767676) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:41
1838099 Investigate Android failure of /css/css-overscroll-behavior/overscroll-behavior.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-01
1838401 Regression in text scaling - layouts breaking Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-08-30
1840166 Difference in scroll anchoring suppression between Firefox and Chrome Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:53
1843961 [META] Implement CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-09
1846980 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap-2/scroll-start-target/scroll-start-target-with-text-fragment-navigation.tentative.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-23
1848574 Change the scroll snap proximity ratio to 1/3 of the snapport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-08-25
1848576 Add a new wpt to be able to see differences on scroll snap proximity Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-08-25
1850036 scroll position jumps after dom update when page was reflowed after re-load before restoring the previous scroll position Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-26
1851066 scrollTop value changes by 1px when you scroll to a fractional position and then allow some time to pass Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-12-13
1852884 Drop SnapCoord Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1856205 Failing WPT css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-initial-layout/scroll-snap-writing-mode-000.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-15
1856206 Failures in WPT css/css-scroll-snap/overflowing-snap-areas.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-10-02
1856207 Failure in WPT css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/changing-scroll-snap-align.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-10-10
1856571 Shadow DOM and display:none style keeps the same scrollTop among elements Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-10-18
1856655 Scroll position unexpectedly resets Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1857094 OverflowChangedTracker is quite time consuming on the MotionMark-Leaves test Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-10-18
1857656 Consider keeping the line scroll amount constant in screen pixels when zoomed in Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-11
1858798 Assertion failure: false (MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE: There's at least one candidate on either axis), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/generic/ScrollSnap.cpp:270 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-28
1866670 Page down scrolls too far on some pages with headers Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-12-11
1867226 Clicking the scrollbar will increase the scrolled count even if there is no page scroll Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 08:47:48
1868851 scroll gets stuck in row when table is very high with overflow property Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-01-16
1873067 scroll-padding is not factored into page scroll amount / scroll distance when scrolling with spacebar/page down key Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-02-23
1873749 {inc} Incremental layout doesn't match static layout, when adding a vertical scrollbar will trigger linewrapping which makes content tall enough to need that scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:45
1879399 When history/bookmark sidebar is closed, the scrollbar briefly paints in the middle of the page content area (the whole page paints at original viewport-size but with new viewport-position) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:50
1880436 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/prefer-inner-target.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-02-15
1883993 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/ [nested-supercedes-common-to-both-axes.html, prefer-targeted-element-positioned.html, prefer-targeted-element.html] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1884235 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/ [scroll-snap-nested-snap-area-layout-changed.tentative.html, snap-into-covering-area.tentative.html] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-04-24
1884807 Change the default interactive-widget value to resizes-visual Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-11
1884964 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/prefer-targeted-element-main-frame.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1884967 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/ [common-to-both-axes-supercedes-first-in-tree-order.html, prefer-common-to-both-axes.html, prefer-first-in-tree-order.html] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1885458 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/prefer-common-to-both-axes.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1886250 Difference in overflow:auto scrollbar behaviour compared to Chrome Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-21
1887192 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-after-relayout/multiple-aligned-targets/prefer-targeted-element-main-frame.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1887346 Failing WPT css/css-overflow/scrollable-overflow-padding.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-08
1887348 Failing WPT css/css-overflow/overfow-outside-padding.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-03-24
1891846 Consider makeing root viewport non-overlay scrollbars follow the user's preferred color scheme by default Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1892306 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap-2/snapchanged/snapchanged-scrolling-non-snapping-axis.tentative.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sat 16:52
1897650 Tabbing to move focus to anchor nested inside SVG does not scroll viewport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-20
1899380 Scroll position snaps back to start, with `scroll-snap` and fractional margin Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-08
1901337 Trackpad page scroll across embedded Google Map stops and transfers to embed Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1907037 New wpt failures in /css/css-overflow/line-clamp/line-clamp-auto-018.tentative.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-10
1907521 Scrollbar expands while images load on scroll, causing an offset between my pointer and the scroll thumb Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Tue 16:13
1613671 The scroll position is not correctly executed on when using the “elevator” links from the site Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-09-26
1620285 {inc} Page not updated after dynamically changing overflow-y:scroll to visible (but is when doing scroll to hidden to visible) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-12-07
1630578 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 22999 - [css-overflow] move tentative -webkit-line-clamp test up one level Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2020-04-16
1662756 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 25362 - Store block-start offset in scroll anchor. Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2020-09-07
1757976 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 33049 - WebKit export of Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2022-03-03
1793721 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 36276 - Fix snap-area-overflow-boundary.html scroll amount Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2022-10-04
1902332 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 46734 - Add BFC tests for `(-webkit-)line-clamp` Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2024-06-13
1907524 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 47109 - Convert overflow-shorthand web-features mapping to ! exclusion pattern Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- Fri 02:21
1840331 Intermittent ::: Test verification FAIL | TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of .../input/keyboard.html<br/>: FAILURE Core Layout: Scrolling an botond NEW --- 2023-07-25
1494132 Reftest percent-height-overflowing-image-1.html fails on Android (Firefox for Android's overlay scrollbars suggest there's more overflow for "overflow-x:scroll" vs. "overflow:auto", with the same overflowing content) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1527883 Maximum element size is too restrictive for virtual scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1534520 Consider scroll-snap-align property on Element.scrollIntoView() call or similar stuff even if the scroll container's scroll-snap-type is none Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1594297 Investigate how to correctly reframe the old <body> with overflow property after a new primary <body> is inserted Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1905755 Intermittent /css/css-overflow/overflow-scroll-big-border-small-content.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1906582 Intermittent /css/css-scroll-snap/smooth-anchor-scroll-in-snap-container.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- Sun 23:06
1661582 [css-overflow] Implement `overflow-clip-margin`'s `visual-box` property support Core Layout: Scrolling an dshin NEW --- 2022-09-28
1662022 (Maybe) fold the Relative scroll update type into the PureRelative scroll update type Core Layout: Scrolling an kats NEW --- 2022-07-25
1664465 Try removing scroll origin downgrade state Core Layout: Scrolling an kats NEW --- 2022-07-25
90854 Page jumps to top if window height reduced until scrollbar disappears. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
778000 Nested fixed-pos elements probably don't scroll properly with async scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-05-29
1204680 Unnecessary scrollbars, with <html dir="rtl"> inside of a barely-large-enough <iframe> Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-05-17
1231777 [META] implement CSS Scroll Snap 1 - Update implementation to latest CR spec. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-09
1446826 CSS multi-columns don't work when in a container with overflow: hidden Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-08-19
1485176 Scrollbars appear and disappear, pages jitter Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1587656 Waving effects on the text scrolling Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1612927 [meta] Improve scrolling performance and jumpiness for Fenix 1.0 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-02-13
1636648 absolute position, scrollbar, white-space:pre, vh, vw bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1639846 scroll-snap prevents scrolling to bottom when scroll bar is used Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-05-21
1648470 Don't do the TryLayout stuff for overlay scrollbars Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-06-25
1648669 Drop MVM check from composition size codepath for root scrollframe scrollbar determination Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-06-26
1648923 Position on web pages is changed on rotating a smartphone Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-07-16
1650793 dragging the thumb of a scrollbar whose extent changes while dragging is not pleasant Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-07-17
1653042 header at repeatedly disappears & drifts into view, each time I use mouse/trackpad to scroll downwards Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-07-20
1655500 mute icon at bottom edge of jitsi meet ( causes vertical scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-09-20
1655878 Link-target URL popup still showing after page scroll (i.e. link still thinks it's being hovered) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-01-06
1656805 check if nsIDOMWindowUtils::getScrollbarSize should include scrollbars created only to scroll the visual viewport Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-08-02
1658159 vertical scrolling by PageUp or PageDown may skip lines Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-02-19
1660352 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-anchoring/focus-prioritized.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-08-31
1661601 No horizontal scrollbar always available for devices. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-09-11
1661604 Horizontal scrollbar always not available for mobile devices. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2020-09-11
1680107 [Bug] scroll-behavior: smooth not working Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-08-25
1681325 asynchronous window.scrollBy() does not supersede a previous element.scrollIntoView() call Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-01-03
1682203 When tabbing up/down, window.scrollY registers twice, one pixel apart Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-03-04
1686204 Win7 - scroll thumb not contained in scroller for cookie disclaimer Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-01-14
1688022 Unship the `overflow`/`underflow` events Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-11
1688196 Facebook newsfeed triggers ###!!! ASSERTION: Scrolling can't be reversed!: 'rightDelta > 0.0f && bottomDelta > 0.0f', file layout/generic/nsGfxScrollFrame.cpp Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-01-19
1694016 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/snap-at-user-scroll-end.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-02-21
1699573 scroll-snap-align: end affects x-scroll of element in a scroll-snap-type: y container. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-03-12
1699766 overflow-clip-box:content-box doesn't clip properly when there is any scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-03-19
1699958 When you shift click on the track of the scrollbar and drag, the scrollbar does not appear pressed Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-03-22
1700050 Facebook (business) Page - scroll thumb from invite friends modal gets truncated on long user lists Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-03-22
1700526 Block containers with small width/height missing horizontal/vertical scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-03-24
1701194 Win10 - Netflix - Season picker triggers scrollbar if not full in-view Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-05-12
1702407 Incorrect scrollX/scrollY value when use meta viewport in RDM Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-04-22
1702844 Scrollbar overlaps child, on auto-height "overflow-x:scroll" element with vertical writing mode Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-04-03
1702908 Intermittent /css/css-scroll-anchoring/fragment-scrolling-anchors.html | Verify scroll anchoring interaction with fragment scrolls - assert_equals: expected 1110 but got 1027 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-04-27
1704122 Firefox always places the root element's scrollbar on the right side (vs. "end" side for other scrollable elements) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-04-09
1711581 New wpt failures in /css/css-overflow/overflow-padding.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-05-17
1713049 Expanding a details element affects scroll offset (or not) in an inconsistent way Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-06-07
1717823 Firefox does not remember the scroll position on Brave Search result page (possibly due to the site's use of "cache-control: no-store"?) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-07-21
1719031 [non-Fission] Middle click autoscroll does not work the first middle-click with CSS scroll snap within iframe. Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-07-14
1720019 Can not scroll with tablet if enable let me use tablet as mouse in window Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-12-01
1720355 Scroll anchoring not effective on Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-08-30
1720671 Use Scrollbars with larger width in Firefox 89+ Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-07-16
1724459 translation on root (html) element affects scrollHeight (and scrollbars / scroll position on viewport) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-08-29
1731491 Moving focus into sticky header should not scroll page by scroll-padding/scroll-margin amount Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-11-06
1740648 Addon popup scrollbars not shown when Firefox window position (or screen size) limits popup size Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-11-14
1743216 Container with scroll-snap-type: x mandatory affects y axis leading to weird scroll behaviour Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-03-12
1744876 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/input/snap-area-overflow-boundary.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-10-08
1745675 Multiple scrollbars break Page Down until users click Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-01-31
1747336 Optimize the number of reflows for overflow:auto scroll container with only the vertical scrollbar Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2021-12-22
1753188 scroll-snap-type blocks scrolling using a mouse wheel Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-03-11
1768527 FasTrak's custom MapQuest map never finishes loading in Firefox for Android, due to endless loop of resize -> reload Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2022-05-09
1803383 scroll-snap-type and scroll-snap in general is broken since firefox 104 Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2023-11-09
1895597 New wpt failures in /css/css-overflow/overflow-outside-padding.html Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-07
1899897 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-snap/ [snap-fling-in-large-area.html, snap-after-relayout/layout-follows-focused-targeted-block.html] Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1903106 New wpt failures in /css/cssom-view/smooth-scrollIntoView-with-unrelated-gesture-scroll.html (due to missing a scrollend event which should be triggered by webdriver's scroll action) Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1906475 Rendering issue with Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody NEW --- 2024-07-05
1637415 New wpt failures in /css/css-scroll-anchoring/fragment-scrolling-anchors.html Core Layout: Scrolling an wptsync NEW --- 2020-05-24
1788504 IntersectionObserver not triggering to populate infinitite-scrolling comments on YouTube, in Fenix with dynamic toolbar (but does fire on Chrome, and in Fenix with always-present toolbar) Core Layout: Scrolling an emilio ASSI --- Sat 16:54
1768921 [css-overflow-3] Incorporate "padding-inflated bounds of in-flow children" into scrollable elements' scrollable-overflow area Core Layout: Scrolling an dshin ASSI --- Sat 16:49
1774315 Consider dropping ClampAndAlignWithPixels in nsGfxScrollFrame.cpp Core Layout: Scrolling an emilio ASSI --- 2024-06-17
1907460 Disable overflow/underflow events in release Core Layout: Scrolling an gregp ASSI --- 23:05:39
1831649 Implement the 'interactive-widget' meta viewport key, to allow controlling viewport resize behaviour when showing a virtual keyboard Core Layout: Scrolling an hikezoe.birchill ASSI --- 2024-05-27
1551784 [css-position-sticky][css-scroll-snap] Scroll-margin and position sticky targeted element doesn't execute scroll into view position correctly Core Layout: Scrolling an hikezoe.birchill ASSI --- 2024-06-04
1785551 Intermittent /css/css-scroll-snap/input/keyboard.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an hikezoe.birchill REOP --- Sun 23:50
1561933 about:support loses scroll position when page is refreshed Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1785681 Intermittent /css/css-scroll-snap/scroll-target-snap-001.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2024-07-01
1629711 Intermittent /css/css-scroll-anchoring/nested-overflow-subtree-layout.html | Testing http://web-platform.test:8000/css/css-scroll-anchoring/nested-overflow-subtree-layout.html == http://web-platform.test:8000/css/css-scroll-anchoring/nested-overflow-subtr Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1849930 Intermittent [tier 2] /css/css-scroll-anchoring/nested-overflow-subtree-layout-vertical.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 15:42:24
1856593 Intermittent /css/css-overflow/overflow-video.html | single tracking bug Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2024-06-23
1072827 scrollByLines hits "Assertion failure: aMax >= aMin (clamped(): aMax must be greater than or equal to aMin), at nsAlgorithm.h:36" inside of ClampAndAlignWithPixels Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1700858 Implement whatever more-interoperable behavior the CSSWG comes up with, for making inline-end padding scrollable on scrollable elements Core Layout: Scrolling an nobody REOP --- 2024-01-22
271 bugs found.

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