Wed Jul 17 2024 18:37:35 PDT
  • Component: Networking: DNS
  • Product: Core
  • Resolution: ---

206 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1774424 Wrong page displayed, Design is broken Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-12
1808777 DOH Fallback mode not working: DNS Over HTTPS failing to resolve certain hostnames which resolve using DoH Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-24
1813355 The cached alternative service entries expire overly soon Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-13
1813357 Why does thrid-party HTTP POST method bypass internal DNS cache? Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-13
1837621 OCSP domain request go to system resolver even when network.trr.mode=3 Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1849143 Firefox prefers IPv4 when website uses HTTPS DNS records with ipv4hints Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-24
1852899 Skip IPv6 IP addresses from TRR response when the client does not support IPv6. Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-15
1900481 DoH resolution is 100ms slower with uBlock Origin installed Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-28
1902088 DoH won't work if DNS is proxied over SOCKS5 Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-25
1580781 Firefox starts up slow when the local hostname cant be resolved Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu UNCO --- 2022-11-30
701823 DNS cache needs to be cleared after captive portal is detected Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1208896 Internationalized Domain Name link broken on click, works on Enter Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1495203 TRR: Support multiple IP addresses (IPv4/IPv6) for network.trr.bootstrapAddress Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-03
1540618 TRR: the first DoH resolution (mode 3) with always fails Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1563173 Trusted Recursive Resolver Fallback Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1593176 Default DNS-over-HTTPS resolver is blocked in Russia Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-26
1594150 Change behavior of flag Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1600529 Default DoH trr mode of 2 defeats filtering DNS-over-HTTPS providers that rely on NXDOMAIN response for filtering Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1600597 Unable to truly disable DNS caching Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1612584 Current TRR mode 3 implementation disrespects DNS based content filtering Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1612701 WebSocket blocked by uBlock Origin still does a DNS request Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1619781 Can DNS over HTTPS settings be fixed to provide support for authentication via client certificates? Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1626958 DNS resolution takes a magnitude longer (over 100 ms) in Firefox than native OS DNS resolution Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-04
1646902 DNS-over-HTTPS Downgrade Attack Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2020-06-30
1653880 Fallback DoH provider Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-30
1656714 net.trr.bootstrapAddress should bootstrap instead of hardcoding Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2020-08-03
1656895 Possible scope for phishing attacks due to DoH falling back by default Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2021-09-09
1673399 PPPoE connection detected as VPN - TRR not work Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-01
1684791 Prefer ISP DNS-over-HTTPS Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2021-01-07
1686098 integrate native .bit (NMC) domain support for decentralized DNS access Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2021-03-04
1701315 Firefox does not do IPv6 AAAA record lookup for dual stack clients and IPv4-only remote access VPN virtual adapter Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2021-06-22
1756114 dns resolve get broken after disabling mDNSResponder.plist on mac Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-03-22
1763951 non fqdn dns http exclude Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-04-15
1792987 HTTPSSVC lookup only seem to work via DoH Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-04
1796892 Add support of DNS over QUIC (DoQ) Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-09
1811766 Custom DNS-over-HTTPS: raise an error and allow the approval of self-signed certificates Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-04
1824414 Confusing error message displayed when DNS reply has rcode REFUSED Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-27
1844236 Open Settings->Privacy & Security will causing network.trr.uri in about:config revert to default Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-11
1845034 DNS over HTTPS: using IP address for custom DNS doesn't work Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-24
1847052 hasn't been DNS cached Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-04
1850109 Firefox uses system DNS resolution in some cases rather than that given in DNS over HTTPS Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-29
1870496 DNS resolution fails if any label in a CNAME target begins with a hyphen or an underscore Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-10
1890422 Syncserver not working with DNS over HTTPS Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-11
1891381 Option to remove DNS over HTTPS bypass on filtered results (children protection) Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-01
1898778 [Feature] Enable DoH and Https only as default in Brazil Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-10
1015001 high CPU usage and disk writes to places.sqlite when DNS for a host is set to in hosts file under Windows Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1193884 Enhancement: XPCOM exposure to allow addons to alter responses from DNS queries Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1352682 /etc/hosts file not respected when offline Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1521517 [feature] mdns fallback to AAAA record if no A record found Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1628115 Do not use cloudflare DNS by default Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1897294 [REGRESSION] [LINUX] 100% CPU use with zero web pages open Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-03
1905506 should be exempt from DNS over HTTPS by default. Core Networking: DNS nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-01
1571543 [meta] DNS-over-HTTPS Rollout Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1664492 Extremely long DNS resolution times with Fenix Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-09
1774581 Add more tests for TRR retry Core Networking: DNS kershaw NEW --- 2022-07-25
1886225 Add a new telemetry probe to see how often the DoH region is changed Core Networking: DNS kershaw NEW --- 2024-05-24
1463374 evict expired DNS cache entries first Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1589084 Allow DNS prefetch from HTTPS when a TRR is being used Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-12-19
1652033 DoH heuristics don't support ipv6-only networks. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1713019 Add more safeguards against malformed config to DoHConfigController Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1713454 Use TelemetryTestUtils for testing DoHTelemetry instead of bespoke helpers Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1713504 Stop shipping default values for doh-rollout.provider-steering.* and doh-rollout.trr-selection.* Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1781078 Firefox does not use the presence or absence of no-default-alpn Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1806257 Add offline support page for trr mode3 error page. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-03
1806317 Create sumo page for TRR skip reasons Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1808285 Content process could get wrong TRR mode and skip reason Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-01-03
1810410 Why does "DNS over HTTPS" chase CNAME answers if HTTPS records have valid answers. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-24
1824920 [meta] DNS over HTTPS settings and warning pages - QA bug tracking Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-26
1824929 Handle OHTTP requests soon after startup Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-06-01
1824990 Consider using permission database to store excluded domains Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-03-28
1825571 Firefox seems unable to resolve DNS after the laptop lid is closed on network A and reopened in network B Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-09-04
1827887 Firefox on Android cannot find morphyrichards, but desktop (and other Android browsers) can Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1828241 DoH UI: Locked TRR mode pref should also disable custom URI field and provider choice dropdown Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1833828 The Always Continue button from the DOH Fallback Warning page should let the users know that it disables the Warning page for all other websites Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-07-22
1834715 Make sure DoH supports HTTP/3 Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-03
1846552 Occasional DNS failures loading CNN pages Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-28
1851429 [DoH] Late write of pref doh-rollout.mode Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-09-04
1852901 Pass HTTPS result from native resolver to listener. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-03
1852904 nsHostRecord should record if it was resolved using a secure DNS resolver Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-04
1869075 Firefox doesn't follow RFC9460 HTTPS AliasMode TargetName Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-09
1877108 Implement exceptions for new ICANN local network TLD Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-04-09
1882856 Crash in [@ dns_res_send ] with "network.dns.native_https_query" on MacOS Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-03
1899851 Cira is missing from DOH provider dropdown lists on new profile Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-14
1900013 DoH UI: mode3 warning page is too alarming when domain can't be found Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1900564 Wallpaper and related thumbnails on new tab page stopped loading on startup with Multi-Account Containers (MAC) proxy and oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH) Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-25
1906361 Migrate P1 DNS_* probes to glean Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-08
1907842 Use ICU4X for nsIDNService::IsLabelSafe Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- Mon 13:08
1122907 Slow DNS lookup/connection timings on 64 bit Linux. Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-05-30
1487533 Canceling DNS requests are forgeable by rogue Content Process Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2022-10-11
1648004 This telemetry probe looks wrong DNS_TRR_REQUEST_PER_CONN or do we have some bug in the request dispatching Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-02-27
1673615 Write test for using TRR with security.OCSP.require==true Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2020-10-27
1806258 Add tests for TRR error page Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2023-03-13
1815209 Add test that checks DoH mode3 error page when connected to DoH server Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-06-04
1824922 Make trr servers return an error if no content type is set on the request Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2023-03-28
1860038 Enable network.dns.port_prefixed_qname_https_rr Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-05-24
1888513 DoH region switch takes 2 weeks of roaming to trigger Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-05-14
1889387 Also display negative DNS records in about:networking (and maybe HTTPS records) Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-04-03
1852752 [meta] Allow resolving HTTPS (or arbitrary record types) RR with native DNS (without TRR) Core Networking: DNS kershaw NEW --- 2024-07-09
358314 large dns round robins act like failed dns lookup Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
705483 DNS hosts file ignored intermittently Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-02-23
731735 Improve DNS requests scheduling and handling parallelism Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
735967 DNS: Prepare nsHostResolver and nsDNSService to use different record types Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
819575 Clear DNS cache of entries for private connections when leaving private browsing mode Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
834490 Share hostname cache between address families Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
964391 Firefox doesn't use certificate name mismatch as cue to lookup DNS record Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1085488 DNS: Investigate getting TTL on Mac OS X Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1085489 DNS: Investigate getting TTL on Linux Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1085490 DNS: Investigate getting TTL on Android Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1222338 301 + DNS failure leads to massive CPU spike Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1248058 Make sure that use of LOAD_BYPASS*_CACHE flags bypassing our DNS cache doesn't cause any performance issues Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1310970 DNS lookup failure returns in an ISP page Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1348406 DPRIVE Optional Support Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1361337 dns leaks with remotedns in firefox 45.9.0 over tor Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-04-09
1396498 nsIDNSService.myHostName doesn't use the correct encoding (fails NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_NATIVE, returns mojibake, etc) Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1436319 libmdns fallback service is not tested Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1440228 about:networking shows incorrect family Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1452599 DNS-Over-HTTPS mode == 3 bypassed during shutdown Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1455425 expose TRR (DNS over HTTPS) configuration in browser settings Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1460319 TRR: add pref to restrict function to HTTP/2-only Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-12-08
1466465 Add Telemetry for age distribution of DNS cache entries when used as a cache hit Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-03
1467851 TRR: network connection type specific pref Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1468924 TRR: add telemetry time probe for the period from name lookup until PR_connect Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1475605 Comprehensive DNS Rebinding Protection Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-18
1495585 TRR: try racing regular DNS request if TRR takes more than N milliseconds Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1495887 PDNSRequest can be constructed with a fraudulent Origin Attributes Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1508623 DOH client misses opportunity to merge A and AAAA request in one packet Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1525877 Look into by-pass cache for the dns cache Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1543010 Expose whether trr was used to nsHttpChannel Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1563404 support configuration of multiple DoH servers Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-02-04
1572192 Bring back ';1' Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1575856 Improve TRR timeout logic to start the timer only after we have sent the request Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1593788 update DOH in about:preferences to reflect extension control Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-02-21
1596839 [meta] DoH UI Phase 2 Enhancements Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1600043 Figure out a way to load the updated etld on startup Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1600343 ICS domains are not being successfully parsed Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-09-17
1600938 When network connections have multiple DNS suffixes, the DNS Suffix list in about:networking#dns is empty. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-09
1600967 Ensure that the DNS cache TTL suffices for typical browsing sessions such that we don't end up sending repeated queries to the network Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1605012 DoH Rollout Extension: Move canaries to Remote Settings/Kinto Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1605020 DoH Rollout Extension: Do not run heuristics on network change if network ID is unchanged Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1605023 DoH Rollout Extension: Don't treat an auto-enabled enterprise roots setting as a heuristic to disable DoH Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1609028 DoH: Give heuristics runs a unique identifier and include it in telemetry Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1609835 DNSSEC for DOH Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-14
1610365 Consider if we want the telemetry probe at shutdown to respect TRR settings or not Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1613934 [Windows][DoH] The "network.trr.mode" pref" remains set to "2" value even after disconnecting from the internet Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1614531 DoH and ESNI policy when the OS contains unclear trust roots upon install Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1617845 test_DNSLookup.js intermittently fails with a debug assertion on shutdown Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1620628 More frequent DoH requests than expected Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1622580 GUI Support for Excluded DNS Over HTTPS Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-06-30
1624455 [TRR] Mode3 requests will fail if confirmation is in progress Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-06-30
1648889 isLabelSafe (punycode heuristic) should allow Limited_Use scripts Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1650353 CNAME requests might not be immediately cancelled Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-07-03
1652028 Stop using Preferences.jsm in DoH code. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1652030 Clean up DoH rollout prefs Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1656153 Unable to go to zeroconf/bonjour/.local hosts Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-06-07
1656803 Firefox DoH Mutual Authentication (client cert auth) Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-08-03
1668211 Resolve AAAA/A addresses when receiving a service form HTTPS RR Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-02
1672323 Create a WPT test to verify handling of locahost and *.locahost Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-09-22
1680026 Add tests for DoH Heuristics Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1681149 Add a common API for all DNS resolvers. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-12-14
1682541 Gather telemetry regarding the reason why we fail decoding a DNS packet. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-12-15
1693809 Add tests for TRR telemetry Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-11-24
1693996 In mode 1, 4, and 5, TRR_ONLY_MODE set on the request results in fallback Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-02-20
1699711 Do we need DNS_TRR_REQUEST_PER_CONN for HTTP3? Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-09-09
1699759 DoH uses POST therefore it does not use 0RTT, we can relax that Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-03-26
1702025 Slow DNS times (500ms+) seen on Fenix applink cold startup Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-04-21
1702136 about:networking - TAB select skips the Section links Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-02-02
1712283 nsIEffectiveTLDService getBaseDomainFromHost does not throw if aHost contains scheme Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-12
1715779 Potential deadlock with AsyncResolveNative Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-12-14
1716286 Also disable TRR for Mozilla VPN (OSX) Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-10-25
1734159 [Ubuntu 16 x86] "google" is missing from the event ping in about:telemetry#events-tab Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-12-09
1743988 Run more TRR tests that depend on Confirmation state in socket-process-networking jobs Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2021-12-07
1751956 Intermittent [TV] netwerk/test/unit/test_trr_blocklist.js | checkBlocklisting - [checkBlocklisting : 42] 0 == 1 Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-03-03
1757149 Add ability to turn on TRR mode 3 just for private browsing Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-03-11
1758392 Set DNS-over-HTTPS by default, everywhere in the world Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-05-23
1760097 Intermittent netwerk/test/unit/test_trr_confirmation.js | single tracking bug Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- Sun 23:24
1782716 RFC: Necko should use HTTPS RR information to make concurrent connections. Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-03-03
1784674 Intermittent browser/components/doh/test/browser/browser_cleanFlow.js | single tracking bug Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1829145 Custom DOH provider URLs are not displayed on the fallback warning page Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-08-11
1829904 DoH: Monitor for changes of /etc/hosts Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-24
1832318 Users should still be able to add domains to the DOH exceptions list if DOH settings are locked in the policies file Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-11
1835269 Enabling DOH Default Protection changes the Status to OFF, until the browser is restarted Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-26
1835627 DNS error message does not reflect ODoH being enabled Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-05-29
1836240 Make it possible to use OHTTP only for some TRR requests Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-06-01
1836241 Handle OHTTP keyconfig expiration Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-07-25
1841509 Do not rely on native DNS to bootstrap DoH in doh max protection Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-07-04
1852907 Do a nimbus experiment to measure native vs DoH success rates of resolving HTTPS records Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-09-13
1857473 Windows Require DoH policy blocks DNS resolution if no DoH servers are configured Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-10-07
1878485 Misleading error message re secure DNS in case of network failure Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-03-13
1890473 Remove the ToUnicode operation Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1682799 [meta] DNS tracking bug Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-04-09
1720911 TRR Confirmation event's time is intermittently 0.0 Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2021-10-07
767158 remove synchronous DNS resolution in nsAuthSSPI.cpp Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2023-05-04
1119246 block non-local names in testsuite runs at the DNS level, rather than the socket connect level Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1163015 Internal model of Public Suffix List is not rich enough; needs to distinguish * from Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1163794 Zombie OSX Printing Jobs over DNSSD may harm performance Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1220952 Provide tests for nsIDNSServiceDiscovery Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1495458 Support DNS-over-Tor (via DNS-over-HTTPS) Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1655734 DNS fallback failures across multiple interfaces Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2020-08-21
1649372 [meta] DNS-over-HTTPS tracking bug (DoH) (TRR) Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu NEW --- 2024-06-04
1717729 Intermittent browser/components/doh/test/browser/browser_remoteSettings_rollout.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::net::nsSocketTransport::InitiateSocket] | FATAL ERROR: Non-local network connections are disabled and a connection attempt to Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1718447 Intermittent browser/components/doh/test/browser/browser_trrSelect.js (finished) , browser_trrSelection_disable.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::net::nsSocketTransport::InitiateSocket] Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1888494 Increased Protection mode for DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) breaks captive portals Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-10
1822495 Make sure canary heuristic is accurate Core Networking: DNS valentin.gosu ASSI --- 2023-05-31
1616248 Intermittent browser/extensions/doh-rollout/test/browser/browser_rollback.js | Uncaught exception - undefined - timed out after 50 tries. Core Networking: DNS nobody REOP --- 2024-06-04
1788796 Intermittent browser/components/doh/test/browser/browser_doorhangerUserReject.js | single tracking bug Core Networking: DNS nobody REOP --- 2024-07-08
1849304 Intermittent browser/components/doh/test/browser/browser_trrSelection_disable.js | single tracking bug Core Networking: DNS nobody REOP --- Sun 23:53
206 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product