Wed Jul 17 2024 17:14:12 PDT
  • Component: Networking: JAR
  • Product: Core
  • Resolution: ---

36 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
451595 external jar: URIs need an "Ignore this warning" or "Add Exception" button Core Networking: JAR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
482021 nsIZipWriter always follows symbolic links, this should be controlled by an option and should be off by default Core Networking: JAR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
502540 jar: protocol displays non-ASCII archive file names incorrectly Core Networking: JAR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
904426 File opened with jar protocol locked until complete close Core Networking: JAR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
935553 zip-reader extract files as with readonly attribute Core Networking: JAR nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1579859 jar logging tries to access the directory service from non-mainthread Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1798945 Switch omni jar mimetype-for-extension lookups to use the new nsExternalHelperAppService::GetDefaultTypeFromURI method or similar Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1861423 Intermittent application crashed [@ nsJARProtocolHandler::MimeService] | single tracking bug Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
337120 Memory leaks fix for manifest parsing in libjar Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
806379 Add memory reporter for JARs Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1076744 nsZipItem::GetItem() failure when sending XHR request with mapped arraybuffer type if URI contains special charactors Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1364151 Support Creating a JARChannel From a FileDescriptor or InputStream Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1430685 make nsJARChannel really thread-safe Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1456626 nsJARChannel::asyncOpen can still block Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1470182 Local jar: and file: channels should set the correct content type for .wasm files Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1851295 nsIZipReader findEntries() permanently locks ZIP file on Windows 10 Core Networking: JAR rjesup NEW --- 2024-02-06
341071 jar: protocol should report malformed zip file (using an error page) Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
341072 jar: protocol should report missing files in zip (using an error page) Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
363429 jar: protocol doesn't work if "!/" is missing, resulting in Google search for "jar" Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
453005 More tests wanted for nsIZipWriter, nsIZipReader: directories Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
463314 Error messages for signed jars is usually not helpful Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
510611 do zero-copy jar io Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
510877 Merge nsJar.cpp and nsZipArchive.cpp Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
511736 nsJARInputStream.cpp: release dependency on nsJar when doing directory read Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
513589 Fix callers of JARInputStream to not check on aBytesRead when the read returned with an error code. Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
574339 crash EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR [@ xtolong] (v3.1, v3.1.1) processing extensions, [@ nsZipArchive::GetData] (Mac) Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2023-03-09
581616 Allow zip files to be incrementally read Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
649146 Support compressed central directories Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-11-21
699616 Move extract function from nsJAR to nsZipArchive Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
760209 nsIZipWriter should fail if none of PR_WRONLY, PR_RDONLY, PR_RDWR are given Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
827243 async XMLHttpRequest send() throws NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND on AsyncOpen for app:// protocol instead of generating a 404 Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
834540 Do more validation of zip file names Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
849049 Provide seekable stream for uncompressed JAR files Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
899177 XHR against jar: uri seems to always have application/xml content type Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
961622 nsIZipWriter: support alignment for individual files Core Networking: JAR nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1799060 Crash in [@ shutdownhang | mozilla::ArenaAllocator<T>::Clear] called from ~nsZipArchive() Core Networking: JAR rjesup NEW --- 2024-04-30
36 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product