Wed Jul 17 2024 18:20:38 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Component: Storage: StorageManager
  • Product: Core

27 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1817580 Opening first page after cold bool takes up to 3 minutes, 85% in mozilla::dom::LSObject::GetItem (W10) Core Storage: StorageMana nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-18
1894823 returns incorrect usage with granted persistence Core Storage: StorageMana nobody UNCO --- Tue 07:03
1824572 Move storage-relative threads (such as mozStorage) to a separate process (maybe move to utility process?) Core Storage: StorageMana nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-03
1288032 [Storage API] Estimate how much space would get freed by running the origin eviction Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1296592 Figure out OS interaction when running low on storage Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1558478 StorageManager/QuotaManager should listen for removal of the "persistent-storage" permission and revoke the storage grant. (Was: Persistent storage permission granted on "Never Allow") Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2020-05-24
1625311 Stop using WorkerMainThreadRunnables for and on Workers Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1861007 Expand exact error stack propagation in Storage Manager Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861176 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/LocalStorage.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861177 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/LocalStorageCache.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861178 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/LocalStorageManager.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861180 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/PartitionedLocalStorage.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861181 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/SessionStorage.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861182 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/SessionStorageCache.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861183 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/SessionStorageManager.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861184 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/SessionStorageService.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861185 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/Storage.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861186 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageActivityService.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861187 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageDBThread.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861188 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageDBUpdater.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861189 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageDBUpdater.h Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861190 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageIPC.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861191 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageObserver.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861192 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageUtils.cpp Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861193 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/storage/StorageUtils.h Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1885951 storage/archives bloats the profile folder? Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1671190 [meta] Improve Clear-Site-Data Core Storage: StorageMana nobody NEW --- 2023-06-14
27 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product