Thu Jul 18 2024 00:08:12 PDT
  • Keywords: ateam-b2g-task

12 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
990635 [marionette-js-runner] Create host for connecting to python harness over a socket Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::TestAgent ahal RESO FIXE 2014-07-23
989126 Add Gaia build tests to TBPL Firefox OS Graveyard General jgriffin RESO FIXE 2014-05-23
1040658 Add Gaia build unit tests to TBPL Firefox OS Graveyard General jgriffin RESO FIXE 2014-08-27
969146 Crashes from child processes don't get processed in b2g mochitests Testing Mochitest ahal RESO FIXE 2014-08-14
916368 Get gaia-ui-tests running on emulators on TBPL Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia dave.hunt RESO WONT 2015-12-22
987406 Add ssltunnel to bundle used for b2g tests Release Engineering General jgriffin RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
943326 run-if = os == 'b2g' does not work in b2g-desktop Testing General nobody RESO INVA 2018-01-25
1027597 B2G reftest timeouts are outputting only "TimeoutException: TimeoutException: Connection timed out" Testing Reftest nobody RESO WONT 2016-07-20
987746 Create a mach target for running gaia-ui tests Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::UI Tests nobody RESO WONT 2015-07-17
997244 Refactor out of marionette and into mozrunner Testing Mozbase ahal RESO FIXE 2014-12-15
999086 Add gaia linter tests to TBPL Firefox OS Graveyard General jgriffin RESO FIXE 2014-07-02
999719 [Tracking bug] Stand up OOP tests on b2g desktop builds side-by-side non-OOP tests Firefox OS Graveyard General jgriffin RESO INCO 2014-08-04
12 bugs found.