Wed Jul 17 2024 21:02:46 PDT
  • Keywords: buildapi

134 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1166003 Please Introduce Voice Call Recording API Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Dialer nobody RESO WONT 2016-05-07
1288312 WebExtension ContenxtMenu Cannot be Removed WebExtensions General nobody RESO DUPL 2018-06-19
912428 buildapi/scripts/ hangs generating builds-4hr.js.gz, resulting in tbpl.m.o not showing completed builds Infrastructure & Ope CIDuty nrthomas RESO FIXE 2020-01-10
629178 self-serve bombs out on crazy revision request Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
634592 Stop build (incl. cancellator and self-serve) prevents machines from rebooting Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
644770 trigger nightlies via self-serve Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
654630 Forcing a revision in self-serve not working since repo move of aurora & beta Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
750628 Auto-update selfserve-agent Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
775507 Self-serve's 'trigger dep builds' not working Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
625978 flapping nagios alerts for builds-running, builds-pending Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2013-10-13
631943 Server Error on buildapi/revision/branch/<non-existent revision> Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
738272 Add Jetpack tree to self-serve Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
827345 Self-serve "generate nightly builds on revision X" doesn't work with B2G nightlies Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
1014836 Please add treeherder to allowed origins response headers for BuildAPI self-serve Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
692421 enable rev4 10.6 jobs in buildapi again Release Engineering General armenzg RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
476882 provide self-service forcing of builds at a specific changeset Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
634923 Job status doesn't always get updated Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
636027 self-serve is cumbersome for cancelling a whole build Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-09-02
658934 When a build is canceled via self-serve the builder needs to clobber Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
690577 Move buildapi onto new hosts Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
697466 Allow triggering PGO builds on an arbitrary revision from self-serve Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
720246 Self-serve agent should cope with hg.m.o not responding with masters list Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
629477 add links for BuildAPI and self-serve to Release Engineering General djmitche RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
657359 move pre-buildapi reports off Release Engineering General djmitche RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
657362 move build db dumps to a new host Release Engineering General djmitche RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
793989 Self-serve should be able to request arbitrary builds on a push (not just retriggers or complete sets of dep/PGO/Nightly builds) Release Engineering General johnlzeller RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
625177 buildapi/recent should show more jobs Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
631293 change status number for strings on buildapi Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2014-06-17
635369 Allow number-of-entries-shown to be customized in self-serve build API Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
635505 self-serve web UI should allow you to specify more rows to view in tables Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
635506 Occasional problems submitting self-serve jobs Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
656176 buildapi starts running slow when a self-serve requests fails ? Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2014-02-18
656501 Self-serve stops working when many jobs are started at once Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
664592 self-serve: trailing slash causes 500s Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
664858 Disable cancelling compile jobs through self-serve (except on try) until bug 658934 lands Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2013-08-12
666756 self-serve should be able to "nerf" jobs (suppress dependents) Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
673246 Self-serve API should allow cancelling all jobs for a revision except actual builds Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-09-02
678880 Release jobs should wind up with a single sane branch name in buildapi/running Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2018-05-08
721890 Switch buildapi away from carrot, or figure out how to make it declare HA queues Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2014-04-25
752821 "Create new dep builds on comm-central revision <n>" doesn't work Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2018-05-08
757294 self-serve agent should have a timeout on getting production branches and masters Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
769258 buildapi doesn't trigger correct nightly builders for awhile after the list changes Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2018-05-08
611448 Buildbot JSON needs logURL field Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
627566 self-serve should allow selecting multiple builds to cancel/rebuild Release Engineering General catlee RESO WONT 2013-08-12
625168 we should be able to retrigger multiple jobs Release Engineering General nobody RESO INVA 2017-05-08
650249 The self-serve API redirects to http links Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
653367 self-serve build API should expose which builds have had cancellation/rebuild requests Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
678643 selfserve agent shouldn't wait forever trying to cancel a build Release Engineering General nobody RESO INCO 2014-06-17
690775 ratios job/slaves reports Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
704006 Add a new buildbot job status for "User cancelled" Release Engineering General arcuscc1 RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
602208 Update list of reports for buildapi Release Engineering General armenzg RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
660143 move the tegra dashboard off of the talos web frontend and onto something more... real Release Engineering General bear RESO WONT 2013-08-12
630633 Option to rebuild N times with self-serve Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2014-05-05
614629 (tracker) Focus external interfaces at Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
616570 Update E2E Report to group Build Runs by unique build id Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2014-06-17
625178 buildapi should show which changes have gone through our systems Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2014-06-17
631316 create a buildapi page that shows what each slave is running or last run Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2014-06-17
633362 Provide additional filtering options on the self-serve API web interface Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
636440 Cache E2E Report & BuildRun Report with Redis Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2014-06-17
636694 Mark old pending changes (with no build requests) as not pending Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
646487 Add a test parameter to the self-serve API which performs a dry-run instead of the actual operation Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2014-06-17
649565 Self-serve build API should allow starting a test build that didn't run originally Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
655492 selfserve should alert on medium-term bad trends Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2014-06-17
656369 wait time emails could include run times Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2014-06-17
656419 show more changeset info on self-serve tool Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2014-06-17
661631 Add a top of page widget to the self-serve per-branch/rev UI to display if run is complete with results and links to builds Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
684310 Add a 'Cancel All' button on a specific revision page (/buildapi/self-serve/<branch>/rev/<rev>) Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
684328 buildbot should support a 'remove failing jobs from the system as quickly as possible' Release Engineering General nobody RESO INCO 2014-06-17
720772 Some release jobs don't show up on self-serve Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
614996 Make int_size parameter default value proportional to time interval Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
616484 Exclude nanojit- and release- buildernames from wait times report Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
616574 Quick search for Build Run report on /buildapi/reports/revision Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
627700 Pushes Report Improvements & Features: totals pie chart, daily & hourly break down, Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
631011 Update Wait Time to 10.6 from 10.6.2 and 10.5 from 10.5.8 Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
632074 Wait Times emails update: set maxb to 90m and exclude valgrind branch Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
634981 TryChooser Report gives a Server Error An internal server error occurred Release Engineering General astoica RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
611452 Tryserver branch should be named consistently in buildbot JSONs Release Engineering General catlee RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
616566 Add Rebuild buttons to Build Run Page Release Engineering General catlee RESO WONT 2013-08-12
674267 Recent jobs page is not loading up Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
690581 buildapi needs to support remote redis cache Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
825466 Please remove zombie running builds from db Release Engineering General catlee RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
690672 self-serve should be able to disable coalescing (aka retriggering builds manually should never coalesce) Release Engineering General emorley RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
813025 Several buildapi pages missing closing table tag Release Engineering General emorley RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
1049446 Add timeouts to buildapi's urllib.urlopen() requests Release Engineering General emorley RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
814872 Self-Serve job trigger requests aren't going through Release Engineering General jhopkins RESO FIXE 2013-08-12
855195 Please remove zombie running builds from db Release Engineering General kmoir RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
649197 Add a button to cancel all pending/running jobs in self-serve Release Engineering General lukasblakk+bugs RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
615366 Create small schedulerdb and statusdb dumps for testing buildapi Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
640866 The Rebuild button in the self-serve page needs a better UI Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
649421 Cannot stop unstoppable build on self serve Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2013-08-12
681957 buildapi doesn't differentiate between a coalesced job and one that actually completed on that revision Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
729786 Triggering PGO builds on a branch that doesn't do PGO should trigger them, rather than crashing self-serve Release Engineering General nobody RESO INCO 2017-05-08
732229 self-serve agent crashing out Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
734328 Nightlies triggered through self-serve still include mobile desktop Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
740909 buildapi's Pushes Report displays charts with truncated repo names Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
755191 The thing we use to retrigger pending jobs through self-serve doesn't work Tree Management Grav TBPL nobody RESO INCO 2015-04-13
755193 Web UI for self-serve should allow retriggering pending jobs Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
765414 Self-serve should allow me to perform cancel/rebuild on multiple builds Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
780468 Self-serve 'trigger pgo builds' sometimes triggers dep builds instead Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2017-05-08
794192 Self-serve should display builds that were manually started and be able to retrigger them Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-08
800681 Ability to use self serve API to make nightly builds for oak Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2017-05-08
804334 Move BuildAPI to the new web cluster Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
804340 BuildAPI should use all rabbitmq hostnames for resiliency Release Engineering General nobody RESO INVA 2017-05-08
804346 self-serve agent is a SPOF Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
806777 buildapi likes to stop logging Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
813017 Sort order incorrect for duration column on Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
822705 the +1 button on self serve should increase the job priority not decrease it Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
829407 Buildapi reports don't identify B2G jobs as opt/debug correctly Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-25
837453 Please remove zombie running builds from db Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
842095 buildapi doesn't show running gaia-ui-test jobs that run on the Gaia-Master branch because they run on the "Unknown" branch Release Engineering General nobody RESO INVA 2017-05-08
845329 Self-serve doesn't recognise the new gaia trees Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
848348 Provide the option to start/cancel specific tests in the self-service build API Release Engineering General nobody RESO INCO 2018-02-07
901206 make self-serve available to contributors via Persona Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2018-02-21
909046 json dump of todays builds busted Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
909083 buildapi needs something to restart it Release Engineering General nobody RESO INVA 2017-05-08
909543 Add a way to start nightlies for a subset of platforms Release Engineering General nobody RESO WONT 2017-05-24
926246 [Meta] Tree closing/reliability issues with builds-pending.js, builds-running.js, builds-4hr.js.gz or buildapi in general Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
965280 buildapi has wrong timestamps in json output Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
975191 Self serve API for oak not building Oak nightly builds even know there is a nightly from 2 days ago Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
1026515 Buildapi requests failing with 401 Authorisation Required Infrastructure & Ope CIDuty nobody RESO WORK 2020-01-10
1047165 buildapi and self-serve should have allthethings available to look up information Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2018-02-16
1047166 self-serve should use allthethings to get list of nightly and pgo builders Release Engineering General nobody RESO DUPL 2017-05-08
1047167 buildapi should check arbitrary job requests are for a valid builder Release Engineering General nobody RESO WORK 2018-02-16
1242913 why I can't build thunderbird sucessfull in win7 64bit by hg unbundle source recipe for target 'compile' failed Thunderbird Build Config nobody RESO INCO 2016-09-11
1251832 defineProperty is not replacing defineSetter and defineGetter as expected Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2016-02-27
1312280 Thunderbird for Android and iOS Thunderbird Untriaged nobody RESO DUPL 2016-10-23
1312281 Thunderbird for Windows Store Thunderbird OS Integration nobody RESO DUPL 2016-10-23
905554 buildapi/scripts/ hangs generating builds-4hr.js.gz, resulting in tbpl.m.o not showing completed builds Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
1043996 Prune the allowed origins list for buildapi Release Engineering General nrthomas RESO FIXE 2017-05-08
851896 Buildapi/self-serve doesn't know about the graphics repo Release Engineering General philringnalda RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
859564 [STUDENT AMBASSADORS] Signup form + Exact Target Pages & Content giorgos VERI FIXE 2013-06-28
751066 Pending and running builds not shown on Thunderbird Try (Build API doesn't correctly distinguish between try and try-comm-central branches) Release Engineering General standard8 VERI FIXE 2018-05-08
799540 XHR authentication prompt no longer appears for cross-origin requests (e.g. retriggering builds on TBPL using self-serve fails unless previously authenticated) Core XML amarchesini VERI FIXE 2012-12-17
802122 Self-serve failing for retriggering builds on aurora/beta, with "Couldn't send message to broker" Infrastructure & Ope RelOps: General djmitche VERI FIXE 2013-07-16
134 bugs found.