Wed Jul 17 2024 22:18:47 PDT
  • Keywords: china-p1

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
762409 localStorage throws "The operation is insecure." error with document.domain Core DOM: Core & HTML honzab.moz RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
611253 Alipay plugin is not available in the Plugin Finder Service Toolkit Graveyard Plugin Finder Servic nobody RESO WONT 2014-09-24
704038 Allow ATL thunk emulation to work in Mozilla China's IEMode plugin Core Graveyard Plug-ins nobody RESO WONT 2022-05-16
713180 plugincontainer can't activate the second dialog automatically in plugin Core Graveyard Plug-ins nobody RESO INCO 2022-05-16
4 bugs found.