Wed Jul 17 2024 23:48:52 PDT
  • Keywords: clownshoes

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1080849 JS engine debugging code like js_DumpBacktrace doesn't always reproduce the whole stack (or indeed anything useful) Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
927219 Close some older branches in mozilla-central Release Engineering Release Requests nobody RESO FIXE 2016-02-19
1139037 White page, but overscrolling reveals content Firefox for Android Toolbar snorp RESO INCO 2020-12-21
1101265 Infinite automatic semicolon insertion before invalid arrow function syntax. Core JavaScript Engine arai.unmht RESO FIXE 2014-12-15
1125621 MSE is not supported on HTTP version of Core Audio/Video bugs RESO FIXE 2015-02-09
1098121 XPCShell test harness test harness times out while testing timeouts Testing XPCShell Harness chmanchester RESO FIXE 2014-11-24
1075231 Add "this is why we can't have nice things" keyword Bugzilla Tweaks dkl RESO FIXE 2019-04-25
1075059 non-enumerable Array.prototype.contains is not web-compatible (breaks Core JavaScript Engine till RESO FIXE 2014-12-19
8 bugs found.