Wed Jul 17 2024 20:50:23 PDT
  • Keywords: csectype-other

110 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1464833 Downloads path can be made to point to and open an executable. Toolkit Downloads API nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-30
847147 Security Bug: Firefox will parse malformed HTTP responses Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2024-06-20
1303183 Add-on update metadata needs to use content-signing Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2021-05-21
1390740 No safe warning or sandbox when load an add-on from about:debugging#addons DevTools about:debugging nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
916281 pop3/imap/smtp servers should always be resolved as FQDNs Thunderbird Security nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1546656 mXSS via <math> Core DOM: Serializers nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1814314 Assertion failure: mPresContext->mLayoutPhaseCount[nsLayoutPhase::Paint] == 0 (constructing frames in the middle of a paint), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/layout/base/nsAutoLayoutPhase.cpp:65 Core Audio/Video: Playbac alwu RESO FIXE 2023-10-17
1344034 A single RWX page is getting allocated on Windows Core Security arthuredelstein RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
946351 Misissued Google certificates from DCSSI NSS CA Certificates Code brian RESO FIXE 2014-03-05
1451943 Social site timing attacks potentially preventable with Same-site cookies Core DOM: Security ckerschb RESO FIXE 2018-11-05
1377959 passes va_list to varags methods Core WebRTC froydnj+bz RESO FIXE 2018-02-01
1558548 Upgrade Firefox 60 ESR to use NSS 3.36.8 Core Security: PSM jc RESO FIXE 2023-12-11
1558549 Upgrade Firefox 68 to use NSS 3.44.1 Core Security: PSM jc RESO FIXE 2023-12-11
1551907 WeakMaps can become gray after being marked black Core JavaScript: GC jcoppeard RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1544792 Spidermonkey: definite properties are incorrectly computed in some cases, leading to uninitialized memory access when unboxed objects are enabled Core JavaScript Engine jdemooij RESO FIXE 2020-06-04
1275339 Crash in _cairo_surface_get_extents with FFMPEG 0.10 Core Audio/Video: Playbac jya-moz RESO FIXE 2016-09-22
1639224 Verify signature if local timestamp is in the future Firefox Remote Settings Clie mathieu RESO FIXE 2020-12-18
1414282 LayerTransactionParent::RecvUpdate - Arbitrary gfx::ScaledFont Object Pointer Core Graphics: Layers matt.woodrow RESO FIXE 2021-10-20
1532599 Spidermonkey: IonMonkey leaks JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT magic value to script Core JavaScript Engine: J nicolas.b.pierron RESO FIXE 2022-10-31
1547976 Crash in void js::gc::TraceEdgeInternal<T> while tracing ProxyObject Core JavaScript: GC nobody RESO WORK 2023-06-25
856060 Name Constraints ignored by libPKIX verification engine (in both intermediate and toplevel CA certificates) NSS Libraries ryan.sleevi RESO FIXE 2014-01-20
903885 Hostname matching code violates RFC 6125 for IDNA NSS Libraries sites RESO FIXE 2014-09-12
1582343 Soft token MAC verification not constant time NSS Libraries deian RESO FIXE 2020-06-05
1505887 Can insert content inside a UA widget shadow root and XBL anon tree (ranges are exposed in window.getSelection()) Core DOM: Core & HTML emilio RESO FIXE 2020-02-16
1546157 Crashing with prototype GC code Core JavaScript: WebAssem jseward RESO FIXE 2020-06-05
1544190 Crash in [@ AddrHostRecord::~AddrHostRecord] Core Networking: DNS kershaw RESO FIXE 2022-08-26
1513586 ServerHello.random does not include downgrade sentinel when negotiating TLS 1.1 or earlier NSS Libraries kjacobs.bugzilla RESO FIXE 2020-08-08
1566601 AES-KW implementation allows shorter-than-permissible inputs NSS Libraries kjacobs.bugzilla RESO FIXE 2020-08-08
1535194 Silent overflow in diffB during far jump setup leads to branch-to-wild-location Core JavaScript: WebAssem lhansen RESO FIXE 2020-06-04
1646787 clear high bits of i32 return values to as short-term Spectre mitigation Core JavaScript: WebAssem lhansen RESO FIXE 2021-01-07
1140192 RSS/ATOM feeds with SSL encryption show gray moon icon (unencrypted) when they are in fact encrypted SSL connections Firefox Graveyard RSS Discovery and Pr nobody RESO DUPL 2018-12-20
1471684 Firefox WebCrypto Private Key Recovery Attack on DH small subgroups Core DOM: Web Crypto nobody RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1791201 SameSite=Strict cookie bypass on Android via fallback URLs in intent:// scheme Fenix General royang RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
616491 Large number of groups in regex causes too-much-recursion crash (YARR) Core JavaScript Engine sean.stangl RESO WONT 2014-09-09
1483510 SafeBrowsing bypass by web socket Toolkit Safe Browsing dlee RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1528997 mXSS: Potential XSS via noscript tags parsed by DOMParser APIs Core DOM: Serializers hsivonen RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1278071 increase number of iterations for export to PKCS #12 NSS Libraries kaie RESO FIXE 2019-06-25
1432170 CSP sandbox bypass with Blob Core DOM: Security n.goeggi RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1120350 Firefox unable to use client certificates in Windows certificate store Core Security: PSM nobody RESO DUPL 2020-03-16
1387108 8175110, CVE-2017-10118: Higher quality ECDSA operations NSS Libraries nobody RESO FIXE 2020-12-18
1393880 Opaque data URL allows mixed content Core DOM: Security nobody RESO DUPL 2024-05-30
1692623 Cross-origin read SOP violation by extension via search provider Firefox Search standard8 RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1694183 Cross-origin read SOP violation by extension via search provider via redirect Firefox Search standard8 RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
944373 Security vulnerability: Weak randomness of profile directories Firefox for Android General nobody RESO INCO 2024-05-30
1344415 Privilege escalation/Sandbox escape using PFileSystemRequestConstructor Core Security: Process Sa amarchesini RESO FIXE 2021-10-20
1344957 Read file system access sandbox bypass using FileCreationRequest from PContent.ipdl Core DOM: Content Process amarchesini RESO FIXE 2022-01-04
1290244 Crash: double-free [@xcb_render_create_picture] Core Graphics: Layers andrew RESO FIXE 2017-02-09
1750935 Differential Testing: Different output message involving RegExp and --fast-warmup Core JavaScript Engine arai.unmht RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1134989 Hotfix to mark Komodia root certificates as untrusted in NSS once the relevant software has been removed NSS CA Certificates Code bugs RESO WONT 2022-06-01
1591315 Should NSC_DecryptFinal return value be treated as secret? NSS Libraries deian RESO FIXE 2020-08-08
845880 Drag-and-Drop and File Extension Bugs Enable Dropping of Malicious File Core DOM: Copy & Paste an enndeakin RESO FIXE 2023-01-16
1293334 Replace unreliable divSpoiler (timing side-channel defense) NSS Libraries franziskuskiefer RESO FIXE 2017-02-09
1485864 Vulnerability disclosure Bleichenbacher attack NSS Libraries franziskuskiefer RESO FIXE 2019-03-24
817285 YARR: RegExp with too many groups crashes Core JavaScript Engine general RESO DUPL 2012-12-11
1281787 can access view-source:blob:<uuid> for valid blob URIs (but not view-source: ) Core Security: CAPS gijskruitbosch+bugs RESO FIXE 2017-02-09
1439396 A specially-crafted javascript: URL may be pasted into the Addressbar leading to Self-XSS Attack (similar to bug 1402896) Firefox Address Bar gijskruitbosch+bugs RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1401339 The pingsender executable dynamically loads libcurl, using dlopen and hardcoded library list. [Mac/Linux] Toolkit Telemetry gsvelto RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1261751 Problems with OS X Sandboxed TempDir and Rules Core Security: Process Sa haftandilian RESO FIXE 2017-07-28
1546544 macOS: disable hyperthreading on threads that run content JS Core DOM: Workers haftandilian RESO FIXE 2022-02-18
1277866 Out-of-bounds write to unboxed object in arm64 backend Core JavaScript Engine: J jcoppeard RESO FIXE 2017-02-09
1400912 AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-scope when plugging in webcam (regression) Core WebRTC: Audio/Video jib RESO FIXE 2020-02-28
1190201 CORS after preflight should not follow same origin redirect when using asyncOpen2() in sendBeacon Core DOM: Security jonas RESO WORK 2017-11-15
1249562 Unexpected Behaviour in Mozilla ThunderBird That Assists Phishing Attacks Thunderbird Security jsbruner RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
795592 invalid cast leading to out of bounds read in nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM Core SVG jwatt RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
787969 Buffer Overflow Crash [@ UnlockEnumerator(imgIRequest*, unsigned int, void*) ] Core General nobody RESO WONT 2012-09-17
877724 X-Frame-Options origin checks should check entire frame tree (like IE 9) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO DUPL 2024-05-30
915745 HTTP Digest Authentication in Firefox is vulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle attack described in RFC 2617 Core Networking nobody RESO WONT 2016-02-22
1045770 Flash object can stealth observe keypresses Core Graveyard Plug-ins nobody RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1108861 TLS negotiation fails with Postfix Thunderbird Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2014-12-08
1181727 SEGV in mozilla::H264Converter::IsHardwareAccelerated() Core Audio/Video nobody RESO DUPL 2016-11-02
1183756 OpenH264: NULL deref [@WelsDec::PrefetchPic] Core Audio/Video: GMP nobody RESO FIXE 2022-09-09
1184104 Secure Connection Failed - (Error code: ssl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key) Firefox Security nobody RESO INVA 2016-06-07
1266421 Fix unsafe casts in the different TextureHost::SetCompositor implementations Core Graphics: Layers nobody RESO FIXE 2017-01-05
1553002 DDoS using Alt-Svc on Firefox Core Networking: HTTP nobody RESO DUPL 2023-05-22
1639192 SIGBUS crashes tab whilst fuzzing with WEBP Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody RESO INCO 2024-05-30
932795 Remove unnecessary systemXHR permission Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Video nth10sd RESO FIXE 2013-11-11
1134506 Mark "Superfish, Inc." root certificate as untrusted in NSS NSS CA Certificates Code rlb RESO WONT 2015-03-02
1657026 Any websites can run with PWA privileges on Fenix Fenix General s.kaspari RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1684627 Any websites can run with PWA privileges on Fenix (bypassing fix of Bug 1657026) Fenix General s.kaspari RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1526134 Firefox Focus (iOS): Recovery of previous searches across app closure/Browser Clear Focus Security: iOS sarentz RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
802985 frame-poisoned crash in nsHTMLInputElement Core DOM: Core & HTML smaug RESO FIXE 2012-12-07
1162263 Hazard build failures are ignored Core JavaScript: GC sphink RESO FIXE 2020-08-08
1288555 wrong compartment while structured cloning a cross-compartment ArrayBuffer Core JavaScript Engine sphink RESO FIXE 2017-02-09
1560651 Workers may not be clamping/jittering time Core DOM: Workers tom RESO FIXE 2020-06-05
1191423 allowing vertical tab in cookies leads to cookie injection on some servers Core Networking: Cookies u408661 RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1241896 Improper usage of ReadBytes in mozilla::net::NetAddr Core Networking: DNS u408661 RESO FIXE 2024-02-23
1432358 Universal CSP strict-dynamic bypass via require.js of browser resource Core DOM: Security ckerschb VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1757604 Stylesheet's CSP bypass via reflected URL in chrome:// directories still broken Core DOM: Security emilio VERI FIXE 2023-01-16
1316826 CSP bypass with DOM events and 'strict-dynamic' Core DOM: Security fbraun VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1402896 Specially-crafted JavaScript may be pasted into the address bar Firefox Address Bar gijskruitbosch+bugs VERI FIXE 2021-08-16
1753004 Do not automatically open SVG files and run script in them from file:/// URLs Firefox File Handling gijskruitbosch+bugs VERI FIXE 2022-08-27
1447080 Security: SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI behavior changes in Windows 10, allowing SmartScreen bypass Core Widget: Win32 jmathies VERI FIXE 2019-01-15
1346653 [Test Pilot] HTML injection in "Containers" experiment popout Firefox Untriaged jonathan VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1552632 globalThis does not appear in property names of window until specifically referenced Core JavaScript Engine jorendorff VERI FIXE 2020-06-05
1415313 Assertion failure: isDouble(), at js/Value.h:344 with TypedObject Core JavaScript Engine kvijayan VERI FIXE 2023-12-06
1617423 Accessing about:* internal pages via intent:// URIs Firefox for Android General petru VERI FIXE 2024-06-08
1747388 Able to escape HTML comments by using a comment within a comment Core DOM: HTML Parser hsivonen VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1770123 Firefox allows user to visit webpages with revoked certificate when non-resolving proxy is set Core Networking kershaw VERI FIXE 2023-01-16
1488061 Directory indices shouldn't just echo all URL input Core Networking valentin.gosu VERI FIXE 2022-03-01
1263888 Assertion failure: MIR instruction returned object with unexpected type, at js/src/jit/MacroAssembler.cpp:1454 Core JavaScript Engine arai.unmht VERI FIXE 2016-06-04
1264823 Assertion failure: val.isNull(), at js/src/builtin/MapObject.cpp:205 with OOM Core JavaScript Engine arai.unmht VERI FIXE 2016-06-04
1277475 XSS out of iframe sandbox, iframe disabled javascript. marquee Core DOM: Security bobowencode VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1434273 Crash in nsContentUtils::ContentIsDraggable Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
788031 Content Policy callbacks (including CSP) for the Java plugin should receive the java codebase as a URI Core Graveyard Plug-ins john VERI FIXE 2022-05-16
812161 Out of bounds read in nsSVGPathElement::GetPathLengthScale Core SVG longsonr VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1843758 .xll file extension = A malicious attack using abusing the XLL File starts with the delivery of a malicious file with the extension "XLL" Firefox File Handling mak VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
1276897 Type confusion in nsDisplayList::HitTest Core Layout matt.woodrow VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
911547 data-URI + Firefox restart = CSP bypass Core Security mozbugs VERI FIXE 2015-02-25
1264708 Written URL is remembered in web address bar in Private Browsing mode Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Browser nobody VERI WONT 2019-05-21
1297934 Bad cast in nsImageGeometryMixin Core Layout tnikkel VERI FIXE 2024-05-30
110 bugs found.