Wed Jul 17 2024 21:26:39 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Keywords: csectype-other

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1464833 Downloads path can be made to point to and open an executable. Toolkit Downloads API nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-30
847147 Security Bug: Firefox will parse malformed HTTP responses Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2024-06-20
1303183 Add-on update metadata needs to use content-signing Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2021-05-21
1390740 No safe warning or sandbox when load an add-on from about:debugging#addons DevTools about:debugging nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
916281 pop3/imap/smtp servers should always be resolved as FQDNs Thunderbird Security nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1546656 mXSS via <math> Core DOM: Serializers nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
6 bugs found.