Wed Jul 17 2024 22:44:11 PDT
  • Keywords: dom0

225 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
50511 scrolling/app switching under mouse should cause mousemove (cursor change) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
62395 window.screen properties do not change when screen depth and resolution (size) is changed Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
55820 "toolbar.visible" is true even when Navigation toolbar isn't shown, same for statusbar.visible Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
176320 Minimal innerWidth/innerHeight values for popup windows (minimum size) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
349121 javascript:window.resizeTo from the URL bar is broken SeaMonkey UI Design nobody NEW --- 2008-10-09
55558 Infinite recursion when viewing help file [@ basic_nsAWritableString<unsigned short>::do_AppendFromReadable] Core DOM: Core & HTML hjtoi-bugzilla RESO INCO 2009-06-30
31847 Need to solve problem of JS roots for event handler funcs [@ js_LockScope1] [@ js_GetSlotWhileLocked] Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO FIXE 2001-03-13
42321 javascript GC forced on window/document create/destroy: 12% of window open time Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
60842 onLoad event in simple document fails Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla RESO FIXE 2001-04-11
92252 Crash in DOM timer code when visiting Core DOM: UI Events & Foc saari RESO WORK 2019-03-13
38951 accessing window properties on already closed window JS object causes silent failure Core DOM: Core & HTML brendan RESO WONT 2002-02-22
47534 [FIX]image.longdesc not an absolute URL if given as relative... Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2009-01-05
53124 [FIXr] fails for pages loaded from jar Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2004-04-28
67873 [FIXr][FILE]onchange for input type="file" doesn't behave correctly Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2006-01-17
164821'text/html','replace') does not replace history entry Core DOM: Navigation bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2016-08-25
34669 Page with script-generated nested fieldsets has many assertions and prints only top portion Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO INVA 2004-11-02
39238 leaks and slowdown when reloading about:blank Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2008-01-05
40508 Message of the alert dialog truncated if no whitespace in a long message Core XUL jag+mozilla RESO WORK 2007-09-05
58331 document.write writing IMG with nonexistent src causes crash Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO FIXE 2001-03-13
37750 getAttribute fails to identify a missing attribute Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-10-31
101698 [DHTML] Flickering dynamic menu Core Layout kmcclusk RESO FIXE 2002-09-19
124247 toggling the visibility of an element is buggy if it's position is set to fixed. Core Graveyard GFX kmcclusk RESO WORK 2009-01-22
25821 javascript: URL links with TARGET not processed correctly. Core DOM: Core & HTML mscott RESO WORK 2004-02-10
64516 95-99% CPU usage for dhtml "snow effect" Core DOM: Core & HTML rbs RESO WORK 2010-07-17
54323 Purify IPR in nsGlobalWindow::WinHasOption(...) Core DOM: Core & HTML rpotts RESO WORK 2003-09-09
6673 Need a way to return undefined as value through the JS stubs Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur RESO WONT 2001-05-16
13743 block inside a replaced element not displaying correctly {ib} Core Layout: Block and In waterson RESO WORK 2004-04-29
167145 cancelling keydown does not affect corresponding keypress/keyup Core DOM: Events aaronlev RESO FIXE 2014-01-16
51365 combobox.selectedIndex never takes negative values[form sub] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov RESO DUPL 2003-03-26
102317 - Missing content due to a document.write("<\!--"); Tech Evangelism Grav English US bob RESO FIXE 2015-04-19
23435 Implement navigator.onLine Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2011-06-11
19459 Bloat in generated code Core DOM: Core & HTML daniel RESO FIXE 2024-04-15
30394 ignores width/height=* parameters Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2001-08-22
40520 setting windo innerWidth, keeps on reducing window width on each reload. Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2002-02-04
44783 CSOpenWindow opens in the wrong size Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO DUPL 2004-02-28
53343 removes all features when provided with empty features argument Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2003-02-05
55961 "innerHeight" and "innerWidth" fails with Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2008-07-31
58370 on file:/// opens new window without looking at size Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2001-10-23
58539 window.scrollbars.visible -> ns_error_failure 0x80004005 Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO FIXE 2001-03-28
60938 self.close() and window.close() crash Gecko/20001121 (& NS6) Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2003-03-27
49794 NS_ScriptErrorReporter should fall back to message when ucmessage is null Core DOM: Core & HTML dbradley RESO WORK 2001-06-19
56469 Clicking on plugins.refresh button for Navigator tests(Client Side Javascript) on Mozilla Build20000100914 for Solaris 2.7 Intel. Core DOM: Core & HTML desale RESO FIXE 2003-11-24
58675 document.referrer testcase wrong Core DOM: Core & HTML desale RESO DUPL 2002-01-21
58684 test wrong? Core DOM: Core & HTML desale RESO DUPL 2003-01-21
29805 Loading page is *really* slow (due to bad document.write() perf) Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2007-12-10
32988 Option to turn off Java "move to top" command Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2004-07-06
33961 using javascript: pseudo url in stylesheet doesn't work Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2018-06-24
47892 loading page exponentially increase memory use Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2004-05-01
49312 Setting window.location to a relative URL in a javascript: URL does not work Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO FIXE 2009-04-12
53913 window.setResizable() not supported: causes JavaSript error Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WONT 2004-02-26
60150 Modal dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt) do not halt code execution of all other scripts on that page Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO DUPL 2007-12-10
45875 Crash with XUL and <browser> Core DOM: Core & HTML hyatt RESO WORK 2001-12-01
14692 Event bubbling causes some errors in 4.x content Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO WONT 2004-02-08
40070 text inputs and buttons don't get onmouseup for click-drag out Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO WORK 2002-07-07
57103 <a onClick="self.location='foo'" href="bar"> in a frame: self.location ignored, even when href has a target Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO WORK 2001-10-08
33728 setTimeout on Function.prototype.apply crashes Mozilla Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2014-10-11
34398 offsetParent and offsetTop and offsetLeft properties of descendant children appear to be incorrect Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-11-28
35707 Live Connect should be lazily initialized Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-05-07
40711 Compare rendering performance with IE5 Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO INVA 2002-01-04
47249 image.border, image.hspace, image.vspace return wrong values. Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO DUPL 2002-02-04
50018 Huge delay in checking many checkboxes through the DOM Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2002-06-27
52120 window.onerror fires but with the wrong arguments [4xp] Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-11-21
52209 JS timers can fire while a modal dialog is open Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2021-03-12
53983 mouseover is blinking Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-04-22
55213 location.replace() is canceled by document.write() Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO DUPL 2014-04-26
55326 Flickers on re-writing page. Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-06-06
57375 Browser freezes on document.write() Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-03-16
58813 escaped string throws JavaScript error Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-10-08
59024 named forms contain elements not contained in form Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-03-22
59596 wndow.close not working as expected with setTimeout function Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-06-22
59665 select list's selectedIndex setter does not attempt to convert strings to numbers Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-05-12
61413 <input type=image name=foo> reflected as Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-03-22
61984 location.replace fails in some situations Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-05-15
62043 HTMLInputElement.default{Checked,Value} problem Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2001-11-21
62898 Content elements contain large amount of code which simply redirect to a mInner object Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2002-02-04
69035 offsetHeight is reported wrongly Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2014-10-11
69236 view source of document.write() in documents does not work Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-10-11
100302 .display and .visibility broken in this build Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-10-11
60672 TABLE BGCOLOR ignored in document.written TABLE Core DOM: Core & HTML karnaze RESO WORK 2001-06-21
97886 JavaScript rendered as HTML after document.write Core DOM: HTML Parser mrbkap RESO FIXE 2005-06-07
40469 JavaScript construct "location.href = ..." escapes non-ascii incorrectly Core DOM: Core & HTML nhottanscp RESO FIXE 2001-11-15
60486 onLoad doesn't work when there is an anchors in the URL Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla RESO FIXE 2001-04-11
10029 encapsulate JS incantations in the C++ code Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2011-10-09
21762 [meta] tracking: poor performance using DHTML Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO FIXE 2021-10-21
32415 [DOM] mouseover="alert('foo')" blocks the firing of mouseout Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2014-07-26
38486 Caching DOM and JS context in memory might provide faster back/forward Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO DUPL 2014-04-26
39742 File | Quit takes a huge amount of time (exit or shutdown slow) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2007-12-16
44387 Illigal characters in object names Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2011-06-13
53076 document.width gets window.innerWidth value Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2011-06-13
54242 ABR in strlen of nsCommentNode::SubstringData Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2011-06-13
44103 Lots of nsWindow::Show() calls Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov RESO WONT 2004-03-05
39609 APPLET can only retrieve direct PARAM children Core DOM: Core & HTML peterl-bugs RESO DUPL 2001-12-11
55988 hidden fields reset on back and history.go(0) Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann RESO FIXE 2010-04-16
60673 form submission with document.formName.submit() causes js error when run locally(with file: url) Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann RESO WORK 2001-10-01
61468 frame src=javascript:... can't access frame's document Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann RESO DUPL 2014-04-26
56463 Javascript history.go(relative index) does not work properly Core DOM: Core & HTML radha RESO WORK 2001-05-01
61628 new Option().selected = true causes error Core DOM: Core & HTML rods RESO FIXE 2001-11-12
56067 Image Swap Issue Core DOM: Core & HTML rpotts RESO DUPL 2001-06-29
43390 Security check on modality breaks alerts/confirms Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs RESO FIXE 2002-11-25
3558 nsJSContext::InitClasses() called twice Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur RESO FIXE 2001-05-16
8164 EXPORT - interface methods on "services" - jsdom Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur RESO FIXE 2001-05-16
48215 Javascript not changing "<option>" elements until form gets focus Core DOM: Core & HTML waqar RESO WORK 2001-09-21
48867 Trying to iterate over properties in document object Core DOM: Core & HTML waterson RESO WORK 2004-08-07
47057 document.JSError object Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WONT 2004-02-13
64202 HTML code generated by JavaScripts dishonour target attribute to the A tag Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO INVA 2004-12-04
50152 window.onmove handler not supported (NN4 compatibility) Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO DUPL 2002-04-01
55373 Nested divs are placed wrong, when added using DOM Core DOM: Core & HTML kmcclusk RESO WORK 2004-02-28
55858 add more "bar" objects to the window object Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WONT 2013-08-16
65548 offsetWidth give back wrong value Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody RESO WORK 2022-10-17
65581 refocussing and selecting the content doesn't work in the onchange/onblur handlers Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-02-22
64522 window.stop() makes background/animated images not paint. Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov RESO WORK 2002-01-30
9111 generated document URI should be different from generator Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann RESO FIXE 2014-01-10
18287 [TRACKING]complex javascript weather image viewer not working Core DOM: Core & HTML dbaron RESO FIXE 2024-04-15
66172 nsEventStatus "out" param isn't always set on HandleDOMEvent Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO FIXE 2014-10-11
176905 window.screenX and window.screenY should be read-only values. Core DOM: Core & HTML jjalkanen RESO WORK 2022-11-02
12155 should load non-displayed images less aggressively Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WONT 2021-03-12
13701 DOM is destroyed while onunload is still executing Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-03-12
21081 A way to force a repaint or refresh via js Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INCO 2024-04-15
30544 document.getSelection gives an error at ftp directory listings (was: "Bookmarklets" do not function at FTP sites) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2021-02-23
47245 DAB tab loads fine in browser window but hangs attempting to load in Sidebar Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-03-12
55868 Cleanup of screen object Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-03-12
67546 window.sizeToContent sometimes fails if width >> height Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-03-12
69309 delayed load of doc.write("<script src=... Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INAC 2021-03-12
58811 navigator.mimeTypes object does not include helper apps (but includes plugins) Core DOM: Core & HTML peterl-bugs RESO FIXE 2016-01-21
98627 [DHTML PERF] Extremely slow page load Core Layout attinasi RESO DUPL 2014-04-25
66347 window.screenX & window.screenY return totally wrong values on Linux. Core DOM: Core & HTML blizzard RESO INAC 2021-02-16
65624 Problem with multiple javascript self.moveBy instructions Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO FIXE 2002-04-27
67947 opens small window given width=0,height=0 Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO FIXE 2004-02-28
69712 JS Error: focusedWindow.location has no properties Core XUL danm.moz RESO WORK 2014-04-26
176342 windows opened using innerHeight/Width can open partially offscreen Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO FIXE 2004-05-09
177744 Popup window being positioned offscreen Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO WORK 2002-10-31
183633 screenX/left and screenY/top of popups are not corrected accordingly when sizes are not specified Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz RESO FIXE 2004-05-09
129293 - bad layers Tech Evangelism Grav English US english-us RESO DUPL 2015-04-19
50348 alert() condenses groups of whitespaces to one single whitespace Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO FIXE 2007-10-12
69145 leak in repeated document.load calls off of timer in javascript Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2008-01-10
107746 DHTML Animations running slow when animated elements are wrapped by a larger-sized container element Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2014-04-25
187815 sizeToContent fails if all of the body's block-level elements have no defined width values Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO INVA 2005-01-26
112052 Mozilla 0.9.6 crashes after choosing an item in a list with auto-send (Regression) Core Layout: Form Control john RESO DUPL 2002-01-25
67115 Javascript generated frames <A> href target + onClick event problem Core DOM: Core & HTML joki RESO DUPL 2003-03-28
89030 [DHTML] wrong behaviour of dragging a layer Core DOM: CSS Object Mode jstenback+bmo RESO INVA 2014-04-25
91900 redrawing DHTML window affects others in this website ( Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2008-07-31
97841 2nd document.write mungs document.height to 0 Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO WORK 2001-12-14
194404 implement showModalDialog() Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-07-25
323245 Attempting to read screen.availHeight from a display:none iframe throws (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2010-08-16
350715 Onsubmit is called with wrong target when I press enter in a file upload control Core DOM: Events jstenback+bmo RESO WONT 2010-03-14
98478 DHTML rendering broken (background color) Core Graveyard GFX kmcclusk RESO WORK 2014-04-25
237788 event.screenY value is inverse of correct value Camino Graveyard General mikepinkerton RESO FIXE 2005-02-09
29256 Illegal character in window name warning on '-' (nsWindowWatcher::CheckWindowName is too strict) Core DOM: Core & HTML Ms2ger RESO FIXE 2011-06-18
41464 textarea.wrap not exposed through DOM (IE compatability) Core DOM: Core & HTML Ms2ger RESO FIXE 2010-03-17
97287 Very poor DHTML performance on dynamic menus Core Layout nisheeth_mozilla RESO WORK 2005-02-14
191377"") does not open blank window Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla RESO FIXE 2003-01-31
23436 implement navigator.appMinorVersion, systemLanguage, userLanguage Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WONT 2012-09-08
48634 window.innerWidth should not include scrollbar space Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2011-06-13
68002 in javascript should be faster Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2018-06-24
434977 Enhancement of the nsIDOMHTMLElement interface Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2008-07-31
449896 DOM parses sibling as child (xhtml + custom xml) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2019-03-13
596750 DOM abuse of the InnerHTML object and lack of browser string filtering for the <input> tag enables form JS event restriction bypass. Core Security nobody RESO INVA 2014-11-19
672721 webmdhealth symptom Checker Does Not Work in Firefox 5 Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2014-08-15
743488 IDN: window.location.href should return punycode (and not the UTF-8 code) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO DUPL 2019-03-13
791805 FFA ~ Orientation Updates still need fixing v15.0.1 Firefox for Android General nobody RESO INCO 2020-12-21
944360 Submi tButton not work proparly DevTools Inspector nobody RESO DUPL 2018-06-13
47742 'Position:fixed' object with 'visibility:hidden' becomes visible briefly when it is moved. Core Web Painting roc RESO FIXE 2018-08-29
68135 [FIX][LST][EVT]onchange of SELECT MULTIPLE doesn't fire when OPTION is deselected Core DOM: Core & HTML rods RESO FIXE 2001-06-14
65509 Very slow javascript pulldown menu Core DOM: Core & HTML attinasi VERI WORK 2014-10-11
90617 HierMenus no longer working Tech Evangelism Grav English US bob VERI FIXE 2015-04-19
77578 Whole app hangs (wrong eval scope for JS) Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2002-01-18
57636 Onload doesn't fire in javascript-generated documents Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla VERI FIXE 2007-08-12
9545 [FEATURE] enable/disableExternalCapture() must be implemented Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI WORK 2002-08-09
65012 focus() and blur() should be callable cross-domain Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
40929 infinite loop setting location.href twice in BODY' as onLoad Core DOM: Core & HTML zach VERI FIXE 2009-02-10
38519 opener object works, but javascript:opener does not work in link Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI WORK 2007-05-25
49120 link properties not reflected until user interacts with the link Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI FIXE 2001-07-06
31573 Javascript alerts, confirms should be marked as such Core DOM: Core & HTML adamlock VERI FIXE 2013-06-18
23502 pnglet images not getting drawn in Mozilla Core DOM: Core & HTML brendan VERI WORK 2004-09-03
39210 document.bgcolor reported as white instead of #ffffff Core DOM: Core & HTML caillon VERI FIXE 2003-01-04
57841 window.focus and window.blur not functioning correctly Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz VERI FIXE 2002-05-23
58419 [Javascript] window.onblur=self.close; does not close window at the onblur event Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI WORK 2001-06-07
46703 bind DOM standard classes lazily Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-06-07
49941 document.links[0] does not return href string Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-06-06
49951 form.elements[] ordered differently than 4.x Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2002-02-07
55459 Crash in DOM timer code when visiting Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-09-21
60576 javascipt: urls with umlauts in strings get escaped and then cause syntax error when executing the code Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2001-04-29
60770 document.formName.encoding='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' has no effect Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2001-05-02
62258 Wrong calling convention in JSStubGen.cpp Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-08-09
51037 moving an absolute/fixed table gets "backed up" Core DOM: Core & HTML karnaze VERI FIXE 2002-05-24
49583 MLK: nsTextFragement::SetTo() leaks char* data. Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla VERI INVA 2001-05-02
57366 RFE: Support for the IE DOM. Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody VERI DUPL 2002-08-06
518050 - Non-Standards CSS parsing Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody VERI INVA 2009-09-22
20110 very slow, cpu-hogging mouseover of javascript buttons Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI FIXE 2001-06-21
48193 Assertion after JS errors(?) (no treeOwner) Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI WORK 2001-06-07
52892 Make nsContentList::Item() not suck. Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI DUPL 2001-03-14
59724 Javascript code failure - no search results for AIX documentation Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI WORK 2001-06-07
57403 history.back() broken Core DOM: Core & HTML radha VERI FIXE 2003-04-25
11729 security for event capture Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI DUPL 2005-07-15
46691 Incorrect security check on preference write Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI FIXE 2001-06-07
10576 Mozilla crashes when trying to read the event object from an onmouseout on the body tag when leaving the mozilla window Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur VERI WORK 2001-02-22
21423 n-loop animated gifs on mouseover only run the first time mousover-event is triggered Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur VERI DUPL 2004-01-06
32269 js preload depends on cached image Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI FIXE 2001-06-17
152377 navigator.language is blank Camino Graveyard General bryner VERI WORK 2006-01-28
64270 [crash]crash on window.close when another window is referenced Core DOM: Core & HTML chak VERI FIXE 2001-06-06
67186 window.innerWidth and window.outerWidth values appear reversed when browser window is minimized Core DOM: Core & HTML danm.moz VERI WORK 2001-08-29
66582 crashes when trying to "commit" comment to the bug report. Core DOM: Core & HTML javi VERI WONT 2001-05-02
77321 page keeps reloading because of Event.RESIZE or window.onresize Core DOM: Events joki VERI FIXE 2001-05-31
92869 Can't programitcally set a document.onunload handler Core DOM: Events joki VERI DUPL 2002-01-09
63930 crash when using a DOM function as a first-class function Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2012-09-13
64523 refuses to login to the page due to javascript problems Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-05-23
66559 plugin crash because nsJSUtils::nsGetNativeThis can return non-DOM node Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-06-06
67645 [RFE] Need column number in JS error handler Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2001-03-16
68437 Frames reloads continiusly by itself Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-08-29
68488 Invalid page fault in JSDOM.DLL -- related to setTimout/clearTimeout? -N610 & Trunk [@ GlobalWindowImpl::DropTimeout] Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2001-10-04
69043 javascript: href mangled when character reference is used Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2001-08-29
73203 Broken link behavior in HTML framesets Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
99333 Failing loading JavaScript new page prevents from loading other pages in new window and leaves Mozilla in memory Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2001-09-12
184459 Dynamic resizing of the WORKAREA should update accordingly screen.avail* properties Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2019-03-13
103709 Standards Core Graveyard Tracking nobody VERI WONT 2016-07-15
66064 js doesn't load the new Image() images automatticly for onMouseOver Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI FIXE 2013-04-05
67470 On linux if a page has an animated gif with a high update rate, looping javascript code stops running Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI FIXE 2001-08-29
69709 Nested Frameset cannot be resized in JavaScript Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI DUPL 2014-04-26
70094 onchange handler for selects will fire even if *no* change occurs Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2001-12-20
79073 onchange handler for selects will fire even if *no* change occurs Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI DUPL 2001-05-17
97004 onChange() not called after <SELECT> option is selected, unselected, selected Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2001-11-06
68955 Click-handlers in Links don't change frame or image source Core DOM: Core & HTML rpotts VERI FIXE 2001-07-24
64212 unable to view source after mousing over DHTML menu Core DOM: Core & HTML saari VERI WORK 2001-05-08
64464 Calendar popup is blank when changing month or year. Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI DUPL 2008-07-24
67229 acessing window.closed of a window causes a an access denied exception Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI FIXE 2001-06-06
225 bugs found.