Wed Jul 17 2024 20:49:35 PDT
  • Keywords: dom1

133 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
330426 Script elements in XUL documents have no child nodes (with inline scripts) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
352628 XULContentSink does not produce CDATA nodes Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
56894 [PATCH] changing 'display' style along with any other style on a 'special inline-block' element causes asserts and crash Core DOM: CSS Object Mode attinasi_layout RESO FIXE 2002-02-15
63954 dynamic form data not attached to form / not sent[form sub] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov RESO WORK 2008-07-31
64248 Referer: not sent for <script src=> Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
69196 border of HTMLImageElement not dynamically changeable Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
57700 changing event.keycode has no effect Core DOM: Events kinmoz RESO WONT 2003-09-08
6316 [ESM/CSS] onmouseout event not deliver when text node changed Core DOM: Events nobody RESO WORK 2009-01-19
9850 {dom1}createEntityReference returning null Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WONT 2014-04-26
1663 string usage inconsistent between DOM and XPIDL Core DOM: Core & HTML scc RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
167145 cancelling keydown does not affect corresponding keypress/keyup Core DOM: Events aaronlev RESO FIXE 2014-01-16
52133 getting DOM document when frames are present asserts Core DOM: Core & HTML adamlock RESO WORK 2008-07-31
49095 Dynamically created table does not show image element Core Layout attinasi RESO WORK 2003-08-18
48422 [FIX]Changing of frameset's ROWS/COLS reloads all children Core Layout: Images, Vide bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2018-08-29
53576 Clicking on the test link b)clst003.html to check for property length under NODEList (DOM-Core PR3 Testing) diplays a blank page on NS6 Build2000090913 Core DOM: Core & HTML desale RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
125665 Mozilla fails W3C DOM1 test suite Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WONT 2014-04-26
49442 CDATASection nodes are returned as type 8 not 4 from nodeType() Core DOM: Core & HTML harishd RESO WONT 2008-07-31
41286 XUL DOM1 Unimplemented Methods: createEntityReference, createAttribute, possibly setAttributeNode Core DOM: Core & HTML hyatt RESO DUPL 2014-04-26
54167 can't update iframe's scrolling attribute via setAttribute() Core Layout: Images, Vide john RESO WORK 2018-08-29
86372 Problems when changing the text inside a TEXTAREA using DOM-1 Core Layout john RESO FIXE 2005-07-01
60889 handler doesn't get called if context-menu is active onClick Core DOM: UI Events & Foc joki RESO INVA 2019-03-13
27382 ownerDocument of orphan text and attr nodes is null Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
35294 PERF: nsIDOMNode::InsertBefore() performance. Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
50418 textfield/textarea value attribute doesn't work before appendChild() Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
59677 Occurances of uninitialized variables being used before being set. Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
55954 style.display() fails to reflow tables height on toggling of content in a row Core DOM: CSS Object Mode karnaze RESO WORK 2001-04-23
15118 expat doesn't send notifications for doctype.notations and doctype.entities Core XML nobody RESO INVA 2014-04-26
40988 incredibly slow Javascript/DOM performance Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody RESO WORK 2022-10-17
53570 DOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERROR not working properly on NS6 Build2000090913 under DOM-Core tests. Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2017-08-03
56328 Testcase for Property - height,hspace,name,object,space,width not intialising the applet - results in Mozilla 20000100217 crashes on many occasions Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2011-12-02
56758 Attr appendChild, insertBefore, removeChild, replaceChild fail Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2014-04-26
59686 DOM can't read APPLET attributes, some cases crash. [@ js_GetProperty] Core DOM: Core & HTML peterl-bugs RESO WORK 2014-04-26
47903 WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR not being thrown Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
52129 nsDOMEvent::InitKeyEvent( ) performs incomplete initialization Core DOM: Events radha RESO INVA 2002-08-30
60893 [DUP]display:none affects JavaScript access to form fields Core DOM: CSS Object Mode rods RESO FIXE 2001-11-02
30420 createTHead / createTFoot should create a TBODY Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur RESO INVA 2008-07-31
36147 Some DOM1 align attributes for INPUT are not being set correctly Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur RESO INVA 2019-03-13
26430 investigate removal of mDocument pointer from nsGeneric[HTML]Element Core DOM: Core & HTML waterson RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
55801 Null XUL DOM Methods unimplemented Core DOM: Core & HTML waterson RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
69347 change of HTMLFramesetElement.cols not displayed in nested frameset document[frame] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
33763 Cleanup child add/removal functions in DOMDoc interface Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2014-04-26
43164 exception not thrown for CharacterData.substringData Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO DUPL 2008-07-31
65483 Dynamically added iframe elements cause a repeat of URL in history [frame] Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2008-07-31
72524 URI attributes in HTML DOM should be absolute Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO DUPL 2008-07-31
44544 Scrollbars appears with dynamic DIVs( using innerHeight ) Core DOM: Events joki RESO WORK 2004-01-23
71686 DocumentType::GetEntities isn't implemented Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas RESO INVA 2011-04-14
16603 DOM doesn't throw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for arguments with invalid characters Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv RESO FIXE 2024-04-15
16610 3 methods don't throw INDEX_SIZE_ERR Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv RESO WONT 2008-10-20
56764 Document appendChild, insertBefore fail to throw HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR when inserting Text Nodes Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
35543 Remove IIDS.h (was: Warning: Item()/NamedItem() hides inherited virtual function) Core DOM: Core & HTML fabian RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
56810 cssp offsetWidth shortened to smaller window width Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO DUPL 2019-03-13
52732 problems with having orphaned content unrooted Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INCO 2021-03-12
162927 getElementsByTagName returns HTMLCollection instead of NodeList Core DOM: Core & HTML peterv RESO FIXE 2010-01-02
98627 [DHTML PERF] Extremely slow page load Core Layout attinasi RESO DUPL 2014-04-25
289116 tag IFRAME ignores height="100%" Firefox General bugzilla RESO DUPL 2005-04-05
159849 domthingie.on* (i.e. onclick, n' friends) is undefined and not null if no event handler is set; |with| can't be used to assign to it Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2009-10-14
245250 onchange not triggered when drop down list is selected by mouse Core DOM: Events events RESO DUPL 2004-06-01
69098 layout error when inserting <hr><br><hr> via DOM Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO WORK 2008-07-31
197427 Node.replaceChild, insertBefore broken in XUL documents Core DOM: Core & HTML general RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
180504 xbl:inherits breaks when inherited attribute is removed Core XBL hyatt RESO INVA 2003-06-19
162368 <option>s with no value attribute have no DOM value property Core DOM: Core & HTML john RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
93614 getAttributeNode, removeAttributeNode, NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem, NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem not working Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas RESO DUPL 2014-04-25
89030 [DHTML] wrong behaviour of dragging a layer Core DOM: CSS Object Mode jstenback+bmo RESO INVA 2014-04-25
69584 painting error during onMouseOver Core DOM: CSS Object Mode karnaze RESO WORK 2001-10-07
98478 DHTML rendering broken (background color) Core Graveyard GFX kmcclusk RESO WORK 2014-04-25
97287 Very poor DHTML performance on dynamic menus Core Layout nisheeth_mozilla RESO WORK 2005-02-14
294279 Javascript <TR> object moving down when repeatedly replacing the one above it. Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2005-05-15
309977 nsIDOMWindowInternal.alert, NS_ERROR_FAILURE, Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2005-09-26
441727 cann't set Text value by AT-SPI AccessibleEditableText_setTextContents() Firefox General nobody RESO INCO 2010-11-01
449896 DOM parses sibling as child (xhtml + custom xml) Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO WORK 2019-03-13
450141 Changing document.domain doesn't affect XMLHttpRequest Firefox Security nobody RESO WONT 2008-08-18
511109 display:none ListElem switched to display:auto appears out of DOM order Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2009-09-01
1448110 DOMParser - Importing elements from parsed document Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO INVA 2018-03-23
69182 "Curtain call" DHTML does not work in Mozilla 0.8 . Core DOM: CSS Object Mode ronbu RESO WORK 2001-10-02
209916 the "onscroll" event for the html page in the frame does not throw during programmatically scrolling or keboard scrolling of this page Core DOM: Events saari RESO DUPL 2003-06-19
42976 Implement cloneNode() for HTML Document nodes Core DOM: Core & HTML sharparrow1 RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
83433 DOM prototype objects not exposed in recent builds Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
3187 Option destructor glitch: loosing selection info [frame] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
111849 a fixed block should become container to any children appended through DOM Core CSS Parsing and Comp dbaron VERI FIXE 2001-11-28
26528 cloneNode() doesn't copy event handlers Core DOM: Core & HTML fabian VERI FIXE 2024-04-15
3140 [DOM] Events on the BODY node Core DOM: Events joki VERI WORK 2006-09-06
6052 Node::nodeValue returning empty string instead of null Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
88151 Setting accesskey via the HTML DOM doesn't work Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2008-07-31
14001 getElementById() is really slow Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
9136 problems setting selectedIndex before list displayed [form sub] Core Layout: Form Control alexsavulov VERI FIXE 2001-11-09
35250 Creating <IFRAME SRC="about:blank"> and document.writing to it fails [frame] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov VERI DUPL 2019-03-13
56199 Setting a floating div to hidden using JavaScript doesn't always hide the div Core DOM: CSS Object Mode attinasi VERI WORK 2002-03-19
66835 fix warnings from jst's nsGenericElement checkin Core DOM: Core & HTML bryner VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
53575 Property replaceChild() for NODE under DOM-Core for NS6 Build2000090913 has a bug Core DOM: Core & HTML ckritzer VERI WORK 2008-07-31
58477 GetRootContent and GetDocumentElement callers must null-check Core DOM: Core & HTML dr VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
56649 DOM level 1 document "Node Removal Test" crashes Mozilla Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI WORK 2008-07-31
60480 <DIV ONMOUSEOVER="this.innerHTML = ..." ONMOUSEOUT="this.innerHTML = ..." not working properly Core DOM: CSS Object Mode joki VERI DUPL 2001-05-02
17003 Textarea fails to expose child textnode Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
26790 setting 'src' property on SCRIPT element has no effect Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
26179 Mozilla reports existence of phantom text nodes in the DOM Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI INVA 2008-07-31
43863 PERF: nsIDOMNode::InsertBefore() slow for document fragment insertion Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI DUPL 2008-07-31
44346 Crash with setAttribute Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
46966 NS_ERROR_FAILURE exception thrown instead of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
47404 NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception not thrown when setting readonly properties in DOM Core Level 1 Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
47839 DOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature) incorrectly throws Exception Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI INVA 2008-07-31
53562 The type property for HTMLInputElement under DOM1-HTML testcases is not working properly for NS6 Build 2000090913 Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
58089 createElement on form objects (input, textarea, etc) not working correctly..? Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2014-04-26
50732 TD.width not correctly updated Core DOM: Core & HTML karnaze VERI WORK 2008-07-31
60831 strange effects when changing the bgColor of a TD Core DOM: Core & HTML karnaze VERI WORK 2008-07-31
61657 setting TD.height from JavaScript doesn't work reliably Core DOM: Core & HTML karnaze VERI WORK 2019-03-13
7019 Changing SRC url on IMAGE element doesn't resize image Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
7515 dynamically adding LINK-ed or pi-ed style sheets does nothing Core DOM: CSS Object Mode peterv VERI FIXE 2001-06-07
34849 dynamically added STYLE element doesn't alter style Core DOM: CSS Object Mode peterv VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
59533 Creating INPUT Fields dynamically are not seen/visible when posted to the server Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI DUPL 2019-03-13
37163 Text Widgets lose their values when removed/inserted Core DOM: Core & HTML rods VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
29473 [DOM] ondblclick event not being fired Core DOM: Events saari VERI WORK 2006-09-06
18843 dynamically added SCRIPT not executable Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
19144 [PP]Setting percent value on Table.cellSpacing sets value to "value-1" Core DOM: Core & HTML vidur VERI WORK 2008-07-31
54165 Setting text node to empty string sometimes causes crash Core DOM: Core & HTML waterson VERI WORK 2008-07-31
69427 - site uses clearTimeout() without an argument Tech Evangelism Grav English US bob VERI FIXE 2015-04-19
33111 Allow applets to be created dynamically Core DOM: Core & HTML nisheeth_mozilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
16591 createElement() with space in name throws no/wrong exception Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody VERI DUPL 2010-11-02
70551 The doesn't have a default value of "." Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
32786 DOM does not convert table.bgColor to capitalized when set inside table Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody VERI INVA 2014-02-04
65993"") opens home page Core DOM: Core & HTML jag+mozilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
64442 Form elements freeze Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
69328 can't remove 'onmouseover' with removeAttribute() Core DOM: Core & HTML joki VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
68722 Reload breaks page (loading never finishes) Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2008-07-31
72521 dosn't resolve default target Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2008-07-31
72527 .images should contain <object>s that are images Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI INVA 2008-07-31
80627 <form>.elements.namedItem() returns NodeList instead of a single node Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
96346 SelectElem.options does not return HTMLCollection Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
114212 The value attribute behaves strangely with dynamically created input elements and cloneNode Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2008-07-31
68912 Crash assigning to HTMLElement Property TR.cells Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI FIXE 2009-02-10
103709 Standards Core Graveyard Tracking nobody VERI WONT 2016-07-15
67954 JavaScript for changing an image doesn't function Core DOM: Core & HTML pavlov VERI DUPL 2019-03-13
65609 [DOM] form elements inside of append subtrees aren't added to form Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
69028 window.focus() not callable cross-domain. Core DOM: Core & HTML security-bugs VERI DUPL 2014-04-26
133 bugs found.