Thu Jul 18 2024 00:23:11 PDT
  • Keywords: fixed-seamonkey1.0.1

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
329349 SeaMonkey Help/About mentions wrong licenses SeaMonkey General cbiesinger RESO FIXE 2006-03-07
328932 Evaluating Components.classes in JS Console throws an exception "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes" Core Graveyard Error Console RESO FIXE 2010-05-04
326082 Get phishing detection to cope with tags within link text MailNews Core Security iannbugzilla RESO FIXE 2012-06-20
330168 Phishing State should take precedence over Junk State in the message bar SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di iannbugzilla RESO FIXE 2006-07-07
331125 bump SeaMonkey version to 1.0.1 on 1.8.0 branch SeaMonkey General kairo RESO FIXE 2006-03-25
327863 seamonkey-config should not be shipped SeaMonkey Build Config mark RESO FIXE 2006-08-04
312489 URLs concatenated when opening a home page tab group from desktop icon SeaMonkey General neil RESO FIXE 2006-02-09
329959 Dialog Origin Spoofing not fixed on Mac for SeaMonkey SeaMonkey Security stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-07-07
255611 Help item "For Internet Explorer Users" should be hidden on OS/2 and Linux SeaMonkey Help Documentation rjkeller VERI FIXE 2006-03-01
9 bugs found.