Wed Jul 17 2024 21:12:58 PDT
  • Keywords: fixed-seamonkey1.0.8

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
367607 URL bar autocomplete stops working sometimes SeaMonkey Location Bar ajschult784 RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
352465 "open a blocked popup" feature uses the global window as the opener for blocked popups (variant of bug 343175) SeaMonkey General csthomas RESO FIXE 2011-05-20
365005 Infamous red XUL error for menu_HelpPopup_reportertoolmenu when using differently localized builds Other Applications G Reporter mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2018-10-16
368223 nsIChromeRegistrySea.installPackage should respect xpcNativeWrappers flag SeaMonkey Security neil RESO FIXE 2007-01-30
4 bugs found.