Wed Jul 17 2024 23:39:54 PDT
  • Keywords: fixed-seamonkey1.1

51 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
202315 remove debug UI from final release branches SeaMonkey Build Config kairo RESO FIXE 2012-04-24
25287 Inappropriate menu items show as enabled when no windows are open SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-02
66466 No cross-folder navigation using Next Unread Thread SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2008-12-30
83253 no windows: page info window appears [but with no useful info] SeaMonkey Page Info stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-07
83343 no windows: Go > Home should be enabled SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-07
185270 Shortcut key to open link in new tab, Insert (background) or Shift+insert (foreground) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc aaronlev RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
255731 autocomplete handler inconsistencies in the toolkits SeaMonkey Autocomplete ajschult784 RESO FIXE 2006-11-28
272041 can't copy whitespace anymore SeaMonkey UI Design ajschult784 RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
286367 clear button disabled after quick search SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di ajschult784 RESO FIXE 2008-04-14
356005 Middle click onto URL bar (address bar) icon opens a new tab SeaMonkey UI Design benoit RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
361437 gre should be installed locally SeaMonkey Installer benoit RESO FIXE 2006-12-17
358149 "Expand" item on context menu for bookmark groups has no function SeaMonkey Bookmarks & History bugzilla RESO FIXE 2009-06-15
358247 Port Bug 358121 and Bug 246414 to SeaMonkey (Phishing detector fix; Background and text colors lost when using a template) SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di bugzilla RESO FIXE 2006-11-19
363138 Extra separator on mail context menu SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di bugzilla RESO FIXE 2006-12-17
146075 'Message > Edit Message As New' (== 'Edit As New...') set an incorrect initial "X-Priority:" value (when present), which messes up 'Options > Priority' U.I. also; and code cleanup. MailNews Core Composition bugzillamozillaorg_serge_20... RESO FIXE 2019-05-03
256447 In <mailWindowOverlay.js>, "Warning: redeclaration of var i" and "Warning: assignment to undeclared variable pop3Server" SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di bugzillamozillaorg_serge_20... RESO FIXE 2007-10-27
343893 Add events for watching the addition and removal of tabs SeaMonkey UI Design csthomas RESO FIXE 2006-12-17
360329 tabbrowser assumes req.image exists SeaMonkey UI Design csthomas RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
360288 SeaMonkey Front End Support for New Remote Content Policy SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di iannbugzilla RESO FIXE 2007-10-13
361708 Make the way links from mailnews behave pref controllable SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di iannbugzilla RESO FIXE 2007-11-03
362139 bump SeaMonkey versions to 1.0.7/1.1 on 1.8.0/1.8 branches, localeVersion to 1.8.1 on 1.8 branch SeaMonkey Build Config kairo RESO FIXE 2006-12-01
329018 Disable "Global Inbox" by default SeaMonkey MailNews: Account Co Manuel.Spam RESO FIXE 2007-03-19
349991 tag mailview names out of sync with tags Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2011-08-05
358100 Unable to save IMAP or NNTP message as a file MailNews Core Backend mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
361694 Altering a tag's importance resets its name and colour SeaMonkey Preferences mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2006-11-27
362990 Customize Message Views dialog's selection should not affect View menu selection Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2007-04-01
365005 Infamous red XUL error for menu_HelpPopup_reportertoolmenu when using differently localized builds Other Applications G Reporter mnyromyr RESO FIXE 2018-10-16
358823 dom_svg.xpt is missing from packages-os2 SeaMonkey Installer mozilla RESO FIXE 2007-01-05
365362 Cannot add property to msgHeaderSink property bag Thunderbird General mscott RESO FIXE 2007-01-23
352262 Autoscroll should take advantage of sweet new transparent popups SeaMonkey UI Design neil RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
361048 Switching from Account Central to folder does not scroll to newest message SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di neil RESO FIXE 2007-02-09
362265 Some packages are registering PACKAGE instead of CONTENT SeaMonkey Installer neil RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
364115 No folder icons in Virtual Folder list dialog SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di neil RESO FIXE 2006-12-19
364116 Virtual Folder list contains an extraneous splitter Thunderbird Mail Window Front En neil RESO FIXE 2006-12-20
364215 Modern mini scrollbars don't work SeaMonkey Sidebar neil RESO FIXE 2006-12-21
348856 Adding missing id's to <menupopup> elements in viewSource.xul viewPartialSource.xul viewSourceOverlay.xul SeaMonkey UI Design philip.chee RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
362741 Selecting folder with previous view unread, while viewing another unread folder, fails. Thunderbird Mail Window Front En rkent RESO FIXE 2006-12-16
361223 Read-only fields on ldap cards are no longer readonly. MailNews Core Address Book standard8 RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
365576 Update SeaMonkey's copyright strings to 2007 SeaMonkey General standard8 RESO FIXE 2007-01-06
75660 Lots of menu items are enabled that shouldn't be when no windows are open SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-07
114967 no window present: several Apply Theme menu items don't work SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-07
356536 [Modern] Scroll bar slider jumps back up when mouse cursor strays from near scroll bar. SeaMonkey General stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-21
359213 Allow Popups from This site doesn't get currentURI SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
360144 bad filename in link in privacy_help.xhtml SeaMonkey Help Documentation stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-11-15
361901 Save Page menuitem label missing from File menu when DM is open SeaMonkey Download & File Hand stefanh RESO FIXE 2006-12-02
193883 WMP9 Plugin installed, but 6.4 is used. Add exe names seamonkey.exe/mozilla.exe to ShimInclusionList SeaMonkey Installer bugzilla VERI FIXE 2011-08-05
122006 Expanding (Imap / news server) account with keyboard doesn't check for new messages SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di bugzillamozillaorg_serge_20... VERI FIXE 2007-02-09
132257 Inserting a link to a [network][image] file into a message inserts the physical file! MailNews Core Composition iannbugzilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
363831 Saved Search with only one folder to search results in endless loading and high CPU load Thunderbird General mnyromyr VERI FIXE 2007-04-01
147237 new navigator tab option should be unavailable with no windows SeaMonkey UI Design stefanh VERI FIXE 2009-11-12
358553 Disabled and checked menuitems should always have disabled checkmarks SeaMonkey General stefanh VERI FIXE 2006-12-17
51 bugs found.