Wed Jul 17 2024 22:09:05 PDT
  • Keywords: html4

230 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
969741 Scrollable div in a table with height: 100% instead makes entire page scrollable Core Layout: Tables nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
2212 character alignment not implemented (align=char, charoff=, text-align:<string>) Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2024-02-29
53702 Keep THEAD and TFOOT on screen Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
54479 execCommand("indent") unexpectedly directly nests list elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-11-04
75061 Layouts with COLSPAN overly constrain tables Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
169161 alternate text is not displayed when accepting images coming from the originating server only Core Graphics: Image Bloc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
185672 colspan ="0" should stop at colgroup boundaries Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
120714 Drop down displayed in the wrong spot when scrolling Core Layout: Form Control nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
37209 Make source (specified via cite) of blockquote accessible Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody NEW --- 2022-12-30
83733 Event Handle not triggered for Form Element : LABEL Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
98102 Percentage coordinates not supported for imagemaps Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
149157 ALT text is cropped in quirks mode Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
453791 Entities "emsp", "ensp", "thinsp" in combination with CSS "font-style: italic" result into a giant top/bottom-padding Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
519364 [BC] Missing top border in some table cells when using border-collapse, thead/tbody and colspan Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2022-12-30
854848 Support the longdesc attribute Core Disability Access AP nobody REOP --- 2022-10-17
44464 [backend][FILE]support uploading multiple files Core Layout: Form Control alexsavulov RESO FIXE 2007-03-13
115253 [FIX]Comboxes can't be opened in DIV with scrolls ! Core Layout: Form Control bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2022-05-15
14445 [RBTN]<input type="radio"> not mutually exclusive without form Core Layout: Form Control john RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
139201 TD height attribute ignored in TBODY with style of scroll:auto Core Layout: Tables karnaze RESO INVA 2002-09-24
53597 CSS colors are missing gamma correction Core CSS Parsing and Comp tor RESO FIXE 2014-04-28
161891 object tag doesn't work correctly with params Core Graveyard Plug-ins arun RESO INVA 2022-05-16
116600 input image invisible Core Layout: Form Control attinasi RESO WORK 2003-01-30
14088 Standby attribute not supported in the object element Core Layout cbiesinger RESO WONT 2014-04-26
119606 <HR> width 2 pixels too narrow (important in vertical rules) Core Layout dcone RESO FIXE 2003-09-25
32372 should be able to disable CSS (Use Style > None or global pref) Core Layout fantasai.bugs RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
18150 <HR> height wrong, etc. Core Layout ian RESO FIXE 2024-04-15
159452 <col span.. > not working as expected Core Layout: Tables jerry.tan RESO DUPL 2002-07-31
92858 [FILE INPUT] can change the contents of a DISABLED <input type=file> by using keyboard navigation Core Layout: Form Control john RESO FIXE 2002-06-12
383109 Tabbing order does not follow specified tabindex order Core DOM: UI Events & Foc MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
82552 nsCSSFrameConstructor doesn't support adding nested <object>s dynamically Core Graveyard Plug-ins peterl-bugs RESO WORK 2022-05-16
9101 Break lines at soft hyphens (&shy;) and display hyphens if line broken Core Layout: Text and Fon roc RESO FIXE 2014-04-26
106344 Clicking a <label> doesn't give focus to <input type="checkbox"> if the label is wrapped Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WORK 2014-04-26
179308 Cannot trigger form controls or links using page accesskey Camino Graveyard Accessibility sfraser_bugs RESO FIXE 2005-07-11
294615 Search/find fails on words containing soft hyphen (&shy;) Core Graveyard Embedding: APIs asaf RESO FIXE 2019-03-26
47979 HTML ID values begining with digits should be ignored in strict mode Core Layout attinasi RESO WONT 2003-01-24
89856 computed offset left of a colgroup element in a dir=rtl table is wrong Core Layout: Tables bernd_mozilla RESO FIXE 2008-08-04
18154 w/o TYPE attribute Pluglet can't be started Core Graveyard Java-Implemented Plu blackconnect RESO WONT 2018-10-25
41368 Fails test cases in Robin's HTML 4.0 Conformance Test Core Graveyard Tracking bugzilla RESO WONT 2016-07-15
55623 html 4.0 compatibility tests Core Graveyard Tracking chofmann RESO INCO 2016-07-15
55987 using CSS display: xxx on IFRAMES causes data loss Core Layout: Images, Vide eric RESO DUPL 2018-08-29
42287 Need to strip whitespace from ends of non-CDATA attributes in HTML Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd RESO WONT 2004-09-25
7954 outstanding issues for full HTML 4.01 support Core Graveyard Tracking ian RESO INCO 2016-07-15
44306 scrolling = yes not implemented: forced scrollbars don't show up [behaves like scrolling="auto"][frames] Core Layout: Images, Vide john RESO WORK 2018-08-29
55020 Access key shouldn't activate element but only give focus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc joki RESO WONT 2019-03-13
21076 Problem with TABLE frame="border" rules="all" Core Layout: Tables karnaze RESO FIXE 2002-10-03
46268 [QUIRKS] bgcolor does not fill entire table Core Layout: Tables karnaze RESO FIXE 2002-05-27
127798 rules=groups doesn't respect colgroups Core Layout: Tables karnaze RESO WORK 2014-04-26
31487 Form button too close to v. scrollbar or window edge Core Layout: Block and In layout.block-and-inline RESO INVA 2004-05-01
84715 table captions for abs. positioned tables are wrong Core Layout: Tables layout.tables RESO WORK 2008-10-19
88260 [strict] column background + colspan problem Core Layout: Tables layout.tables RESO FIXE 2004-03-09
3655 frameborder="0" on <frame> leaves white strip instead of removing border Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody RESO INVA 2021-11-17
3658 UAAG: frame/iframe longdesc attribute not used [frame] Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody RESO WONT 2022-10-17
15499 Percentage value for cellpadding not working Core Layout: Tables nobody RESO INVA 2024-04-15
47658 Transitional NOFRAMES should be displayed when viewed out of the frameset Core Layout: Images, Vide nobody RESO INVA 2018-08-29
63730 OBJECT content not rendered if show images is turned off Core Graphics: Image Bloc nobody RESO WORK 2007-04-04
109082 Outer most nested OBJECT element is rendered even if unknown Core Graveyard Plug-ins peterl-bugs RESO INVA 2022-05-16
59216 Mozilla should implement HTML 4 multiple files per file upload via multipart/form-data Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO DUPL 2002-05-27
122865 Css box width miscalculated for preformatted text, which overflows box Core Layout attinasi RESO INVA 2003-04-24
40680 OBJECT attribute 'codebase' doesn't affect 'data' attribute Core Graveyard Plug-ins db48x RESO FIXE 2022-05-16
27997 [FLOAT] DIVs containg tables with align positioned incorrectly Core Layout ian RESO INVA 2001-02-21
47522 </>, <> should close/open the most recently opened tag in HTML Core DOM: HTML Parser mrbkap RESO WONT 2005-11-02
915 implement inheritance of alignment attributes from columns (align, valign, char, charoff, (lang, dir)?) Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody RESO WONT 2018-12-27
1996 Support LONGDESC for IMG SeaMonkey UI Design nobody RESO WONT 2022-01-17
164979 Implement declare attribute for object tag Core Graveyard Plug-ins nobody RESO WONT 2022-05-16
210826 White space stripped after inline element children of <fieldset> Core Layout: Form Control nobody RESO WORK 2014-04-26
35953 Selected OPTION truncated in fixed width SELECT Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WORK 2006-01-18
48318 [FST]Legend align attributes not working Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WONT 2004-02-14
222297 Cannot toggle input checkbox via accesskey without taking focus off of input field first Core DOM: UI Events & Foc aaronlev RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
95549 OBJECT tag: Content-type header should take precedence Core Graveyard Plug-ins jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2022-05-16
206376 accesskey doesn't work when field type is "file" Core DOM: UI Events & Foc aaronlev RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
201979 Questionable interpretation of <LINK REL="START" ... > in suite/browser/linkToolbarHandler.js SeaMonkey UI Design arcuscc1 RESO FIXE 2012-02-26
129804 [XBLFC] <button/> is placed below the current baseline in the line. Core Layout: Form Control bryner RESO WORK 2002-07-22
254829 Pressing the ESCAPE key twice on a 'readonly' form element renders it blank. Firefox General bugzilla RESO WORK 2005-08-19
114641 Alternate <applet> content not displayed. No fallback available. Core Layout bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2017-03-31
103053 Link Toolbar Improvements Tracking (site navigation bar) Core Graveyard Tracking chofmann RESO INCO 2016-07-15
96394 RTL block overflow is not correct when it has margin:auto Core Layout: Block and In dbaron RESO FIXE 2008-04-07
253012 acronym should have "font-variant: small-caps;" Core CSS Parsing and Comp dbaron RESO WONT 2007-08-27
337787 button text is left-aligned when min-width is set Core Layout: Form Control dbaron RESO FIXE 2012-11-10
357614 list of case sensitive HTML attributes for CSS attribute selector should be reversed Core CSS Parsing and Comp dbaron RESO FIXE 2008-09-22
277738 Inconsistent handling of accesskey on checkbox and on checkbox label Toolkit Form Manager general RESO WORK 2008-07-31
172782 Regression: Wrong paragraph indentation after nested DL Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd RESO FIXE 2002-11-13
489704 Parser bug enables breaking quoted attributes without quotes (XSS) Core DOM: HTML Parser hsivonen RESO FIXE 2012-05-24
142488 not all color names from nsColorNameList.h are valid HTML/CSS colors SeaMonkey Composer jag+mozilla RESO EXPI 2010-04-28
65566 Border is redrawn improperly when fieldset size is increased Core Layout john RESO FIXE 2002-05-09
96976 OBJECT alternate content fallback sometimes fails Core Graveyard Plug-ins john RESO FIXE 2022-05-16
105693 W3C HTML 4.01 spec recommends we ignore non-alpha target Core Layout: Images, Vide john RESO INVA 2018-08-29
88791 HTML 4.01 named character support tracker Core Graveyard Tracking jshin1987 RESO INCO 2016-07-15
89968 relative links in imagemap not linkified Core Layout karnaze RESO WORK 2001-12-07
95045 &nbsp; does not fill cell in if colspan > 1 Core Layout: Tables karnaze RESO WORK 2014-04-25
194804 iframe not rendered if two iframes are stacked on top of each other Core Layout: Images, Vide layout.html-frames RESO FIXE 2018-08-29
202167 Mozilla fails the HTML4 Test Suite: Test 6_16-BF-01 Frame target names Core Layout: Images, Vide layout.html-frames RESO DUPL 2018-08-29
227004 A <col>'s width should not include a table's cellpadding Core Layout: Tables layout.tables RESO INVA 2004-01-19
448987 <area shape="default"> does not render focus outline Core Layout MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2009-11-10
738333 Improve layout of filter panel Tree Management Grav OrangeFactor mcote RESO FIXE 2020-08-21
83749 HTML4: Accept property for input type="file" should filter file types[form sub] Core Layout: Form Control mounir RESO FIXE 2015-01-15
220390 ACCESSKEY incorrectly supported on multiline SELECT tag Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nian.liu RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
158435 Page Info's label-control association is broken (should be by id). SeaMonkey Page Info nick RESO FIXE 2004-11-22
83592 Table after <br clear=all> fails to clear Core Layout nobody RESO WORK 2008-06-29
88512 allow html radio buttons and checkboxes to be set read-only Core Layout: Form Control nobody RESO INVA 2014-04-26
127137 noscript not used for non-javascript types Core DOM: HTML Parser nobody RESO WONT 2014-04-26
166642 parsing of SGML prolog is horribly broken Core DOM: HTML Parser nobody RESO WONT 2009-08-25
301913 Width %tage attribute on img when style disabled is ignored Firefox General nobody RESO INVA 2005-07-24
396896 The pixelwidth or pecentage of width is not displayed correctly Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2010-04-19
417106 Problem centering webpage background image Firefox General nobody RESO INCO 2010-08-18
430158 cPanel tables not rendered properly Firefox General nobody RESO INCO 2010-11-01
478628 the background-color of a <select> doesn't change on choose an another option with back-ground-color Firefox General nobody RESO DUPL 2009-02-15
486524 <COL align="..."> property is ignored Core Layout: Tables nobody RESO DUPL 2009-04-16
501107 Multi-content HTML message body is not displayed Thunderbird General nobody RESO INVA 2010-06-27
529940 HTML form select elements not displaying CSS from option tags correctly Core Layout nobody RESO DUPL 2010-05-06
542271 Firefox don't support 'accept' property of 'form' tag. Firefox General nobody RESO DUPL 2014-08-02
542761 DIV-Container does not give background-color to childs Core General nobody RESO INVA 2010-01-28
555493 With a form, Option tag with attribute Label is not shown if text between option tags are entered Core General nobody RESO DUPL 2010-03-31
567745 "--- END" characters sequence resulting HTML code into comments Firefox General nobody RESO DUPL 2010-05-24
593588 facebook is logout when we close the browser Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody RESO INCO 2019-03-13
612184 CSS centering breaks based on order in HTML Firefox General nobody RESO INVA 2010-11-17
740251 tbody's css not work. overflow height Core Layout: Tables nobody RESO DUPL 2012-03-28
861670 pictures that have complex filenames won't show Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INCO 2016-01-13
872567 trsghj Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2013-05-15
1062858 border-bottom problem with rowspan Core Layout: Tables nobody RESO DUPL 2014-09-05
1314611 css coloring of options inside select boxes dont work anymore Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO DUPL 2016-11-02
1318358 Version 50.0 - HTML: Field <input multiple > does not show the files, only directories Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2016-11-21
162993 Correctly support CODEBASE attribute of OBJECT Core Graveyard Plug-ins peterl-bugs RESO WORK 2022-05-16
82618 <label> element with text-align center or right doesn't display Core CSS Parsing and Comp pierre RESO WORK 2001-09-07
91109 Make Alternate stylesheets persist for whole site [AltSS] Core CSS Parsing and Comp pierre RESO DUPL 2001-10-24
44065 rfc1867 style size attribute not correctly handled Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WONT 2004-02-08
107621 clicking <label> for <select> should focus (and drop down?) <select> Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WORK 2003-11-20
135215 title tooltips don't work inside a <label> element. Core Layout: Form Control rods RESO WORK 2002-09-25
56285 surfing to a link with named anchor doesn't take you to anchor point on page Core Layout adamlock VERI FIXE 2022-01-26
40038 [BLOCK-H]strict mode: center around table centers contents instead of table Core Layout: Tables dbaron VERI FIXE 2000-08-28
7670 NOSCRIPT content not displayed if JavaScript is turned off Core Layout harishd VERI FIXE 2000-09-13
88992 Content ending up inside OBJECT that shouldn't be Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd VERI FIXE 2001-08-08
54469 [BTN]BUTTON elements do not always depress when clicked Core Layout: Form Control joki VERI DUPL 2000-12-22
28293 scripts with defer attribute not deferred Core DOM: Core & HTML jonas VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
47014 Paste does not honor dtd Core DOM: Editor mozeditor VERI FIXE 2001-09-12
2970 Text inside <MAP> not displayed Core Layout nisheeth_mozilla VERI DUPL 2000-08-24
88761 html code for selected and noshade (and other minimizable attributes) not w3c conformant Core DOM: Serializers peterv VERI FIXE 2002-07-24
43771 Line breaks after LABEL tag? Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI WORK 2014-04-26
47230 The onblur has no effect Core Layout rods VERI DUPL 2001-09-05
56287 if reload page with named-anchor URL, page displays at top, not at anchor point Core Layout adamlock VERI DUPL 2001-09-05
263244 Alternate text of broken images not rendered in quirks mode Core Layout: Images, Vide bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2018-08-29
37083 [BLOCK-H]CENTER element doesn't work on block elements Core Layout dbaron VERI FIXE 2000-08-28
96813 LABEL element always treated as inline Core Layout: Form Control dbaron VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
24112 TFOOT rendered above TBODY Core Layout: Tables harishd VERI FIXE 2000-10-10
46085 The onselect event handler does not work Core DOM: UI Events & Foc hjtoi-bugzilla VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
121127 <fieldset> descendants don't receive events properly (paint/focus/click issues) Core Layout: Form Control john VERI FIXE 2003-06-24
2634 AREA attribute TABINDEX not implemented Core Layout joki VERI FIXE 2000-10-24
88151 Setting accesskey via the HTML DOM doesn't work Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo VERI WORK 2008-07-31
121587 <COL SPAN="x"> isn't supported/doesn't work Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI FIXE 2002-04-18
153920 OBJECT tag does not work with embedded documents or images if the content-type header needs to be checked. Only works if TYPE attribute or file extension is not missing Core Graveyard Plug-ins peterl-bugs VERI DUPL 2022-05-16
36997 nested EMBED tag incorrectly placed if align=top on parent OBJECT Core Layout peterlubczynski-bugs VERI FIXE 2004-04-01
91034 css background image doesn't display correctly Core Graphics: ImageLib pierre VERI FIXE 2014-10-11
54136 name, id share namespace for checkboxes with label for= Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2000-12-15
59035 PDT+,[FIX]type of a BUTTON should default to submit Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2001-09-20
40568 TD elements don't inherit "font-size" from TABLE in strict mode (with ENABLE_STRICT=true) Core CSS Parsing and Comp attinasi VERI FIXE 2000-08-11
45365 Inline(!) DIV element silently ignored, if parent is an A/anchor. Core Layout attinasi VERI WORK 2001-12-14
36217 Tabindex attribute not working with A, BUTTON, or INPUT elements. Core Layout bugzilla VERI FIXE 2017-04-13
24366 bad alignment of table headers and captions when dir=rtl Core Layout: Tables buster VERI WORK 2024-04-15
39901 percentage (%) image (img) widths do nothing Core Layout buster VERI FIXE 2000-12-04
40545 LABELs don't work for OPTIONs (<option label> in selects) (standards mode only!) Core Layout: Form Control chutten VERI FIXE 2020-12-25
40623 Missing 'broken image' badge icon Core Layout clayton VERI DUPL 2003-04-10
47596 Background GIF broken Core Layout clayton VERI DUPL 2002-05-27
45375 SeaMonkey-only bug: Long tooltips should wrap instead of being cropped (multiline tooltips) SeaMonkey UI Design csthomas VERI FIXE 2023-01-21
158197 Horizontal rule (HR) doesn't align left or right Core Layout dbaron VERI FIXE 2002-09-08
6782 [RFE] UI for alternate and user stylesheets [IMPORT] [AltSS] SeaMonkey UI Design fantasai.bugs VERI DUPL 2014-04-26
17962 Display all HTML 4 character entities in browser correctly Core Internationalization ftang VERI FIXE 2001-04-06
47714 Incorrect Symbol entity mapping Core Internationalization ftang VERI FIXE 2005-01-07
47078 Newlines are not converted to whitespace in attributes Core Layout harishd VERI WONT 2006-01-03
48256 Incorrect CSS1 color inheritance [CASCADE] Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd VERI FIXE 2001-06-05
41819 :hover not working for text/password/textarea in content area Core Layout: Form Control hyatt VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
34297 form controls with style="display: none;" unsuccessful in Mozilla Core DOM: Core & HTML john VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
33318 accesskey not supported properly Core Layout joki VERI DUPL 2001-09-05
49968 accesskey attribute of the 'Area' element tag fails. Core Layout joki VERI DUPL 2002-03-05
55995 Image map areas defined with 'A' element don't work Core Layout joki VERI INVA 2001-09-05
2068 Example 11.5 in w3 HTML 4.0 spec not rendered properly Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI DUPL 2003-06-08
24113 <table> frame and rules attributes not handled correctly Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
29058 %MultiLength not working in COL Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI FIXE 2001-08-21
47163 Paragraphs in COLSPANs of prop. COLs may lead to corrupt tables Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI FIXE 2001-08-03
47841 Problem displaying table with attribute dir="rtl" Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI DUPL 2008-04-07
58887 classes and ids in colgroups and cols are ignored Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI INVA 2002-04-29
7510 CHAROFF attribute not working Core Layout: Tables layout.tables VERI DUPL 2004-01-06
14362 DIR attribute not working in P element Core Layout nisheeth_mozilla VERI DUPL 2001-09-05
678 text/html and text/plain OBJECTs don't work Core Layout peterlubczynski-bugs VERI FIXE 2001-12-14
53112 In strict mode, stylesheet not loaded when type="text/css" attribute is missing Core CSS Parsing and Comp pierre VERI WORK 2002-05-25
23636 radio button click action not cancellable with return false Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI WORK 2000-12-15
42180 <pre> element treated as inline element -- should be block Core DOM: HTML Parser rickg VERI FIXE 2000-07-17
42698 [strict DTD] Entire PRE element missing from content model Core DOM: HTML Parser rickg VERI DUPL 2000-09-15
42703 [strict DTD] attributes of SCRIPT not in content model Core DOM: HTML Parser rickg VERI FIXE 2000-07-17
46111 LABEL attribute of OPTION not honored Core DOM: HTML Parser rickg VERI DUPL 2000-08-17
54834 Unknown tags (inside pre?) assumed to need closing tags Core DOM: HTML Parser rickg VERI FIXE 2001-04-02
4050 Both <option label> AND <option> content are displayed Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2000-07-27
24130 option label concatenated with full name in drop-down Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI DUPL 2024-04-15
33421 [FIX]<optgroup> in <select> breaks scrolling drop down lists Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2000-09-08
40065 [FIX]<input type="button"> and <button> use different fonts Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2000-10-05
50436 [FIX]Checkbox returns wrong checked status in onChange Core DOM: Core & HTML rods VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
60375 Fieldset contents are "leaking out" when fieldset is squeezed Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI DUPL 2002-03-04
45821 Request for ABBR and ACCRONYM title in properties dialogue Core DOM: Editor rubydoo123 VERI WONT 2001-09-12
28657 Clicking on <LABEL> doesn't put focus in INPUT field Core Layout: Form Control saari VERI FIXE 2019-05-03
8740 The default size for unsized OBJECTs should be larger Core Graveyard Plug-ins serhunt VERI FIXE 2022-05-16
37862 zero-width space not treated as whitespace character Core Layout shanjian VERI FIXE 2004-12-15
9100 [bidi] Text direction ignored (dir, BDO, &lrm; and &rlm;) Core Layout: Text and Fon smontagu VERI WORK 2008-07-31
42941 [LIST]ordered list items after 32 are all '0' Core Layout waterson VERI DUPL 2000-09-27
100924 META HTTP-Equiv Content-Script-Type does not set default scripting language for inline scripting Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody VERI INVA 2011-09-22
28844 submit " " instead of "" for button with no value Core DOM: Core & HTML pollmann VERI WORK 2019-03-13
105210 [RFE] Alternate argument separator ( ; not & )[form sub] Core DOM: Core & HTML alexsavulov VERI WONT 2019-03-13
58940 Mozilla eats BR tags inside LABEL tags Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd VERI WORK 2002-01-11
93392 Execution of <script defer> scripts not deferred Core DOM: HTML Parser harishd VERI DUPL 2001-08-03
126259 composer creates "underlined blanks" after pictures with link Core DOM: Editor akkzilla VERI FIXE 2003-04-10
151993 Opening quote of <q> element not rendered near line wrap Core Layout attinasi VERI WORK 2002-11-25
122479 [mac] page access key with letters are not functional with A, Button, Textarea or Label elements Core Layout: Form Control brade VERI FIXE 2003-06-03
145149 title attribute of the anchor element does not work Core Graveyard Embedding: Mac ccarlen VERI DUPL 2016-06-23
64907 Q (quote) tags display wrong character when nested Core Layout clayton VERI DUPL 2001-09-05
114531 alt="" inserted when user enters no text SeaMonkey Composer cmanske VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
120964 alt="" inserted when user enters no text SeaMonkey Composer cmanske VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
127559 Compser destroys html / touch between pictures SeaMonkey Composer composer VERI DUPL 2004-11-22
113595 Line breaks (as entities) in title attribute create excessive whitespace Core XUL hewitt VERI DUPL 2004-09-11
116142 [RFE] tooltips for TITLE attribute crop at 88 chars (should wrap instead) Core XUL hewitt VERI DUPL 2004-01-26
178161 [AltSS] Can't use alternate stylesheets in Mozilla Firebird Firefox Menus hyatt VERI FIXE 2006-11-07
79863 INPUT buttons with linefeeds in value break lines Core Layout: Form Control ian VERI DUPL 2001-07-26
122099 support for COL tag and it's attributes Core Layout: Tables karnaze VERI INVA 2002-03-14
187883 Alternate text of images is not displayed. Caused by link? Core Layout layout VERI DUPL 2003-01-06
197395 rowspan="0" (0) should stop at rowgroup boundries (end-table or next tbody/thead/tfoot) Core Layout: Tables layout.tables VERI INVA 2003-03-14
81481 The accesskey attribute of the legend element is not working Core Layout: Form Control MatsPalmgren_bugz VERI FIXE 2014-04-26
146774 Document does not validate as HTML 4.01 Core DOM: Editor mozeditor VERI DUPL 2002-07-22
3875 deprecated <basefont> element not supported Core Layout nobody VERI WONT 2010-09-12
185412 Mozilla doesn't display OBJECTs, without TYPE attributes and replaced by an image ending with ".jpeg", correctly Core Graveyard Plug-ins peterl-bugs VERI DUPL 2022-05-16
79878 Button "pressed" state not displayed for HTML 4 BUTTON element Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI FIXE 2001-05-24
81392 <input> elements don't affect fieldset minimum width Core Layout: Form Control rods VERI DUPL 2001-05-29
95497 TD with LABEL places text into adjacent TD cell Core Layout rods VERI WORK 2001-11-02
107770 <object> width and height not honored for <embed> default Core Graveyard Plug-ins serhunt VERI INVA 2022-05-16
139989 [forms.css] Fieldset needs prettier default border Core Layout: Form Control vhaarr+bmo VERI FIXE 2002-05-28
230 bugs found.