Wed Jul 17 2024 22:05:34 PDT
  • Keywords: imap-interop

210 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
417976 Make mail.auth_login a per-server based preference and change IMAP login behavior, because TB trusts capabilities reported by servers too much; they can advertise authentication capabilities they do not have MailNews Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
42456 Changes not written to IMAP INBOX at mailnews shutdown if browser still open SeaMonkey MailNews: Backend nobody NEW --- 2009-05-16
486953 IMAP folders always appearing empty - response "S-INBOX:PARSER:Internal Syntax Error: %s:: no atom characters found" to QUOTAROOT command MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
59704 support for IMAP Referrals (RFC2221, RFC2193), when server advertises MAILBOX-REFERRALS we should use RLIST and RLSUB (for MS Exchange and others) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-05-15
64226 UW IMAP: Shouldn't get an alert when renaming folder dealing with multiple clients MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
64228 [REGRESSION] UW IMAP: Didin't get the correct "New folder dialog with options" for the first launch MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
80858 Use IMAP namespace response for auto hiding of namespace folder at folder pane MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
102946 InterMail vM. Tries to select not existing folders when having multiple IMAP accounts MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
162008 trunk: Undo message moved from local folder to an imap folder is broken for non UIDPLUS servers MailNews Core Backend nobody NEW --- 2024-01-01
406189 Support (Lotus Notes, MS-Exchange, RFC) "Importance" header, in addition to current "X-Priority" one MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1123094 Folder contents may not be correct with CONDSTORE enabled (if EXPUNGE is not notified via IDLE when CONDSTORE support is used, msgDBHdr of EXPUNGEd mail won't be removed by Tb) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1123617 Because Biff requests "uid fetch NextUID:* Flags" for new mail check even when CONDSTORE is used, flag state of non-HighestUID can not be obtained by "uid fetch 1:* flags (CHANGEDSINCE highestMODSEQ)" which is used by Mbox open MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1124924 If CONDSTORE is usable, use "uid fetch 1:* flags (CHANGDEDSINCE modseq)" for new mail check by Biff instead of "uid fetch NextUID:* flags", in order to resolve problem like Bug 693204, Bug 517461 MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1124569 When CONDSTORE is used and IDLE is not used, if a mail is deleted/expunged by other client, * n EXPUNGE response to noop upon next new maail check by Biff is ignored, and msgDBHdr of the mail is not removed. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP gds ASSI --- 2022-10-11
24064 Need ability to specify Trash folder MailNews Core Backend emaijala+moz RESO FIXE 2009-09-30
27002 Cyrus IMAP: Send and Save as Draft/Template problems on Cyrus MailNews Core Backend Henry.Jia RESO FIXE 2017-12-28
41156 Critical Path Servers: Show empty folder names in the copy / move menu MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WORK 2009-02-28
50953 MailandNews IMAP: Can't purge IMAP messages MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
57102 IMAP not reading new mail MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WORK 2009-01-22
61816 IMAP: deleting does not work with some servers MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO INCO 2009-01-22
57124 IMAP: Can only delete imap folder from Trash from the second launch on IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
60360 Courier IMAP: Not all contents of Courier IMAP INBOX shown MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
60989 UW IMAP: returns "select failed" MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
100827 UW IMAP on Mac OSX: Random Crash when login, exit or selecting mail msgs on the thread pane. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
56188 Deleting folders on IMAP does not work with some IMAP servers MailNews Core Backend nobody RESO WORK 2008-07-31
975115 empty header preview / html messages displayed in raw / attachement not recognized Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody RESO WORK 2014-11-05
87313 IMAP mark as delete mode: D&D move to local folder should mark moved message as deleted (NOT remove/clear msgs from thread pane) SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer RESO WORK 2004-11-22
290077 mailto entered in location bar is handled incorrectly Firefox Address Bar bugs RESO WORK 2005-09-27
135357 Implement Secure SMTP port 465 protocol, using SSL, not STARTTLS MailNews Core Networking: SMTP ch.ey RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
735542 fetchCustomMsgAttribute causes logoff MailNews Core Networking: IMAP david RESO FIXE 2012-04-23
750012 nsImapServerResponeParser fails while parsing custom message attribute data that is not enclosed in parentheses MailNews Core Networking: IMAP david RESO FIXE 2012-07-16
1335982 Thunderbird automatically creates unwanted 'Trash' and other folders on IMAP server when creating a new email account and during start-up of Thunderbird. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP gds RESO FIXE 2018-03-13
408248 When Seamonkey is launched from the command line with 'seamonkey.exe "? queryterm"', it throws an error message instead of launching the default search engine and searching for 'queryterm', the expected behaviour in Windows XP SeaMonkey General general RESO FIXE 2010-01-12
103749 Courier-IMAP: bizarre error message when sending messages MailNews Core Backend Henry.Jia RESO DUPL 2008-07-31
105385 Cyrus IMAP: Server directory has / appended always MailNews Core Networking: IMAP Henry.Jia RESO FIXE 2017-12-28
92111 IMAP: Attachments not fully downloaded (due to incorrect/smaller RFC822.SIZE by MS Exchange, gmail, and possibly others) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP irving RESO FIXE 2015-11-28
220818 Implement UI support for SMTPS, and simplify the SMTP UI at the same time (Secure SMTP port 465 protocol, using SSL, not STARTTLS) MailNews Core Networking: SMTP kaie RESO WONT 2009-01-22
68126 UW IMAP:Sent copy on IMAP lost, if 2 mailers open at the same time MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WONT 2010-06-03
71792 IMAP Courier - if we exceed number of connections allowed for our IP address, subsequent connection attempts fail silently. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2011-03-31
84013 UW IMAP 2000: Message list doesn't show all messages in folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO INCO 2009-08-14
107221 MS Exchange IMAP: saving attachment from MS Exchange IMAP server failed MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
112161 InterMail vM. Getting "PARSER:Internal Syntax Error" when mail contains NULL char (\x0) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO INVA 2009-01-22
112657 can't delete messages from IMAP folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WORK 2009-01-22
156347 Mozilla does not set or recognize the \Draft flag on IMAP messages MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
157810 [UW-IMAP] server disconnect after initial mail startup & login MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WORK 2009-01-22
165161 IMAP Cannot file messages in IMAP folders three levels deep when not using subscription MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
165253 Courier-IMAP: Can't see IMAP folders the first time MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
358239 Message filtering using tags and custom headers on IMAP accounts MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO INCO 2009-01-22
382117 Messages with tags fail to copy to account on Exchange server due to "APPEND failed: unknown flag" MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO WORK 2012-11-21
410934 INBOX empty / not found (IMAP) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO INVA 2009-01-22
439216 When you copy a mail from "[Gmail]/Drafts" to "INBOX", it will be deleted (by GMail IMAP's special design) Thunderbird General mozilla RESO INVA 2010-06-27
546728 Thunderbird never finishes "copying to sent folder" on IMAP servers with case-insensitive folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2014-11-06
562104 Crash on logging into AOL IMAP account [@ NS_MsgHashIfNecessary] MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla RESO FIXE 2011-06-13
65591 Compuserve Mail marked as deleted shouldn't be rebolded when rechecking for new mail MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
71348 Unable to delete a subfolder with the same name as a folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
81340 flags on imap msgs are not pushed back to the imap server MailNews Core Backend mscott RESO WORK 2008-07-31
81863 UW IMAP: SELECT Fail when trying to open Folder that contain folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
82106 MSE & Cyrus IMAP: crashes when attempting to use IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
87782 Lotus Domino IMAP: FCC to IMAP server gives error even though succeeded MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
89575 GroupWise 5.5 IMAP: Save a copy to this imap server claims to fail but does work MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
90494 Courier IMAP: Accessing Courier IMAP mail account will encounter different abnormal alerts. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
91739 Courier IMAP: "" bad mailfolder on close, move and delete MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
92072 Courier-IMAP: Number of IMAP connections open is not limited MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
96932 UW IMAP : Sending mail -> SUBSCRIBE failed for mailbox Sent MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
100748 delete of an IMAP folder trys to rename Trash folder MailNews Core Backend mscott RESO DUPL 2008-07-31
102816 UW IMAP: copy to Sent folder takes LONG and rarely completes without error MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
118525 MS Exchange IMAP: Uses Trash and Send, not localized Exchange Folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
128329 Unable to create IMAP folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
128746 Courier IMAP: Download of message fails when the body contains escape characters MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
135729 Courier IMAP: crash if imaps (and probably also imap) folders have special characters in them. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
151176 MS Exchange 5.5 IMAP: IMAP inbox not refreshed MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO INCO 2009-01-22
151791 MDaemon IMAP: The mail server responded: FETCH parse error MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
158861 Courier IMAP: Cannot delete message in imap folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
158991 Cyrus IMAP: Mozilla does not move multiple messages from IMAP to local folders MailNews Core Networking mscott RESO DUPL 2008-07-31
159180 Won't mark as "read" for Imail server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2010-01-15
159267 IMAP Mail marked unread until it has been previewed twice MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO WORK 2009-01-22
159420 MS Exchange IMAP: Cannot delete messages MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO INCO 2009-01-22
159421 MS Exchange IMAP: Bogus IMAP folders displayed MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO EXPI 2009-01-22
159957 Bad synchronization with Trash folder contents MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO EXPI 2009-01-22
161460 IMAP move deletes message when "mark as deleted" checked MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott RESO DUPL 2009-01-22
242954 Drag and Drop between Profiles Windows not working Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott RESO EXPI 2005-10-13
366608 I am seeing lots of unprintable chars in subject lines and messages - like this from Ingram Thunderbird General mscott RESO WORK 2007-01-22
380129 Domino 5 server crash when access on imap subfolder Thunderbird General mscott RESO INVA 2007-05-09
84630 Courier IMAP only? :Mozilla stops, when downloading list of messages - program itself works still. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO DUPL 2011-03-31
97700 Courier IMAP: Subscribe/Unsubscribe subfolders refresh problems MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO WORK 2020-12-19
97727 NTMail: Help! My mail server won't let me delete the current folder MailNews Core Backend nobody RESO FIXE 2008-12-03
436796 Enable using regular folder names on IMAP server for special folders Thunderbird Preferences nobody RESO INVA 2010-06-27
450227 silent deletion of mails by GMail-IMAP: workarounds to protect Thunderbird's users Thunderbird General nobody RESO INVA 2017-03-18
450368 Gmail IMAP creates single copy of mail only, when multiple copies of same mail in local mail folder are copied to a Gmail IMAP folder(looks to be mail loss for user), and if different tag is set on mails, tags are merged on the single copy MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INVA 2013-06-12
450376 When a Gmail IMAP mail is copied(or moved) to [Gmail]/Spam or [Gmail]/Trash, copy of the mail in any Gmail IMAP folder is automatically deleted, so it looks to be mail loss for user MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INVA 2017-03-17
467795 receiving new mail stops until I restart Thunderbird MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INCO 2012-04-14
471527 Favorites, sort order lost & offline content deleted when IMAP temporarily disconnected Thunderbird General nobody RESO DUPL 2009-02-05
474566 Multiple attachments not deleted or saved Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody RESO WORK 2012-06-08
497627 IMAP connection connects, but times out when connecting to a Dovecot server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INCO 2009-10-08
526359 Changing the starred status of a message in Gmail doesn't update it in Thunderbird Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody RESO DUPL 2014-06-18
532589 GMX IMAP integration (creates unwanted folders) Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody RESO WORK 2021-08-27
543076 TB 3.0.1 does not handle IMAP Attachments correctly (bug of "Attachment size" add-on or some others) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INVA 2010-03-15
555314 Thunderbird3 stops IMAP access after upgrade from Thunderbird2 Thunderbird General nobody RESO DUPL 2010-03-30
555913 Thunderbird IMAP "select command" fails at IMAP server, copy to Sent or Draft folder fails. Too many characters sent MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INCO 2016-10-08
577490 Can't delete IMAP folder unless account is set to Remove messages immediately on delete. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO DUPL 2012-11-13
581289 Severe difficulties accessing Dovecot 1.2.11 IMAP server over SSL/TLS MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INVA 2020-04-12
638384 Unable to use the "Trash" folder on my IMAP account : Server parameters don't apply correctly Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody RESO WONT 2012-11-13
669716 Move multiple folders imap Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody RESO DUPL 2012-03-30
724095 with update 10.0, access to imap accounts no longer possible Thunderbird General nobody RESO INCO 2012-02-05
808533 saving message in IMAP folder fails, due to "APPEND failed: unknown flag" MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO DUPL 2012-11-14
934179 IMAP download is broken in 24.1.0 MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO DUPL 2013-11-04
1298000 Improve UX when saving drafts to IMAP server fails: Informative error messages and fallback to saving draft in local folders Thunderbird Untriaged nobody RESO DUPL 2017-07-11
1325664 messages with no memo header items (e.g. subject) are not shown Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody RESO WORK 2021-01-01
1561398 Randomly forgets subscribed IMAP folders Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody RESO INVA 2023-12-09
113790 Exchange IMAP:IMAP connection INBOX folder to Exchange 5.5 server causes error MailNews Core Networking: IMAP racham RESO WORK 2009-01-22
144544 Can't subscribe to folder with spaces in name SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer RESO WORK 2008-07-31
150033 IMAP Interop: Selecting multiple folders (shift-click) in the Subscribe dialog is NOT working. SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer RESO WORK 2008-07-31
68296 Cyrus IMAP: Can't unsubscribe from 2,3, ... level IMAP folder SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di cavin VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
31431 Cyrus IMAP Inbox "1st level folders" disappear problem SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di jefft VERI WORK 2004-11-22
40662 Folder discovery problems with sub folders 2 levels deep MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
28941 backslash and Double Quote " not escaped for IMAP username Login MailNews Core Networking mozilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
130603 loading message with images on server without other users namespace prompts user to subscribe to folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
67342 Cannot read/open attach files for MS IMAP Exchange account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
67345 Cannot read/open .xls attach files for Cyrus IMAP account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
50572 UW IMAP: Shouldn't display an Alert after delete the folder-only folders successfully MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
50722 Mac & Window:UW IMAP: Got RENAME FAILED for message-only folder even accessing only one client MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
58083 UW IMAP: Cannot delete message-only folder from UW IMAP mail account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
79444 Cyrus: can't empty trash folder or delete mail to trash MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
128975 Mozilla SOAP client does not interop with Apache SOAP Core XML rayw VERI FIXE 2002-05-29
48825 can't read mail in shared folders on a uw-imap server MailNews Core Backend cavin VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
37826 MS Exchange IMAP: Biff is not working correctly SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di gayatrib VERI DUPL 2004-11-22
28089 Should initiate folders correctly after set up UW IMAP server "Mail" directory MailNews Core Backend jefft VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
30363 Cyrus IMAP:Should display error message when users trying to create "." fodler name or folder name ends with "." from the Cyrus IMAP server MailNews Core Backend jefft VERI INVA 2008-07-31
37634 Unable to browse existing IMAP folders on IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
39188 When having set up an IMAP account, it does not seem to fetch folders in ".mailboxlist" MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI WORK 2009-01-22
40042 IMAP folder not read completely MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
41135 copy triggers assertion on media gate servers MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI INVA 2009-01-22
41151 HP IMAP: uid search generating wrong command for non-UIDPLUS IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
41485 IMAP: Sidebar showing unsubscribed files/folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
41622 UW IMAP: Cannot read messages from the message body of the UW IMAP mail Inbox MailNews Core Networking: IMAP jefft VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
11689 UW IMAP: Delete folder move to trash do not work with servers not supporting dual use folders MailNews Core Backend mozilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
46295 IMAP fetching error MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
58691 Cyrus & Courier IMAP: Should reflect the correct folders on the folder pane MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
37476 Mailbox does not exist error accesssing IMAP inbox MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
37675 EXCHANGE Imap server Message to more than 1 recipient "hangs" mail MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
37784 [IMAP MSexchange]Cannot receive sent message from MS Exchange IMAP Mail Account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
37827 IMAPMS Exchange: Message disappear from the message body SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di mscott VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
37832 IMAP MS Exchange:Cannot copy/move messages MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
40703 Not all attachments are shown on IMAP mail account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
40726 Exchange: Copying a mail to another folder, deletes the mail from the original position MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
41236 Fail to display certain messages on Novell NIMS Servers MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
55593 Cyrus IMAP: Got an error when sending messages from Cyrus IMAP mail account MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
57734 No attachments available for imap msgs MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
107646 Courier IMAP: All folders in IMAP Only appear under inbox MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
36248 Should reflect correct change right away on "\Noselect" folder on UI for IMAP servers SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di naving VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
36255 Shouldn't display error when selecting UW IMAP "folder-only" folders MailNews Core Networking naving VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
37942 IMAP UW: Shouldn't display an alert when users trying to copy the message to the folder-only folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
45767 UW IMAP: Should grey out folderonly folders initially without expand/collapse folder or relaunch again MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI WORK 2009-01-22
52365 IMAP UW - Should prevent users select folders-only folder when move/copy messages SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di naving VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
61775 Groupwise IMAP: Crash with "umlaute" in Subscribe box MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI WORK 2009-01-22
78237 Cyrus IMAP: Shouldn't display 2 Inbox mailboxes MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
117917 Cyrus IMAP: Mozilla ignores IMAP namespace MailNews Core Networking: IMAP huang VERI DUPL 2012-06-20
63854 Courier-Imap: Cannot empty Trash can MailNews Core Networking: IMAP sspitzer VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
165809 Mozilla ignores all Mac OS X System Preferences for Internet settings and applications. SeaMonkey Preferences bugs VERI DUPL 2004-11-22
90147 UW IMAP:Send fails when invoking Composer from Navigator MailNews Core Composition bugzilla VERI DUPL 2008-07-31
98433 Cyrus IMAP:LIST command problems when using a migrated profile with Personal Namespace specified MailNews Core Networking: IMAP cavin VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
63606 Don't Hard Coded 'Communicator'. Core Graveyard Security: UI ddrinan0264 VERI INVA 2016-09-27
105889 MS Exchange IMAP: Random Crashes when accessing IMAP mailbox [@ NS_ConvertUTF8toUCS2::Init() ] MailNews Core Backend jag+mozilla VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
66152 Courier-IMAP: after first open File|Get New Messages or GetMsg button makes IMAP server report error in client command MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
79033 uwIMAPd reports "comnmand line too long" when synchronising huge folder SeaMonkey MailNews: Backend mozilla VERI DUPL 2004-11-22
94738 Bogus sequence in UID FETCH when sending messages MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
125736 Setting labels on IMAP servers that don't support user keywords generates invalid protocol MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
132616 Cyrus server: Accesing email with embedded images in IMAP sub-folder displays alert and saving attachments fails MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
133899 Cyrus/Courier IMAP: View message source shown blank for messages in subfolders. SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di mozilla VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
63280 messenger hangs when reading imap on exchange and running another imap client on the same machine MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
66440 courier imap: Each time I move a message to an IMAP folder mozilla loses IMAP connection MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI INVA 2009-01-22
67328 Renaming a folder to contain foldername + "\" moves folder under foldername MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
67943 Courier IMAP SSL: I can change to a max. of 4 IMAP folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
69274 criticalpath IMAP: mailer doesn't succed to get messages from IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
69356 UW SMTP: Lost composed mail when SMTP server denied service (no-relaying) MailNews Core Networking: SMTP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
69757 IMail IMAP: IMAP mark as delete failed MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
71983 crash as soon I select any IMAP folder MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
73230 Courier IMAP - Responds with Error to new message request. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
78265 Migrated Cyrus IMAP: Shouldn't display alert when sending messages from migrated Cyrus IMAP MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
80871 Cyrus IMAP: Unable to subscribe to folders. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
82360 MS Exchange IMAP: Empty message bodies for some messages from MS Exchnage mail server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
82850 IMAP interop: "move to trash" is not working for some specific IMAP server MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WONT 2009-01-22
85124 browser and mail confused on address with multiple reverse DNS entries MailNews Core Networking mscott VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
89583 courier imapd seems a bit weird with new moz mail client MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2012-06-20
97181 Courier IMAP: Subscribe to Courier IMAP subfolders fails MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
101923 IMAP Interoperability: Can't delete IMAP folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
103938 UW IMAP: Cannot save non-inline attachments from IMAP/SSL MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
105805 MS Exchange IMAP: File->Send Page message cannot be saved in SSL IMAP folder with MS Exchange 2k MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
112880 IMAP sent-mail preferences cannot be set - stay at default MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
122732 Not a selectable mailbox (when checking all IMAP folders) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
124663 UW IMAP: Sending of message failed MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
129073 MS Exchange IMAP: non-standard characters in folder names on exchange server do not work MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
131441 Can't store e-mails on a IMAP account (Error: Could not insert to database: -1) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI WORK 2009-01-22
139477 UW IMAP: Cannot delete a mail Folder in IMAP. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mscott VERI DUPL 2009-01-22
189016 Labels are lost when moving to another folder (Courier IMAP) MailNews Core Backend mscott VERI DUPL 2008-07-31
64766 UW IMAP: Shouldn't get UID SEARCH alert after replying msg w/copy to "Sent" folder MailNews Core Composition naving VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
67415 Problem with some specific IMAP Trash when Empty Trash MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI WONT 2009-01-22
72466 [UW-IMAP] Alerts display when search msgs from folder-only folder SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di naving VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
79184 UW IMAP UI: New Folder Dialog is not displaying correctly for the FIRST time only MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
79982 Mirapoint IMAP: Empty trash on exit or using menu item fails with alert SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di naving VERI WORK 2004-11-22
99150 Cyrus IMAP: Hang when renaming folder to a folder name with slash MailNews Core Networking: IMAP naving VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
68394 Non-ASCII headers sent as unicode when quoted-printable encoding turned off and mail.strictly_mime_headers is false. MailNews Core Internationalization nhottanscp VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
80035 SIMS IMAP: migration causes imap folders to be copied to local mail folder MailNews Core Profile Migration racham VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
86459 Cyrus IMAP UI: Shouldn't grey out Inbox on the folder pane SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer VERI FIXE 2004-11-22
91183 Cyrus SSL IMAP: Mail server and Inbox folder not shown in list SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer VERI DUPL 2004-11-22
101341 Extra mailboxes in imported profile MailNews Core Backend sspitzer VERI WORK 2008-07-31
108910 Cyrus IMAP: IMAP subscribe does not properly detect IMAP seperator SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer VERI DUPL 2008-07-31
139515 Can't delete folders for other IMAP Servers SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di sspitzer VERI WORK 2004-11-22
90734 Migrated UW IMAP UI: New Folder Dialog is not displaying completely for the FIRST time MailNews Core Networking: IMAP zhayupeng VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
168188 Cannot move mail from Subfolder of (IMAP-)INBOX to my Local Folders MailNews Core Networking: IMAP mozilla CLOS FIXE 2009-01-22
210 bugs found.