Wed Jul 17 2024 21:45:23 PDT
  • Keywords: imap-interop
  • Resolution: ---

14 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
417976 Make mail.auth_login a per-server based preference and change IMAP login behavior, because TB trusts capabilities reported by servers too much; they can advertise authentication capabilities they do not have MailNews Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
42456 Changes not written to IMAP INBOX at mailnews shutdown if browser still open SeaMonkey MailNews: Backend nobody NEW --- 2009-05-16
486953 IMAP folders always appearing empty - response "S-INBOX:PARSER:Internal Syntax Error: %s:: no atom characters found" to QUOTAROOT command MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
59704 support for IMAP Referrals (RFC2221, RFC2193), when server advertises MAILBOX-REFERRALS we should use RLIST and RLSUB (for MS Exchange and others) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-05-15
64226 UW IMAP: Shouldn't get an alert when renaming folder dealing with multiple clients MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
64228 [REGRESSION] UW IMAP: Didin't get the correct "New folder dialog with options" for the first launch MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
80858 Use IMAP namespace response for auto hiding of namespace folder at folder pane MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
102946 InterMail vM. Tries to select not existing folders when having multiple IMAP accounts MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
162008 trunk: Undo message moved from local folder to an imap folder is broken for non UIDPLUS servers MailNews Core Backend nobody NEW --- 2024-01-01
406189 Support (Lotus Notes, MS-Exchange, RFC) "Importance" header, in addition to current "X-Priority" one MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1123094 Folder contents may not be correct with CONDSTORE enabled (if EXPUNGE is not notified via IDLE when CONDSTORE support is used, msgDBHdr of EXPUNGEd mail won't be removed by Tb) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1123617 Because Biff requests "uid fetch NextUID:* Flags" for new mail check even when CONDSTORE is used, flag state of non-HighestUID can not be obtained by "uid fetch 1:* flags (CHANGEDSINCE highestMODSEQ)" which is used by Mbox open MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1124924 If CONDSTORE is usable, use "uid fetch 1:* flags (CHANGDEDSINCE modseq)" for new mail check by Biff instead of "uid fetch NextUID:* flags", in order to resolve problem like Bug 693204, Bug 517461 MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1124569 When CONDSTORE is used and IDLE is not used, if a mail is deleted/expunged by other client, * n EXPUNGE response to noop upon next new maail check by Biff is ignored, and msgDBHdr of the mail is not removed. MailNews Core Networking: IMAP gds ASSI --- 2022-10-11
14 bugs found.