Wed Jul 17 2024 21:24:53 PDT
  • Keywords: inputmethod
  • Resolution: ---

114 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1836472 Microsoft IME does not switch to private mode if <input type="search"> has focus in the private window Core DOM: UI Events & Foc m_kato UNCO --- 2023-06-05
1865779 [wayland] input method window position lags behind Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-21
670824 [GTK][Zawgyi2009 Burmese keyboard] Burmese characters are not composed correctly Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1098981 [GTK] Firefox is missing characters in fast-typing applications Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1223299 [GTK][Debian][ibus][pinyin] Backspace doesn't work using any other input method beside US keyboard on some site Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1502711 [TSF][IMM?] IME is closed when URL bar gets focus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1538570 [Firefox 66] ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditor does not accept a period character (.) in many cases Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1563972 [TSF] Suggest window does not appear when typing ChangJie Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1629676 [GTK] ibus candidate window is in wrong position Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-02
1766502 When Sticky Keys in Windows is turned on and I'm in developer mode and I try to edit a style value sometimes a bunch of random values will start to be inserted. Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-02
1817090 [ibus] IME IMEFocusState::Blurred looses focus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-16
1859125 Chinese Input Method Candidate Box Cannot Follow Cursor Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-26
1200506 ibus-mozc receives stale cursor coordinates when implicitly committing text w/o return key Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1494251 cursor position is moved to the text head unexpectedly with ibus-unikey Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1831015 Japanese IME input window is interrupted when enterkeyhint is changed Core Widget: Gtk m_kato UNCO --- 2023-05-09
1715487 [css-ui] Implement `caret-shape` Core Layout nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-14
1771770 [MS Pinyin][Win] Chinese pinyin IME doesn't work in some text field Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-06-02
1772749 [GTK][Fcitx] When I input korean characters followed by a space, the location of the character and the space is transposed Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-06-13
1787701 Deadkeys not working after update Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-31
1802989 onCompositionEnd events don't follow the spec anymore Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-08
758877 [SeaMonkey] "test_autocomplete_with_composition_on_input.html | Testing on HTML input (asynchronously search), compositionend should open the popup: popupOpen - got false, expected true" and more, since they landed SeaMonkey Autocomplete nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
867433 Compositing Korean letter can be committed twice with iBus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
888320 [meta] implement all time and date related input types Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2024-06-29
1355432 [e10s] IME is never available in a tab after moving tab to original window Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1630735 Typing Korean before URL on Twitter moves caret to random position Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1735227 Typing text with input method may produce text with wrong character position in under linux Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-04-30
1341977 Cannot move caret after trying to do "Kakutei-Undo" of Apple Japanese Input in Core DOM: UI Events & Foc m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
865564 [UIEvents-key] Map Hangul related keys to KeyboardEvent.key value on Linux Core DOM: Events nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1138071 Committing composition string with switching keyboard layout on Ubuntu doesn't restart autocomplete immediately Toolkit Autocomplete nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1173694 [e10s] ContentCache should adjust offset of each query during dispatching a composition change event Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1182596 [GTK] ResetIME cause gtk_im_context_reset is called to frequently when it's unnecessary Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1219438 [GTK][ibus][pinyin][Vietnamese telex] Autocomplete stops working after switching input method while composing with Chinese IME for iBus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1233998 [Cocoa] Some syllables are discared when you type Hangul characters Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-12-08
1245428 KeyboardEvent.shiftKey, .altKey, .metaKey are wrong when the focus is on an input field Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1249568 [TSF] candidate window is bottom of window when input composition (2 or more characters) on Code Mirror using Google Japanese IME Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1284415 [TSF][e10s] TSFTextStore should include expected result of dispatched KeyboardEvents Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1284421 [TSF] Kakutei-Undo doesn't work on Facebook (comment field) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1288613 Implement Cache for improving performance of ContentEventHandler Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1291171 [e10s] Create tests for ContentCache Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1309827 [e10s] When a child process is crashed, TabParent for it should reset IME state if it's necessary Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1320308 [Windows] Dead key may be typed automatically when you type in another application and Firefox is starting Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2024-02-04
1338460 [Cocoa] TextInputHandler and IMEInputHandler should only store native events during NSKeyDown and dispatch events at the end of NSKeyDown handler Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1341978 Odd range of committed string is removed when trying to do "Kakutei-Undo" of ATOK 2016 in Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1350541 Line breakers in composition string are not converted to <br> element in HTML editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1355519 Can IMEContentObserver treat HTML editor as multiple editors if it's too big? Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1464733 Firefox automatically changing my system-wide keyboard to Korean when I visit specific websites on MacOS Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1515321 onKeyDown unexpectedly fires for space that completes dead key sequence Core DOM: Events nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1525513 [GTK] Use GTK_INPUT_HINT_VERTICAL_WRITING hint for vertical writing Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-02-16
1530875 MOZ_ASSERT(hooked) failure in TIPMessageHandler::TIPMessageHandler() on Windows on ARM64 Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1534226 Firefox becomes laggy when repeatedly open page Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1556336 Make editors stop listening to composition events, instead, TextComposition should notify focused editor directly Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
1582008 Korean words get broken when I'm typing in google docs Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1583913 Onscreen Keyboard fails to change keyboard layout (Windows 10) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1596399 Delete key is not working as expected with handwriting input in macOS Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2021-11-16
1599964 [GTK][ibus][fcitx][Mozc] Preedit string doesn't appear and candidates window's position is never updated after committing composition with mouse click Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1633399 Twitter crashes while typing Korean (likely due to a DraftJS bug) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1677677 Redesign `test_composition_text_querycontent.xhtml` Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2020-11-16
1679109 [Cocoa] Create a framework to test `IMEInputHandler` and `TextInputHandler` Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2020-11-23
1714281 [GTK] `IMContextWrapper` does not set proper "input purpose" when focused `<input>` element has been `<input type="password">` Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2021-06-02
1717139 Stop using `UINT32_MAX`, `INT32_MAX`, `LONG_MAX`, and `-1` if they mean "no composition" in IME handling Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-01-18
1720036 [Win][GTK?] Alt+keys do not respond while inputting Korean Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2021-12-06
1801010 [TSF] Crash in [@ hchangulime.dll | CoCreateInstance] External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2022-12-16
1817704 IME enabled state is not updated when `type` of `<input>` element is changed Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-02-19
1845198 Crash in [@ mozilla::ContentCache::AssertIfInvalid] Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1887284 IME input is truncated while tab-to-search and URL has been autofilled Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1893868 Save As... does not remember the last-used IME mode with out-of-process file-dialogs Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2024-05-07
1259686 TextEventDispatcher should store composition information which is modified when a composition event is dispatched Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1259690 TextEventDispatcher should manage selection while IME has composition Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1679110 [IMM] Create a framework to test `IMMHandler` Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2020-11-23
1769830 can't input the tilda character in LANG=ja_JP.SJIS environment on FreeBSD. Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki NEW --- 2022-07-29
49351 Add reconversion menu item to popup menu of editor if current IME supports reconversion Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
164793 [GTK] Implement GTK's IM switching UI in context menu Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
258291 Empty undo/redo transaction is created when IME cannceled Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-12-14
381741 when the window lost focus by another application gets focus, the composing string with UIM is not committed but it looks like committed Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
409754 "Search for text when I start typing" of FAYT does not work correctly with IME Toolkit Find Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
448927 [IMM][TSF][XUL panel] IME candidate list is overlapped by topmost panel element Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
544778 [TSF] Implement ITfTextEditSink Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
697849 Overtyping an entire paragraph using IME sometimes causes the follow up text at the IP to not be displayed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-12-16
785364 [IIIMF] autocomplete does not fill forms Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
854825 Japanese (Korean/Chinese) XIM input mode indicator has not been working for Thunderbird and Firefox under linux. (with known solution) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
980189 [GTK][IMM] How to consider candidate window position when focused editbox is out of window Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1143429 Sinhala input method not working properly on Firefox Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2020-12-14
1291079 Turn designMode on and then off could still receive "composition" event Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-12-16
1394112 [TSF] Google Japanese Input's English mode doesn't work on Firefox 55, only on location bar Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1584805 Need a way to opt-in to changing pseudofocus for non-menu XUL popups (when "Open Menu" button is pressed, IME/OSK should close on linux) Core XUL nobody NEW --- 2022-10-12
960480 Implement remote NS_QUERY_CHARACTER_AT_POINT for Microsoft IME Core DOM: Events m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
425900 [CTL] Should not allow non-base Thai character as first character in textfield / textarea Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
460056 [meta] Need automated tests for IME related code Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
489726 [TSF] automated tests for IME selection style Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
560071 Improve IME selection painting Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
746769 IME input on is broken Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
979112 Support wide caret whose width is one (or more?) grapheme cluster width Core DOM: Selection nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1058439 [TSF] Should support fixed clause of compostion Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1058446 ContentEventHandler should append a line break at the end of <p> element Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1084189 Cannot use IME on Nightly builds which are launched by mozregression Testing mozregression nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1163311 test_backspace_delete.xul fails if IME requests to query content at selection change Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1217296 Google (English) search commits or cancels composing string at first time Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1229641 [TSF] Converting Hangul to Hanja with MS Korean IME converts unexpected range of fixed string even if there are close tags of block level elements Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1229991 [TSF] Converting Hangul to Hanja with MS Korean IME makes unexpected character Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1284419 [Meta] Major web service specific IME issues Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1322744 [TSF] Create test framework for TSFTextStore Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1524043 SMO search field of article , When try to input Japanese text using IME, the first character becomes Latin character. Search nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
1824143 Crash in [@ RaiseFailFastException | FailFastWithHR] with mozilla::widget::TSFTextStore::RequestLock(unsigned long, HRESULT*) on the stack Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2024-05-22
1846909 Make `TextInputHandler` cache window level of the widget (or the widget) while an editable content has focus Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2023-08-27
1875787 [Linux] first character in is deleted if it's accented. Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2024-01-25
1884399 Press [Space] key using Google Japanese Input, half/full-width space are entered erratically. External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2024-04-04
1895643 Cannot type phone number with ATOK as the order you type in the web casher form of Paypay GeckoView IME nobody NEW --- 2024-06-27
1839310 test_autocomplete_with_composition_on_input.html is too slow Toolkit Autocomplete masayuki ASSI --- 2023-07-27
1806589 Make `NOTIFY_IME_OF_BLUR` set input context too Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki ASSI --- 2022-12-20
1865778 [TSF] Make `TSFTextStore` notify TSF/TIP of text changes after CRLFs are inserted Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki ASSI --- 2024-01-04
1679108 [GTK] Create a framework to test IMContextWrapper Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki ASSI --- 2024-01-23
1840568 Crash in [@ mozilla::widget::TSFTextStore::SelectionForTSF] Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki ASSI --- 2024-06-13
1892600 Crash in [@ CEditSessionBase::CEditSessionBase] Core DOM: UI Events & Foc masayuki ASSI --- 2024-05-19
1754683 Character input with Japanese IM can not be done onto new folder dialog on Thunderbird for macOS. Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody REOP --- 2023-07-10
114 bugs found.