Wed Jul 17 2024 23:06:45 PDT
  • Keywords: js1.7

19 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
215173 JS_ReportErrorNumber doesn't raise the user-specified exception Core JavaScript Engine daumling RESO WORK 2014-04-11
510868 Unexpected JavaScript parsing possible to XSS attack Core DOM: HTML Parser nobody RESO INVA 2009-08-17
1115627 E/GeckoConsole( 111): [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: Can't use 'self' if self data is not provided"] Firefox OS Graveyard GonkIntegration nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
637614 Gmail JavaScript (confirmation) dialog box doesn't have titlebar, borders etc Firefox General nobody RESO INVA 2011-03-01
487070 unable to use JavaScript 1.7+ in Web Workers (need ability to specify JS version) Core DOM: Core & HTML amarchesini RESO FIXE 2019-03-31
542495 Simple JS script brake FF Core JavaScript Engine general RESO DUPL 2010-01-27
725398 Deprecation of arguments.callee: how to deal with the case of instances of Function constructor? Core JavaScript Engine general RESO INVA 2019-01-13
758868 Javascript interpreter should not remove extra code blocks Core JavaScript Engine general RESO INVA 2012-06-16
738333 Improve layout of filter panel Tree Management Grav OrangeFactor mcote RESO FIXE 2020-08-21
499287 Bad url link inserted in htmlArea Firefox General nobody RESO INCO 2010-11-01
533293 javascript onmouseover object is persistent Firefox General nobody RESO WORK 2011-02-02
790751 Problem on Firefox 15+ with event live Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2012-09-13
832497 Firefox don't swap cache of the applicationCache object and throws an error Core Networking: Cache nobody RESO WORK 2016-02-05
838093 "JavaScript Application Error: Syntax Error" Firefox Extension Compatibil nobody RESO WORK 2013-02-06
906250 All sites, and plugins, add-ons and all javascripts on Firefox are not reading. Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO WORK 2013-08-18
955670 Indexed property enumeration order is not numeric for indices larger than 1000 Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO DUPL 2014-01-09
1112514 Script loop causes GC out of memory crash in 34 Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WONT 2018-07-18
1198126 canvas fill function isn't working correctly Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody RESO INCO 2015-11-09
1251832 defineProperty is not replacing defineSetter and defineGetter as expected Firefox Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2016-02-27
19 bugs found.