Wed Jul 17 2024 22:36:13 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Keywords: perf:animation

46 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1846115 The debugger can cause webpage lagging Core JavaScript Engine nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-09
1841643 'tup' cookie causes laggy/janky Google Maps performance when dragging Core Performance acreskey UNCO --- 2024-01-08
1765897 Performance on is not very good Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-22
1766063 Extreme performance drop when multiple windows are open on Ubuntu 21.10 Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-08-31
1831828 animation completely glitched on certain screen sizes Core CSS Transitions and nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-10
1886079 Extremely slow animations and scrolling performance on B2B2go's website Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-24
1819286 Firefox slows down abysmally after a week or so, having hundreds of tabs open (thousands of tabs in total) Core Widget: Win32 davidp99 NEW --- 2024-06-13
1827906 High memory usage and slow/jerky text size increase animation on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1881384 Very low framerate on when at the top of the page Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-05-09
1892367 3%-5% regression on multiple AWFY-SP2 benchmark suites around 17Apr2024 (mostly on todo-mvc-Deleting- XXXX type benchmarks) Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-06-12
1508765 Firefox is very slow to render poster PDF Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-24
1515003 Avoid putting the URL in the tab title when loading an about: page Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1595680 Slightly different values in display lists causing extra picture cache invalidations. Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-05-16
1771991 Jank when opening hamburger menu on YouTube Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-06-23
1776131 - simulations much slower in FF than other browsers Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody NEW --- 2024-02-15
1777744 Jank when exiting miniplayer on YouTube Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-08-05
1792449 When opening a window, the address bar changes size and moves from right to left, when (Extension) Overflow Button is visible on the Toolbar Firefox Toolbars and Customi nobody NEW --- 2022-10-31
1818402 Jank when grabbing and dragging carousel Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1840771 Jank and checkerboarding when scrolling tweet replies Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1880744 Leaving devtools (netmonitor) open in a background tab janks the parent process main thread DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1882302 Navigation for product images slider is not smooth at Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1892850 Bug Report - Scrolling lags on about:preferences in Firefox Snap (lubuntu 24.04 alpha) Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2024-07-10
1387142 Suppress window animation for New Window Firefox General nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1155307 Very laggy panning and zooming of map on Orbis website Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1716149 Opening large data uri based image with "open image in new tab" can be very slow Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1772249 Jank and checkerboarding when scrolling Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-03-23
1772346 Slow game performance on Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2022-11-26
1774918 Browser stops responding during animation. Core Disability Access AP nobody NEW --- 2022-07-10
1795684 booking interface slows down entire browser Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-09-26
1807367 Toolbar transitions are slow to tabs tray and 3-dot menu on low-end devices Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1812394 High parent-process CPU usage, with animated balloons SVG background-image Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1820246 Extreme lag (almost crash) when loading an animated svg with filters Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-12-21
1825361 Slow panning and zooming on Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1825391 Janky carousel on Amazon product page on Moto G Pure Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1825395 Janky carousel on Apple India home page on Moto G Pure Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1831458 Very high memory usage on Zenni Optical's website Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-05-26
1833016 Very high JS string memory usage and lots of structured-clone-holder, with lag and slowdowns WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1833620 is slow Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-08-04
1838135 canvas demo ( is slower with gpu-canvas compared to skia-canvas Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-06-29
1838402 Sluggish horizontal scrolling on Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1839242 svg high cpu usage Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-08-10
1880530 [] Adding multiple contacts in rapid succession feels slower on Firefox Nightly Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1893904 Massive jank when scrolling Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-05-22
1901092 "Pure CSS 3D Girl" running-person animation is much slower in Firefox than Chromium/WebKit Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-07-09
1786918 too much sync decoding of images on Core Graphics: ImageLib tnikkel NEW --- 2023-06-02
1823474 Divi's intensive use of shadows on its demonstration page cause slow performance issues in Firefox on some graphics drivers Core Graphics: ImageLib tnikkel NEW --- 2024-03-18
46 bugs found.