Wed Jul 17 2024 21:42:25 PDT
  • Keywords: perf:pageload

297 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1870405 Very slow time to first page load when opening Fenix with hundreds of tabs Fenix Performance nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-22
1809608 specific page leads to 100% cpu with webrender software Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-04
1840252 YouTube takes 7 s to shows cookie banner Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-09
1842382 Memory leak when SVG sprites are loaded (3300 SVGs) Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-20
1664492 Extremely long DNS resolution times with Fenix Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-09
1819286 Firefox slows down abysmally after a week or so, having hundreds of tabs open (thousands of tabs in total) Core Widget: Win32 davidp99 NEW --- 2024-06-13
1809944 Major page initial load slowdowns on multiple devices without addons, except in private browsing Fenix Performance mleclair NEW --- 2024-06-18
1505192 site loads slow compared to Chrome Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1522196 InitOtherFamilyNamesRunnable can slow down first page load and take > 100ms Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1528285 [meta] Allow call of AsyncOpen and OnStart/OnStopRequest off the main thread Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2023-06-30
1543776 [meta] 5+ second delays seen while loading on geckoview_example Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1548539 Stopping blocking bfcache on unconnected peerconnections Core WebRTC nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1583220 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1583222 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1598384 13 seconds of jank when loading Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1611279 Identify Mozilla libraries built for Android that could be built with optimizations for speed Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-07-12
1613824 Apple Newsroom page takes a long time to load (30 seconds) Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1614425 Pages load on mobile is several seconds slower than chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1650708 Firefox takes 50% more time than Chrome to load/reload pages on Boardgamegeek Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667246 Fenix loads 2 seconds slower than Chrome GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667250 Fenix loads 4 seconds slower than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1719556 is slow to load in Firefox on Android Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1731514 Extreme memory surge when opening a certain pdf-file Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1778472 Firefox startup extremely slow after reboot (24 seconds wait in Web Extensions process from mozilla::dom::LSObject::EnsureDatabase) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1827906 High memory usage and slow/jerky text size increase animation on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1839322 TransmitPermissionsAndBlobURLsForPrincipalInfo blocks the main thread Core DOM: File nobody NEW --- 2023-06-29
1570090 Investigate fast first paints Core Performance smaug NEW --- 2022-10-11
1722641 Performance regressions from turning on bfcache-in-parent for fission, mostly in warmload Core DOM: Navigation smaug NEW --- 2023-01-09
1348469 Consider using FramePropertyTable less in layout Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1374382 Consider to process DOMLinkAdded event using animation frame callback + setTimeout(, 0) Core Performance Engineer nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1468246 High variability in performance testing with large images Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1503119 A lot of time spent in query_selector Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1503371 Large local files with many pictures load extremely slow Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-24
1508765 Firefox is very slow to render poster PDF Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-24
1509228 Optimizing nsGlobalWindowOuter::NotifyContentBlockingState() seems to have an impact on pageload Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1515414 Defer GCs in background tabs/processes during pageload Core JavaScript: GC nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1554313 Classifier Update should wait for an user-idle period before initiating an update Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1557505 ECPoint_mul/ec_points_mul take a lot of time on Arm32 NSS Libraries nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1570750 gfxFontGroup::FindFontForChar took a lot of time during reflow Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1572540 GV should disable logging by default in opt GV builds GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2022-12-22
1599472 Stream the output of inflate in nsHTTPCompressConv::OnDataAvailable out to another thread to be converted to UTF16 when possible Core DOM: Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1599489 For large json payloads, convert to UTF16 off the main thread Core DOM: Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1599508 Enabling Safebrowsing is introducing significant noise in network throttled pageload tests Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1602025 Browsing from about:blank to a URL runs activity-stream code and does an about:newtab reflow Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1603578 Implement caching of retired web-isolated processes for reuse in the same domain in Fission Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1608826 [meta] Geckoview load initiation performance GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-10-11
1609682 preload required content and parent process scripts at startup of GeckoView GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1641696 Firefox takes 50% more time than Microsoft Edge to display first paint of comments in reddit posts Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2023-03-08
1656386 Slow loading of Medium article on Moto G (XT1031) Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1663768 9to5google article takes 2x as much time to load as Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667248 Fenix loads 5 seconds slower than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1676889 http requests to localhost ports where nothing is listening take longer to fail than in blink Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1681088 Consider making speculative connections to minimize redirection time Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1712784 Creating GeckoSessions and loading URLs from non-main threads GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-01-26
1723891 responsiveness login is bad at login time Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-03-08
1733307 - Very slow page load Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1734490 Fenix loads fonts later than Chrome on Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-06-26
1745512 Significant performance impact when using Webpagetest and ES Modules Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1761734 Slow drawing of this PDF file Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2022-12-08
1767103 Fenix page load is slower when using enhanced tracking protection Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1811843 content loads extremely slow on in ETP strict Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-08-04
1827132 ~12 seconds loading this HTML page, Chrome is fine Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-05-31
1828961 50% slower than Chrome loading this Google Sheet with graphs Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2023-05-17
1834706 - Homescreen app is laggy when installed to the home screen GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1875307 The "View in map" image place holder loads slower compared to Chrome at Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-06-06
1897427 - The game is stuck in a loading state Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1540683 Investigate performance impact of tuning the number of SSL Cert threads on low-end hardware Core Performance sefeng NEW --- 2022-10-11
1504337 Consider if it makes sense to use HTTP1.1 on cellular connections Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1582525 Avoid racing 6 connections for sites known to have been HTTP2 in the past Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1686983 The print preview takes minutes to display for pages that contain images that failed to load Core Print Preview jwatt NEW --- 2024-04-04
613498 Very slow chrome to content DOM access Core XPConnect nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
651049 Write a new off-the-main-thread IO driver for expat Core XML nobody NEW --- 2023-08-22
1027106 Make ImageLib share cached imgRequests for the same SVG document even if the URI has a different ref/hash Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1554395 StartupCache takes a very long time to write out cache after browser startup Core XPCOM nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1650063 Loading is occasionally slow, takes lots of time in query_selector_slow Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1659166 Very long reflows on Wikipedia Barack Obama page Core Layout: Columns nobody NEW --- 2023-08-14
1659831 Geektyrant takes 4x as long as Chrome to load Core Layout: Grid nobody NEW --- 2023-07-04
1725781 SAP application very slow since 72.0b1, with deeply nested percent-height tables Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2024-03-05
1773543 loads more slowly than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1779363 Large performance difference when loading a PDF in "performance" vs "energy saving" mode Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-01-17
1801478 Long site hang when searching on Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-12-01
1803464 querySelectorAll is slower in Firefox as compared to Chrome and Safari Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody NEW --- 2022-12-01
1810370 Focus gives a "running in the background" notification in Task Switcher and uses lots of CPU in background Focus General nobody NEW --- 2024-03-26
1812394 High parent-process CPU usage, with animated balloons SVG background-image Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1813325 Pdf.js UI is very sluggish with a specific pdf Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2024-05-22
1814028 The slow script warning notification bar appears on Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-03-02
1833208 Consider coalescing nested nsInlineFrame instances, for deeply-nested subtrees of unstyled display:inline elements Core Layout: Block and In nobody NEW --- 2023-05-16
1833212 We can hit many redundant-seeming `nsIFrame::SchedulePaint` calls after painting has been unsuppressed, in resumed initial reflow of a deeply-fragmented tree Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-05-15
1840656 Loading a testcase with 1000 css files is 2x faster on Chrome compared to Nightly Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1878133 PDF takes excessively long to render with hardware acceleration enabled Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-06-19
1884394 Frequent inability to use 'back' Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1899405 systemui spends a bunch of time painting gradients during page load Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-07-11
1522282 Delayed image loading on low end ARM devices Core Performance sefeng ASSI --- 2023-02-22
1543783 live site loads 1s slower in Fenix/GVE than Fennec 64 Core Performance sefeng ASSI --- 2024-04-08
1135277 Pathologically slow pdf rendering Firefox PDF Viewer nobody REOP --- 2023-05-29
1518677 Avoid collection during page load Core JavaScript: GC nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1720068 3.95 - 3.85% wikipedia SpeedIndex / wikipedia FirstVisualChange + 1 more (Linux) regression on Fri June 25 2021 Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody REOP --- 2022-03-02
1583298 Determine if we are indeed spending up to 3x as long in DNS resolution as Chrome on some sites Core Performance acreskey RESO WORK 2022-04-18
1619796 Don't fire `onLoadRequest()` for loads initiated via `GeckoSession.loadUri()`. GeckoView General agi RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1611820 Minimize time spent loading modules in chromeutils.import when starting a first-time load GeckoView General bdahl RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
857031 pdf.js performance on an ice map is not acceptable Firefox PDF Viewer cdenizet RESO FIXE 2022-05-04
1529044 Saving intermediate certs to the DB has a significant detrimental effect on page load time (android) Core Security: PSM dkeeler RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1353956 mozilla::safebrowsing::LookupCacheV4::VerifyChecksum consumes >400ms of CPU during startup Toolkit Safe Browsing dlee RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1531354 Investigate if we can skip HashStore::Open during startup Toolkit Safe Browsing dlee RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1510275 Accessing the local storage causing too much work Firefox Protections UI ehsan.akhgari RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1540777 Fresh profile page load regressions from enabling LSNG on Mar 8th, 2019 Core Storage: localStorag jvarga RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1547688 LSNG: Preloading can use gUsages hash table to quickly finish if there's nothing to preload Core Storage: localStorag jvarga RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1550579 On Fenix (Arm32) ec_Curve25519_mul() takes a surprising amount of time NSS Libraries kjacobs.bugzilla RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1543806 Incremental GC can block off-thread parsing Core JavaScript: GC mgaudet RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1529551 omni.ja files are read using main thread I/O for every content process Core Networking: JAR mh+mozilla RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1394778 rel=preload for no-cache resources Core DOM: Networking michal.novotny RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1613205 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance mstange.moz RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1287027 [google suite][google docs] FirstPaint/FirstVisualChange much slower loading a 1 page (UTF-8) google doc Core Performance nobody RESO INCO 2022-06-21
1485092 page load is 2x slower in GeckoView than WebView Core Layout nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1525229 renders very slow Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1529110 Some sites' page loads are slower when Tracking Protection is enabled GeckoView General nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1546313 YouTube with Polymer v3.2.0 is loading slower than with Polymer v1.x Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1570664 Consider speculatively loading redirections Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1570747 UrlClassifierFeatureBase::InitializePreferences took a long time during page load Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1573294 Firefox high CPU usage when loading a tab with a large site (reddit comments) Core Performance nobody RESO INCO 2022-03-02
1579185 Google Maps on a clean profile locks the tab and takes ~2 min to show any content Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1608290 JS parsing (and possibly execution) slower in Fenix vs Fennec Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO INCO 2024-06-04
1612575 Experiment with speculative connections in Geckoview or consuming apps GeckoView General nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1555306 Collision on NS find_objects()/sqlite3PagerSharedLock() when fetching OSCP causes extereme variance in page load times Core Security: PSM rjesup RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1582990 WebExtension Performance Regression (uBO, ABP) Core Performance sefeng RESO WORK 2022-02-28
1583217 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1583228 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for an amazon search Core Performance sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1583230 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1628449 GeckoSession.loadUri() doesn't complete until future loop iteration GeckoView General snorp RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1592975 2.99 - 8.02% raptor-tp6-instagram-firefox-cold / raptor-tp6-instagram-firefox-cold fcp / raptor-tp6-twitch-firefox fcp (linux64-shippable, linux64-shippable-qr) regression on push e66da643d9bcbc594a9c09a99271ae4d9415e388 (Wed October 30 2019) Core DOM: Security sstreich RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1511381 Synchronous layout flush coming from PluginChild.jsm during page load Core Graveyard Plug-ins timdream RESO FIXE 2022-05-16
1567863 Firefox startup slow - window loads quickly, but first network call delayed, works normal after that Core Networking acreskey RESO FIXE 2024-05-27
1761528 Reported DNS lookup times can be inaccurate Core Networking: DNS acreskey RESO WORK 2022-04-14
1553867 Time spent in ClonePrincipalForPermission() during pageload Core DOM: Core & HTML amarchesini RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1704812 Broadcast new FontList shm blocks to Content Processes instead of waiting and doing sync IPC Core Layout: Text and Fon jfkthame RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1712780 Page becomes unresponsive while loading an svg with a lot of nodes Core SVG jfkthame RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1152625 Support AES HW acceleration on ARMv8 NSS Libraries m_kato RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1570313 reports download speeds for Geckoview_example and Fenix to be ~40% to 50% of Chrome's - Moto G5 Core Networking: HTTP m_kato RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1626389 Sync IPC message GetShowPasswordSetting() sent during page load, please remove GeckoView General m_kato RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1527828 Remove insecure password field detection code for the address bar Toolkit Password Manager mozilla+bmo RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1176050 Firefox liveload with lots of connections slow when netmonitor is open DevTools Netmonitor nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1458076 Nimbledroid's page load test is 2x slower in GeckoView than WebView GeckoView General nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1458079 Nimbledroid's page load test is 2x slower in GeckoView than WebView GeckoView General nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1467697 Loading page is x2 slower than chrome Core JavaScript: GC nobody RESO INCO 2024-07-09
1488863 Consider to fire timers less often during page load Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1490798 Long Ion compiles during Google Docs loading Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1501305 Facebook Group: Firefox took 2 times user timing than Chrome Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO INCO 2022-03-02
1503919 Long restyle time during page load on raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1523922 LoginManagerContent.jsm shows up in the page load profiles, consider rewriting in C++? Toolkit Password Manager nobody RESO INCO 2022-03-02
1524056 Performance: Atrocious processing performance on! Core Layout nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1524615 Performance on heavy ReactJS site is a lot slower than Chromium Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1529333 Re-evaluate which resources we auto-download on GeckoView first run and when GeckoView General nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1530212 Loading spends multiple seconds in parsing and GC during page load Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WORK 2024-06-04
1553842 the URL classifier should not attempt an update on every Gecko startup - especially on Android Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1570752 Logging code in child process takes significant amount time GeckoView Graveyard Sandboxing nobody RESO INVA 2024-05-18
1574024 ARM64 - 10% page load regression on reddit with Ion enabled Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1597522 Gmail login page loading is slower than Chrome Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO FIXE 2022-07-13
1609936 Requests get redirected in parent intercept mode with a service worker that doesn't listen to fetch events Core DOM: Service Workers nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1613473 Fenix is slower to load then other browsers GeckoView General nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1617300 First http-on-opening-request observer notification takes longer in Fenix than Fennec, spending time in ExtensionProcessScript.jsm and ExtensionChild.jsm GeckoView Extensions nobody RESO INVA 2022-06-02
1637735 [Github] Very slow page loading on reddit (around 4x slower than Chromium) Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WORK 2022-07-15
1643802 raptor-tp6-imgur-firefox load time is slower with Fission than non-Fission (200% on Linux and 20% on Windows) Core DOM: Content Process nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1686592 Responsiveness: On Twitter, switching from Home to Explore takes 2.5x as long as in Chrome Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO WORK 2023-05-25
1689703 Fission visual metrics regression on Mac for Microsoft Core Performance nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1699376 Google sheet loading hangs with half of the screen black Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO WORK 2022-07-12
1734916 Page loads with redirects are blocked on UI transition when hitting enter from search screen in fenix GeckoView General nobody RESO DUPL 2022-07-06
1778214 When downloading a large file, the socket thread has a higher priority than the foreground content process, which becomes CPU starved on low core machines Core Networking nobody RESO WORK 2024-01-04
1596784 Support SetTimeout deferral during load in Fission Core DOM: Content Process rjesup RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1602757 Fission content processes aren't prestarted Core DOM: Navigation rjesup RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1643801 raptor-tp6-fandom-firefox load time on Linux is 5% slower with Fission than non-Fission Core DOM: Content Process rjesup RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1653056 [meta] Fission tp6 page load is slower than non-Fission on some sites Core Performance rjesup RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1475222 minutes-long pageload for page with large list of files, with most time spent in frame construction & RFindLineContaining in particular Core Layout sefeng RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1522288 Should we start image load using microtask and not Gecko's current stable state (== end-of-task)? Core Layout: Images, Vide sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1565701 Firefox making more HTTP requests than Chrome when loading Core Networking sefeng RESO WORK 2024-06-07
1706333 122.22 - 2.73% cnn-ampstories FirstVisualChange / ebay ContentfulSpeedIndex + 22 more (Windows) regression on Fri April 16 2021 Firefox Theme sfoster RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1546752 Stop creating .metadata files Core Storage: Quota Manag shes050117 RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1522316 Network loads seem to be started very late in this profile Core DOM: Service Workers smaug RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1538364 Consider firing the load/loadend/final readyState events for XHR later during page load (after page load event if possible) Core DOM: Networking smaug RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1587058 Remove ChromeUtils.idleDispatch from the critical path for intercepted web requests WebExtensions General tomica RESO FIXE 2024-03-02
1547997 Increase network.http.max-connections on android (currently 20) Core Networking acreskey RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1596935 Firefox doesn’t resolve <link rel=dns-prefetch> on HTTPS Core DOM: Networking acreskey RESO FIXE 2024-07-03
1531455 Limit the number of chrome Custom Elements that get loaded for GeckoView GeckoView General bdahl RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1490792 140ms of FontFace::DoLoad when loading Google Doc Core Layout: Text and Fon cam RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1510226 NS_NewNamedThread blocks the main thread Core XPCOM dothayer RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1554242 Sending a blob to a content process does main thread I/O Core DOM: File dothayer RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1351231 Implement PFetch protocol and backing FetchService to allow Workers to request fetches without involving the main thread of their process Core DOM: Networking echuang RESO FIXE 2023-05-19
1516780 Loading rust iterator docs feels much slower than in Chrome Core CSS Parsing and Comp emilio RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1505258 Loading mobile Instagram site takes 2x longer using GeckoView Core JavaScript Engine jporterbugs RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1557447 Profiler support for IPC information (Gecko side) Core Gecko Profiler jporterbugs RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1409114 Figure out a better way to create display items for column backgrounds Core Layout: Tables matt.woodrow RESO FIXE 2022-10-05
1516552 ETP Strict delays the visibility of all site content because of blocked GA/GTM resources Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki mstange.moz RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1375346 Facebook group page load Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1409047 My old Maze test is now an order of magnitude slower than Chrome and Edge Core Layout: Tables nobody RESO WORK 2023-02-19
1458649 gfxPlatformFontList::InitFontList takes a long time during the content process startup Core Graphics: Text nobody RESO WORK 2023-07-19
1472941 Slow loads and performance at, compared to Chrome Core Layout nobody RESO WORK 2024-04-16
1483280 Preference to lazy load images and frames natively (LazyLoad) Core Layout nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1495734 Long pauses on reloading a page that was using large amounts of memory Core JavaScript: GC nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1503942 Canvas handling shows up while loading Facebook (in raptor) Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1507271 loads very slowly in GeckoView Example GeckoView General nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1509376 Very long reflow (332ms) on pageload of (OSX) Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1511731 Slow loading, janky scrolling and delayed / pixelated painting on Firefox for Android General nobody RESO INCO 2022-03-02
1514011 Investigate script execution order and also possibly yield if there is pending vsync. Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody RESO FIXE 2022-06-09
1522263 - loading the site is slow in Desktop and freezes Fennec Core Web Painting nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1536497 SandboxBrokerClient::DoCall takes lots of time when loading Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1553959 Site with filters ( takes longer to load in Fennec than in Chrome/Safari Core Graphics nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1556022 reports download speeds for Geckoview_example and Fenix to be ~40% to 50% of Chrome's - Moto G5 Core Graphics nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1563208 Going to, page does not load quickly and all other tabs stopped responding Core Layout nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1571238 Slow-ish style time with tons of custom elements and rules. Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody RESO WORK 2024-05-29
1572538 Running ExtensionProcessScript.jsm during page load takes significant amount time WebExtensions General nobody RESO WORK 2022-07-18
1578227 Slow loading with a HTTP/2 proxy Core Networking nobody RESO WORK 2023-03-02
1589788 Page becomes unresponsive on Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1602018 Fission content process startup is slowing down pageload Core DOM: Navigation nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1602818 NavigationStart (and thus 'loadtime') for a page doesn't start until the content process is started in Fission Core DOM: Navigation nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1603404 Performance change between Firefox 70 and Firefox 71 Wikipedia Core Graphics: Text nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1608289 More GC's occurring during parsing in Fenix compared to Fennec 68 Core JavaScript: GC nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1620445 Share omni.ja memory between processes on Android Toolkit Startup and Profile nobody RESO WORK 2022-05-12
1634707 - slow website dialog Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1643800 raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox load time on Linux is noisier and about 0-20% slower with Fission than non-Fission Core DOM: Content Process nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1647153 Slow reloading of Pocket Explore on Moto G (XT1031) Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO DUPL 2023-06-01
1657651 Loading issue when first launching Firefox 79 Core DOM: Service Workers nobody RESO WORK 2024-06-14
1665736 uBlock Origin slows down page loads on Galaxy m21 Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-08-12
1670190 Increased redirectEnd metric in Firefox 80 when connecting to Jira Core Performance nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1694048 Reddit Become Slower Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO DUPL 2023-05-18
1720843 Firefox 90 increased first paint/first visual change for Wikipedia DevTools Netmonitor nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1739417 [Meta] investigate improving page load performance by increasing parallelism Core DOM: Navigation nobody RESO FIXE 2023-01-04
1752764 shows slower than Chrome Core Networking: HTTP nobody RESO WONT 2024-02-23
1356686 OMT brotli decompression Core Networking: HTTP rjesup RESO FIXE 2024-07-07
1468476 F5 causes content re-validation and this is slow Core DOM: Navigation sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-05-30
1454529 tune nglayout.initialpaint.delay setting GeckoView General smaug RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1519567 Ensure imglib notifies layout in a timely manner that an image can be painted Core Graphics: ImageLib smaug RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1231622 Progressive images in CSS resources (as background-image) Core Graphics: ImageLib tnikkel RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1575315 FF appears frozen while examining fonts loading (looking for codepoint U+FFFE) Core Layout: Text and Fon jfkthame RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1524880 is very slow to load on mobile Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO WORK 2024-05-22
1548185 use a smarter heuristic for when to run the next iGC slice Core JavaScript: GC nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1660890 Significant regression in Fenix, Desktop pageload performance Core Performance acreskey RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1697218 Significant cold pageload regression see on Fenix live site tests Core Performance acreskey RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1606652 Off thread parse scripts as soon as they are fetched Core Performance dpalmeiro RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1488871 AsyncScrollPortEvent as an WillPaintObserver causes extra layout flushes during page load Core Layout emilio RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1196094 Use e10s when creating the PGO profile Firefox Build System General gijskruitbosch+bugs RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1517135 BytecodeEmitter::finishTakingSrcNotes is quadratic, and can take multiple seconds on large JavaScript files. Core JavaScript Engine iireland RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1537587 We can spend lots of time resolving fonts for on FireTV/GeckView Core Graphics: Text jfkthame RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1620111 Avoid synchronous ReadFontList IPC message Core Layout: Text and Fon jfkthame RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1838250 High CPU usage and unresponsiveness on page with very long horizontal scroll Core Disability Access AP jfkthame RESO FIXE 2023-07-25
1770606 Browser freezing jank, when viewing website with 95160 elements (chrome does not freeze) Core Disability Access AP jteh RESO FIXE 2023-11-13
1803500 30% regression on AWFY-Speedometer-Inferno around Nov-30 Core Performance nika RESO FIXE 2022-12-14
1520505 Banner ad taking much longer to retrieve/render in Firefox than in Chrome Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1537879 Gecko content processes on Android run at a lower priority level than the parent process GeckoView Graveyard Sandboxing nobody RESO DUPL 2024-05-18
1545034 Significant increase of loading times on CodiMD caused with bug 1504947 Core JavaScript Engine nobody RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1555801 SSL Cert threads and the Socket Thread can fight over find_objects() and the sqlite3PagerSharedLock Core Security: PSM nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1566322 Firefox takes a long time to load pages Core Networking: DNS nobody RESO INCO 2022-03-02
1576202 Page load performance regressions with baseline interpreter enabled on Pixel 2 Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1577631 Slow loading compare to Chrome on Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1602506 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1602508 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1602510 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1602513 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1603853 Ensure parent process triggers speculative connection when possible. GeckoView General nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1604252 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1604253 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1604255 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1604256 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-25
1604257 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1604258 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1604260 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO FIXE 2023-02-22
1604261 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1604262 Visual metrics: Fenix is slower than Fennec for the site Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1610904 Slowdown and performance issues on new design Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1624959 Fenix opens the verge articles 2x as slow as Bromite Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1662252 is much slower (7-10s) to paint in Firefox than Chrome (1-3s) Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody RESO WORK 2022-03-02
1665910 Firefox 80: Loading pages is often extremely slow Core Performance nobody RESO INCO 2022-11-07
1669009 Fenix loads images a second slower than SmartCookieWeb on low end tablet Core Performance nobody RESO WONT 2022-03-02
1678446 Slow page loading/rendering after upgrading to MacOS 11.0.1 Big Sur with blocked Socket thread, and "close" system calls taking one second each Core Networking nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1731536 11.18 - 10.26% instagram fnbpaint / google-slides fcp + 2 more (Windows) regression on Thu September 16 2021 Core Performance nobody RESO INVA 2022-03-02
1738205 Long delay before actual page load Core Networking nobody RESO WORK 2022-08-18
1753312 performance issue with JIRA Service Desk Application v4.13.13 Core Networking nobody RESO INCO 2022-10-06
1759132 youtube title loads after 15sec, slow link highlighting Core Performance nobody RESO DUPL 2022-08-03
1764578 YouTube video pages layout slow load with high monitor refresh rate Core Layout nobody RESO DUPL 2022-08-03
1793132 App links performs packageManager query on main thread on every page load Fenix General nobody RESO WORK 2023-10-31
1795611 Firefox becomes unresponsive for a minute when middle-clicking a link to open it in a new tab. Core DOM: Performance nobody RESO WORK 2022-10-23
1270059 make setTimeout() low priority during page load Core Performance rjesup RESO FIXE 2023-06-30
1522150 Add a DeferredTimers queue that executes before the normal Idle queue Core XPCOM rjesup RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1607590 Test rel=preload impact on mobile page load Core Performance rjesup RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1634437 Call nsLookAndFeel::EnsureInit() before MSG_ConstructBrowser is received for new processes Core Widget: Gtk sefeng RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1832678 Avoid InitCBReflowInput's call to nsIFrame::GetContainingBlock, if our parent frame could not possibly be a containing block Core Layout: Block and In tnikkel RESO FIXE 2023-05-14
1832684 Optimize away `nsIFrame::SchedulePaint` calls in initial reflow of a deeply-fragmented tree Core Layout tnikkel RESO FIXE 2023-05-26
1832685 nsContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList is unnecessarily expensive during pageload, in page with deeply-nested inline tags, with lots of linebreaks Core Layout tnikkel RESO FIXE 2023-05-13
1630737 Main-thread in the parent process blocked while viewing Amazon when using several recommended add-ons from AMO WebExtensions General tomica RESO DUPL 2022-03-02
1525320 Add config prefs that let us tell media and animated images to paint only the first frame Core Performance whawkins RESO FIXE 2022-03-02
1570192 New-tab page has some kinda-slow synchronous flexbox/grid layout Firefox New Tab Page dholbert VERI FIXE 2022-03-02
1520366 LifoAlloc can allocate crazy amounts of memory loading a Facebook page (temporarily) Core JavaScript Engine: J nicolas.b.pierron VERI FIXE 2022-03-02
1834718 Hang (or too slow) in in Galaxy Tab S8+ Core Disability Access AP jteh VERI FIXE 2024-04-01
1730852 Service Worker slows down resource load times (may involve tracking protection) Core Networking manuel VERI FIXE 2022-03-03
1568058 Long delay when using Phaser to load an audio sprite, works fine in Chrome Core Audio/Video: Playbac mfroman VERI FIXE 2022-03-02
1643805 raptor-tp6-netflix-firefox load time is slower with Fission than non-Fission (10% on Linux and 60% on Windows) Core DOM: Content Process rjesup VERI WORK 2022-03-02
1765093 SVG containing large amounts of text freezes the tab Core SVG jfkthame VERI FIXE 2023-02-09
1840762 Opening any PDF (local or from the network) always takes a minimum of 5 seconds Firefox PDF Viewer emilio VERI FIXE 2024-01-20
1787603 Slow loading Wikipedia home page on Linux due to FcConfigCompareValue in Core Layout: Text and Fon jfkthame VERI FIXE 2022-12-01
297 bugs found.