Wed Jul 17 2024 20:49:45 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Keywords: perf:pageload

97 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1870405 Very slow time to first page load when opening Fenix with hundreds of tabs Fenix Performance nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-22
1809608 specific page leads to 100% cpu with webrender software Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-04
1840252 YouTube takes 7 s to shows cookie banner Core Performance nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-09
1842382 Memory leak when SVG sprites are loaded (3300 SVGs) Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody UNCO --- 2023-10-20
1664492 Extremely long DNS resolution times with Fenix Core Networking: DNS nobody NEW --- 2024-07-09
1819286 Firefox slows down abysmally after a week or so, having hundreds of tabs open (thousands of tabs in total) Core Widget: Win32 davidp99 NEW --- 2024-06-13
1809944 Major page initial load slowdowns on multiple devices without addons, except in private browsing Fenix Performance mleclair NEW --- 2024-06-18
1505192 site loads slow compared to Chrome Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1522196 InitOtherFamilyNamesRunnable can slow down first page load and take > 100ms Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1528285 [meta] Allow call of AsyncOpen and OnStart/OnStopRequest off the main thread Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2023-06-30
1543776 [meta] 5+ second delays seen while loading on geckoview_example Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1548539 Stopping blocking bfcache on unconnected peerconnections Core WebRTC nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1583220 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1583222 Visual metrics: Fenix is significantly slower than Chrome for the site Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1598384 13 seconds of jank when loading Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1611279 Identify Mozilla libraries built for Android that could be built with optimizations for speed Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-07-12
1613824 Apple Newsroom page takes a long time to load (30 seconds) Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1614425 Pages load on mobile is several seconds slower than chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1650708 Firefox takes 50% more time than Chrome to load/reload pages on Boardgamegeek Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667246 Fenix loads 2 seconds slower than Chrome GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667250 Fenix loads 4 seconds slower than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1719556 is slow to load in Firefox on Android Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1731514 Extreme memory surge when opening a certain pdf-file Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1778472 Firefox startup extremely slow after reboot (24 seconds wait in Web Extensions process from mozilla::dom::LSObject::EnsureDatabase) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1827906 High memory usage and slow/jerky text size increase animation on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1839322 TransmitPermissionsAndBlobURLsForPrincipalInfo blocks the main thread Core DOM: File nobody NEW --- 2023-06-29
1570090 Investigate fast first paints Core Performance smaug NEW --- 2022-10-11
1722641 Performance regressions from turning on bfcache-in-parent for fission, mostly in warmload Core DOM: Navigation smaug NEW --- 2023-01-09
1348469 Consider using FramePropertyTable less in layout Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1374382 Consider to process DOMLinkAdded event using animation frame callback + setTimeout(, 0) Core Performance Engineer nobody NEW --- 2024-03-27
1468246 High variability in performance testing with large images Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1503119 A lot of time spent in query_selector Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1503371 Large local files with many pictures load extremely slow Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-24
1508765 Firefox is very slow to render poster PDF Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2023-07-24
1509228 Optimizing nsGlobalWindowOuter::NotifyContentBlockingState() seems to have an impact on pageload Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1515414 Defer GCs in background tabs/processes during pageload Core JavaScript: GC nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1554313 Classifier Update should wait for an user-idle period before initiating an update Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1557505 ECPoint_mul/ec_points_mul take a lot of time on Arm32 NSS Libraries nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1570750 gfxFontGroup::FindFontForChar took a lot of time during reflow Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1572540 GV should disable logging by default in opt GV builds GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2022-12-22
1599472 Stream the output of inflate in nsHTTPCompressConv::OnDataAvailable out to another thread to be converted to UTF16 when possible Core DOM: Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1599489 For large json payloads, convert to UTF16 off the main thread Core DOM: Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1599508 Enabling Safebrowsing is introducing significant noise in network throttled pageload tests Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1602025 Browsing from about:blank to a URL runs activity-stream code and does an about:newtab reflow Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1603578 Implement caching of retired web-isolated processes for reuse in the same domain in Fission Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1608826 [meta] Geckoview load initiation performance GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-10-11
1609682 preload required content and parent process scripts at startup of GeckoView GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1641696 Firefox takes 50% more time than Microsoft Edge to display first paint of comments in reddit posts Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2023-03-08
1656386 Slow loading of Medium article on Moto G (XT1031) Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1663768 9to5google article takes 2x as much time to load as Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1667248 Fenix loads 5 seconds slower than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1676889 http requests to localhost ports where nothing is listening take longer to fail than in blink Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1681088 Consider making speculative connections to minimize redirection time Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1712784 Creating GeckoSessions and loading URLs from non-main threads GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2023-01-26
1723891 responsiveness login is bad at login time Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2022-03-08
1733307 - Very slow page load Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-04-07
1734490 Fenix loads fonts later than Chrome on Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-06-26
1745512 Significant performance impact when using Webpagetest and ES Modules Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1761734 Slow drawing of this PDF file Firefox PDF Viewer nobody NEW --- 2022-12-08
1767103 Fenix page load is slower when using enhanced tracking protection Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1811843 content loads extremely slow on in ETP strict Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody NEW --- 2023-08-04
1827132 ~12 seconds loading this HTML page, Chrome is fine Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2023-05-31
1828961 50% slower than Chrome loading this Google Sheet with graphs Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW --- 2023-05-17
1834706 - Homescreen app is laggy when installed to the home screen GeckoView General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1875307 The "View in map" image place holder loads slower compared to Chrome at Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-06-06
1897427 - The game is stuck in a loading state Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1540683 Investigate performance impact of tuning the number of SSL Cert threads on low-end hardware Core Performance sefeng NEW --- 2022-10-11
1504337 Consider if it makes sense to use HTTP1.1 on cellular connections Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1582525 Avoid racing 6 connections for sites known to have been HTTP2 in the past Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1686983 The print preview takes minutes to display for pages that contain images that failed to load Core Print Preview jwatt NEW --- 2024-04-04
613498 Very slow chrome to content DOM access Core XPConnect nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
651049 Write a new off-the-main-thread IO driver for expat Core XML nobody NEW --- 2023-08-22
1027106 Make ImageLib share cached imgRequests for the same SVG document even if the URI has a different ref/hash Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1554395 StartupCache takes a very long time to write out cache after browser startup Core XPCOM nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1650063 Loading is occasionally slow, takes lots of time in query_selector_slow Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-03-02
1659166 Very long reflows on Wikipedia Barack Obama page Core Layout: Columns nobody NEW --- 2023-08-14
1659831 Geektyrant takes 4x as long as Chrome to load Core Layout: Grid nobody NEW --- 2023-07-04
1725781 SAP application very slow since 72.0b1, with deeply nested percent-height tables Core Layout: Tables nobody NEW --- 2024-03-05
1773543 loads more slowly than Chrome Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1779363 Large performance difference when loading a PDF in "performance" vs "energy saving" mode Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-01-17
1801478 Long site hang when searching on Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-12-01
1803464 querySelectorAll is slower in Firefox as compared to Chrome and Safari Core DOM: CSS Object Mode nobody NEW --- 2022-12-01
1810370 Focus gives a "running in the background" notification in Task Switcher and uses lots of CPU in background Focus General nobody NEW --- 2024-03-26
1812394 High parent-process CPU usage, with animated balloons SVG background-image Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1813325 Pdf.js UI is very sluggish with a specific pdf Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2024-05-22
1814028 The slow script warning notification bar appears on Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-03-02
1833208 Consider coalescing nested nsInlineFrame instances, for deeply-nested subtrees of unstyled display:inline elements Core Layout: Block and In nobody NEW --- 2023-05-16
1833212 We can hit many redundant-seeming `nsIFrame::SchedulePaint` calls after painting has been unsuppressed, in resumed initial reflow of a deeply-fragmented tree Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-05-15
1840656 Loading a testcase with 1000 css files is 2x faster on Chrome compared to Nightly Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2023-12-04
1878133 PDF takes excessively long to render with hardware acceleration enabled Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2024-06-19
1884394 Frequent inability to use 'back' Fenix Toolbar nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1899405 systemui spends a bunch of time painting gradients during page load Fenix General nobody NEW --- 2024-07-11
1522282 Delayed image loading on low end ARM devices Core Performance sefeng ASSI --- 2023-02-22
1543783 live site loads 1s slower in Fenix/GVE than Fennec 64 Core Performance sefeng ASSI --- 2024-04-08
1135277 Pathologically slow pdf rendering Firefox PDF Viewer nobody REOP --- 2023-05-29
1518677 Avoid collection during page load Core JavaScript: GC nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1720068 3.95 - 3.85% wikipedia SpeedIndex / wikipedia FirstVisualChange + 1 more (Linux) regression on Fri June 25 2021 Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody REOP --- 2022-03-02
97 bugs found.