Wed Jul 17 2024 23:56:54 PDT
  • Keywords: pi-marionette-runner
  • Resolution: ---

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
960436 add a register_exception_handler function to Testing Marionette Client an nobody NEW --- 2023-02-10
993100 Harness should output *something* if a manifest file isn't going to be run Testing Marionette Client an nobody NEW --- 2023-02-10
1142064 BaseMarionetteArguments.verify_usage() should call all registered verify_usage_handlers first Testing Marionette Client an nobody NEW --- 2023-02-10
1135267 No option to use --symbols-path with ./mach marionette-test Testing Marionette Client an nobody REOP --- 2023-02-10
4 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Testing" product