Wed Jul 17 2024 22:05:47 PDT
  • Keywords: power
  • Resolution: ---

98 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1417669 High CPU load on login page Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1421148 CPU usage on idle YouTube video playback multiplies under High Performance power profile Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1426204 More CPU / Power used on the page with many animated GIFs Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1427113 Very high CPU usage on mouse movement on Windows 10 (perf-html profile included) Core Panning and Zooming nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1420699 Firefox uses a lot of CPU on MacOS Core General nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-02
1647079 mp4 video needs two times CPU load with Firefox than with Edge, why? Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-27
1710472 WebRender Mac: large GPU power use when showing PDF inline Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1404042 [meta] Poor battery life on OSX with scaled resolution Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-07-02
1678083 Investigate Using Low Power Cores for Some Threads on Apple Silicon Core Widget: Cocoa nobody NEW --- 2023-02-07
1698338 Ads on cause a permanent ~50% load of Firefox Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2022-09-15
1709175 Switch from select() to poll for MacOS to reduce CPU usage Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2024-06-14
1724429 Testing the bandwidth of a fast connection takes a lot of CPU in the Socket Thread Core Networking nobody NEW --- 2024-04-28
1749022 mdns_service thread remains active in the parent process Core WebRTC: Networking padenot NEW --- 2022-08-02
1682261 claims up to 20% CPU load as background tab or when Firefox is hidden Core Audio/Video: Playbac alwu NEW --- 2023-01-27
1429728 50%+ CPU usage on with completely covered animated image Core Graphics: Layers aosmond NEW --- 2022-10-11
932602 Investigate using power saving hints in OS X libcubeb backends (TN2321) Core Audio/Video: cubeb nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
987124 High power consumption with WebGL Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody NEW --- 2023-02-04
1195790 [meta] YouTube uses a lot more power in FF than Safari on OS X Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2023-03-05
1197902 Reduce the number of CCTimerFired wakeups Core Cycle Collector nobody NEW --- 2023-01-30
1284368 consider aligning timers for background wndows Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1417221 Prevent background thumbnails from causing high CPU usage Toolkit General nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1420638 mac os default theme vibrancy may increase power usage Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-15
1425916 Very high CPU usage on MacOS (profile included) Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1471029 High cpu/gpu usage and hangs on page- & other pages Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1485100 Consider to lower framerate (vsync rate) when running on battery Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1548683 Preloaded new tab page thinks it's visible and redraws when the window is resized Firefox New Tab Page nobody NEW --- 2024-04-09
1561124 [meta] powerPreference: 'default' heuristics Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1562636 Deprioritize all ad processes Core DOM: Content Process nobody NEW --- 2023-01-23
1574369 Offscreen paints cause composites Core Graphics: Layers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1578122 Pause or throttle compositing in fully occluded or minimized windows Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-15
1578123 Throttle the refresh driver in the parent process for occluded windows to reduce CPU Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2024-04-18
1673636 Slow script dialog is not shown when lots of new Javascript array objects being created Core XPConnect nobody NEW --- 2020-10-29
1683300 [meta] High CPU load (40% - 100%) caused by the top extensions loading animation on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1683630 CPU spikes up to 70% when about:debugging page is open DevTools about:debugging nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1689164 [meta] Pre-allocated content processes are not always idle but consume a bit of CPU Core DOM: Content Process nobody NEW --- 2023-03-13
1690654 Detect no-op renders during frame building and avoid the render, to reduce power usage Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1698644 CSS animation on cause a permanent ~50% load of Firefox Core CSS Transitions and nobody NEW --- 2022-10-14
1700284 CSS pulse animation cause a ~25% CPU load of Firefox Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-01-27
1701437 Firefox uses 600% more CPU load for background-position animation than Safari Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1704745 Inspector Animation panel causes a high CPU load (~100% for for updating animation status DevTools Inspector: Animation nobody NEW --- 2023-03-22
1719200 Playing video with firefox requires 2-3 times more power than playing it with mpv Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2022-02-11
1736916 [Meta] Firefox has bursts of activity every 5 minutes Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-04-03
1742656 The WinWindowOcclusionCalc thread uses a visible amount of CPU time Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1744499 A single frame 'animated' GIF favicon causes 60Hz refresh driver ticks until the tab is closed Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-07
1746156 A muted auto-play video keeps playing in a background tab Core Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2022-01-03
1755864 Process using 100% of the CPU on the main thread recording infinite recursion error stacks Core XPCOM nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1770995 Unnecessary power use to play soundless video below the fold Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2022-09-01
1771078 Hidden CSS animation on AirMozilla ( causes a 50% CPU load on main process Core CSS Transitions and nobody NEW --- 2022-06-05
1857505 Extension icon/badging updates should only run in visible/painting browser windows WebExtensions Frontend nobody NEW --- 2023-10-09
1894253 AWSY doesn't get rid of all mitmdump processes when hitting exceptions and when pressing ctrl-c Testing AWSY nobody NEW --- 2024-05-01
1700287 Listening to audio books on YouTube cause a 10% CPU load of rendering threads Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
475505 gloda should not index when the system is operating on battery power MailNews Core Database nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
484119 performance/data-safety tradeoffs need improvement [battery] MailNews Core Database nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
922874 Analyze power usage impact of most-used add-ons Mozilla Metrics Frontend Reports nobody NEW --- 2021-12-08
958566 gfxFontCache::WordCacheExpirationTimerCallback causes activity during idle Core Graphics: Text nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
971269 [meta] High power consumption when using the HTML5 player on Youtube. Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2023-03-06
972392 Canvas 2D has high power consumption on Linux Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2023-03-06
984961 CSS animation consumes a significant amount of power at Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
993775 High CPU usage on a jsfiddle example Core General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1103207 OMTA animations with lower FPS (steps) should not run the compositor at 60 FPS Core Graphics: Layers nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1112701 CSS animations cause many wakeups in Diablo sub-reddit Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1179535 mouse movement during off-main-thread (OMT) animation causes unnecessary repainting Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1189598 Finished CSS transition still added to pending restyles Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1190719 High power usage on Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2023-02-07
1190722 High power usage on BuzzFeed Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1207014 refresh driver should use longer timers when its observers don't need frequent updates Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1351755 Provide "Slight/Light/Low power/Battery saving/Battery saver" mode option Core Performance nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1689453 Animated arrow on causes 20% extra CPU load in mozilla::wr::RenderThread::HandleFrameOneDoc Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-01-27
1696107 At least 100% higher CPU load when playing VP9 videos on YouTube compared to Safari (10% vs 20%) Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1698365 causes high CPU and power consumption Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-12-21
1708408 Up to 50% CPU load for animated (job is running) SVG on Github Actions page Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1708971 Up to 160% CPU load due to SVG animations on Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2023-01-27
1722583 Scrollbar fade animations run in various hidden places Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-01-31
1729633 Highlights in the scrollbar are incorrectly shown and constantly updated when searching within a large document Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-03
1735408 RetryEnableVsync 100ms timers fire continuously while screens are off (session locked) Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2023-04-03
1748270 Let CompositorVsyncScheduler unobserve vsync faster Core Graphics: Layers nobody NEW --- 2023-12-11
1754796 Scrolling through the all tabs menu uses 100% of a core painting Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-04-04
1766284 browser_click_bookmarks_on_toolbar.js keeps vsync enabled Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1771902 Compositor CSS animations are not paused in fully occluded windows Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-01-29
1777994 Blinking the caret in the Firefox location bar uses a lot more GPU power than in other browsers Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2023-04-17
1794000 Videos in background tabs should stop playing Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2023-02-27
1794011 Could css transitions with a delay add their RefreshObserver at the end of the delay? Core CSS Transitions and nobody NEW --- 2022-10-06
1804893 >120% CPU load on when scrolling through the page Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1821864 Animated (SMIL) SVG favicon causes excessive CPU usage Core SVG nobody NEW --- 2024-02-12
1835735 LayerActivityTracker causes 4 wake-ups after every inactive refresh driver tick Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1873217 Filtering entries in larger live logs in Taskcluster causes >100% CPU load Taskcluster General nobody NEW --- 2024-02-09
1814914 Ensure endless loop in background tabs is canceled Core DOM: Content Process aiunusov ASSI --- 2023-07-17
560067 animated images inside visibility:hidden still eat CPU Core Layout emilio ASSI --- 2024-02-19
784505 Fennec shouldn't use the GPS when the tab or app is in the background Core DOM: Geolocation nobody REOP --- 2022-10-10
1503259 Animated page load throbber causes a permanent ~9% CPU load for Renderer threads of the main process Core Graphics: WebRender nobody REOP --- 2024-04-02
1684482 Mouse events can be delayed by a couple of seconds (scroll, click) Core Graphics: WebRender nobody REOP --- 2024-04-02
1797832 Firefox has ~10x the energy impact on macOS Ventura 13.0 compared to macOS Monterey 12.6.1 Core Widget: Cocoa nobody REOP --- 2022-12-29
693852 High GPU usage with constant status bar animation and direct2d, even when minimized or hidden Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody REOP --- 2022-10-10
968123 Hidden CSS background gif (completely covered by opaque child <img>) activates the refresh driver Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody REOP --- 2024-02-19
1124325 simple colorflashing benchmark causes many wakeups Core Layout nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1260799 Infinite painting on Core Web Painting nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1656844 CSS rotation animation for embedded SVG on uses 50% on main process Core Graphics nobody REOP --- 2022-07-26
1727584 CSS animation causing 60Hz restyles despite the current and next animation steps being identical Core CSS Transitions and nobody REOP --- 2022-03-02
98 bugs found.